O'Reilly Calls Conservatives 'Bigots'


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. On last night's Bill O'Reilly Show, he discussed the call by the 'One Million Moms' group asking citizens to complain to JC Penny for its decision to hire Ellen DeGeneres as their spokesperson.
He went so far as to call such as call based on lifestyle as bigotry, and compared same to 'McCarthyism,' the calls for the removal of communist sympathizers in the United States.

2. "One Million Moms is asking people to call JC Penney to complain.

With this campaign, One Million Moms, which claims to be "the most powerful tool you have to stand against the immorality, violence, vulgarity and profanity the entertainment media is throwing at your children," is going after one of the country's most well-liked television hosts.

The moms want JC Penney "to replace Ellen DeGeneres as their new spokesperson immediately and remain neutral in the culture war."
'One Million Moms' Call On JC Penney To Fire Ellen DeGeneres | Crooks and Liars

3. "Funny that JC Penney thinks hiring an open homosexual spokesperson will help their business when most of their customers are traditional families," the group writes on their website. "DeGeneres is not a true representation of the type of families that shop at their store. The majority of JC Penney shoppers will be offended and choose to no longer shop there."
DeGeneres, of course, famously came out 15 years ago on the cover of an issue of Time magazine and has seen her career soar to greater heights after. She is currently a Covergirl (PG) spokeswoman and has shilled for American Express (AXP) in the past. Curiously, she is also a former JCP sales clerk.

One Million Moms Want JC Penney To Fire Ellen DeGeneres Because She's "Openly Gay" | The Daily Feed | Minyanville.com

4."Importantly, we share the same fundamental values as Ellen," said Michael Francis, president of J.C. Penney Company in a press statement. "At JC Penney, we couldn't think of a better partner to help us put the fun back into the retail experience. Moving forward, we'll be focused on being in sync with the rhythm of our customers' lives and operating in a 'Fair and Square' manner that is rooted in integrity, simplicity and respect. We're thrilled that she's joining our team to help convey the exciting transformation under way."

So....is this bigoted behavior, or is it the legitimate right of the citizen to make his or her views known?
Is JC Penny making a political statement?
How about O'Reilly....his motivation?

What say you?
He didn't. Bernie Goldberg said they were bigots. They aren't bigots. No one wants Ellen DeGeneres to change or stop living her life the way she wants to. The million moms want JCP to stop promoting the gay lifestyle with the money they get from the million moms.

Oddly, those who GOT Carrie Prejean fired were not called a bigots. Gay activists who got Anita Bryant fired years ago weren't called bigots.

JCP just got my last dollar. There are other stores to go to.
Yeah I don't care that JC Penny hires Ellen Degeneres as a spokesperson. Just because she isn't funny doesn't mean people should hate her. But seriously I don's care she's gay. Why do people care so much? At the same time It is very hypocritical of the those on the left who boycott and complain about people they disagree with and then bitch at others that do it.
I don't care that Ellen is gay, I care that she's a gay activist. There are a lot of gays who aren't activists. Look how popular Neil Patrick Harris is. He's gay. No one cares.
I don't care that Ellen is gay, I care that she's a gay activist. There are a lot of gays who aren't activists. Look how popular Neil Patrick Harris is. He's gay. No one cares.

Yeah but I think there is a reason for that ... gays are discriminated against for a lifestyle choice that I believe doesn't affect others. In reality I don't even think it's a choice ... it's who they are. Many people don't understand why people would be this way because the true purpose of life is to procreate but sometimes that just doesn't happen with certain people whether they are born gay or infertile or whatever reasons. So being a gay activist isn't such a bad thing in my eyes until they are seen more equal. Gays are discriminated against much more in this day in age than anybody else.
I don't care that Ellen is gay, I care that she's a gay activist. There are a lot of gays who aren't activists. Look how popular Neil Patrick Harris is. He's gay. No one cares.

Yeah but I think there is a reason for that ... gays are discriminated against for a lifestyle choice that I believe doesn't affect others. In reality I don't even think it's a choice ... it's who they are. Many people don't understand why people would be this way because the true purpose of life is to procreate but sometimes that just doesn't happen with certain people whether they are born gay or infertile or whatever reasons. So being a gay activist isn't such a bad thing in my eyes until they are seen more equal. Gays are discriminated against much more in this day in age than anybody else.

" In reality I don't even think it's a choice ... it's who they are."
But it appears that the folks who oppose the JC Penny endorsement have some evidence on their side....

1. You might find this enlightening:

"In other words, for the minority who may have experimented with gay relationships at some juncture in their lives, well over 80% explicitly renounced homosexual (or even bisexual) self-identification by age of 35. For the clear majority of males (as well as women) who report gay encounters, homosexual activity appears to represent a passing phase, or even a fleeting episode, rather than an unshakable, genetically pre-determined orientation.
Column: Does it matter if only 1.4% of people are gay? - USATODAY.com

a. "This study asks us to consider is whether impressionable young people could be persuaded by seductive others that they are “genetically” homosexual, when in fact they are not–they have simply been sexually aroused by a member of their own sex. The findings of the CDC study seem to indicate that people, especially young people, can be aroused by a member of the same sex without that arousal signalling that they are “genetically” homosexual. Indeed, that so high a percentage of homosexuals have had sex with members of the opposite sex means that such arousal with a person you are not “naturally” attracted to is possible. After all, you can’t have sex without any arousal whatsoever (at least for men)."
American Population: 1.4 Percent Homosexuals, TrySexuals, Who Knows? | DBKP - Death By 1000 Papercuts - DBKP

c. The CDC study can be found here:
He didn't. Bernie Goldberg said they were bigots. They aren't bigots. No one wants Ellen DeGeneres to change or stop living her life the way she wants to. The million moms want JCP to stop promoting the gay lifestyle with the money they get from the million moms.

Oddly, those who GOT Carrie Prejean fired were not called a bigots. Gay activists who got Anita Bryant fired years ago weren't called bigots.

JCP just got my last dollar. There are other stores to go to.

I disagree with both O'Reilly and Goldberg....making one's opinion known is as American as hiring Ellen.
Or declining to hire folks interested in turning America into a totalitarian state.

In the interests of full disclosure, I wrote a letter to Kohl's Department Store, complaining about their selection of Brittany Spears as spokesperson..
...they ignored me.
Unless Ellen will be bending her girlfriend over and tapping her with a strap-on in the commercials, I could care less if she sells shoes and clothes for JCP. I've never paid attention to a single boycott in my life.
Bigot: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance .

I think the million mom's fit the definition of bigot if the sole reason they don't want Ellen to represent JCP is that she's gay.
Your thread title is somewhat disingenuous.

OK...I just re-viewed the show....see 3:30 here...

Bernie Goldberg Fumes To Bill O’Reilly Over ‘Bigotry On The Right’: ‘I’m Sick Of This’ | Mediaite

In the prior segment he used the term 'intolerant'...and in the vid he came close to applying 'bigotry' to conservatives...but didn't exactly say so.

So...you may have a point.

Some conservatives are bigots. Some liberals are bigots. Such is life. But, from what I have seen... and I did go and look when you made the claim... I find he did not say what you claim he did.
1. On last night's Bill O'Reilly Show, he discussed the call by the 'One Million Moms' group asking citizens to complain to JC Penny for its decision to hire Ellen DeGeneres as their spokesperson.
He went so far as to call such as call based on lifestyle as bigotry, and compared same to 'McCarthyism,' the calls for the removal of communist sympathizers in the United States.

2. "One Million Moms is asking people to call JC Penney to complain.

With this campaign, One Million Moms, which claims to be "the most powerful tool you have to stand against the immorality, violence, vulgarity and profanity the entertainment media is throwing at your children," is going after one of the country's most well-liked television hosts.

The moms want JC Penney "to replace Ellen DeGeneres as their new spokesperson immediately and remain neutral in the culture war."
'One Million Moms' Call On JC Penney To Fire Ellen DeGeneres | Crooks and Liars

3. "Funny that JC Penney thinks hiring an open homosexual spokesperson will help their business when most of their customers are traditional families," the group writes on their website. "DeGeneres is not a true representation of the type of families that shop at their store. The majority of JC Penney shoppers will be offended and choose to no longer shop there."
DeGeneres, of course, famously came out 15 years ago on the cover of an issue of Time magazine and has seen her career soar to greater heights after. She is currently a Covergirl (PG) spokeswoman and has shilled for American Express (AXP) in the past. Curiously, she is also a former JCP sales clerk.

One Million Moms Want JC Penney To Fire Ellen DeGeneres Because She's "Openly Gay" | The Daily Feed | Minyanville.com

4."Importantly, we share the same fundamental values as Ellen," said Michael Francis, president of J.C. Penney Company in a press statement. "At JC Penney, we couldn't think of a better partner to help us put the fun back into the retail experience. Moving forward, we'll be focused on being in sync with the rhythm of our customers' lives and operating in a 'Fair and Square' manner that is rooted in integrity, simplicity and respect. We're thrilled that she's joining our team to help convey the exciting transformation under way."

So....is this bigoted behavior, or is it the legitimate right of the citizen to make his or her views known?
Is JC Penny making a political statement?
How about O'Reilly....his motivation?

What say you?

My wife watches Ellen each night and it appears that the audience is nearly all women. I suspect if Ellen cared she could amass many more women in her defense than the (I suspect) fictional million moms organization.

As to the point, everyone has the right to express their opinion without fear of arrest or detention by our government (exceptions being overt threats); opinions expressed are not protected from the court of public opinion, or from the laughter or derision of those who believe what they express is off the wall.

JCP's statement is spot on; O'Reilly is a 'game show host'; his motivation is obvious - self promotion (in my opinion).
You can expand O'Reilly's comment to include all humans but it wouldn't be correct anymore than assuming that O'Reilly meant all conservatives when he criticized the "mil-moms" group. If lefties read more instead of relying on Soros and Huffington to do their thinking they would be a lot better off.
Well O'Reilly may be into self promotion (understatement) but he also has a HUGE audience. JC Penney's should be grateful. If they had picked someone he hates, that company would be hurt badly. That is not an understatement.

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