Oregon's state senate republicans cannot run for reelection.

Oregon high court says GOP lawmakers who staged walkout can’t run for re-election

Oregon is sick of republican obstructionism.

When will the rest of the country wake up?

That shit only works if you are a dem.
...and bonus points if a racist black or transfreak.

what difference biden.jpg
Gotta love how the "party of law and order" calls enforcing the law "fascism".
Laws against free speech and the right to protest against the government are anti First Amendment and pro Fascist

Everything Progressive Hitler did was perfectly legal
Republicans have no interest in sound, responsible governance; indeed, they have contempt for it.
Americans haven’t seen legitimate governance since before the civil war, on either side of the aisle.

Good for these lawmakers for walking out. They’ll deal with the consequences and elect other Republicans in their place.

Oregon high court says GOP lawmakers who staged walkout can’t run for re-election

Oregon is sick of republican obstructionism.

When will the rest of the country wake up?

Republicans have no interest in sound, responsible governance; indeed, they have contempt for it.

For directly doing what the law says it can't do. It is not free speech to refuse to attend to one's duties.

Rebulicans have to understand the law applies to them. They are not Above the law. At any rate, if someone wants to serve as an elected representative, I have a word of advice: Do your friggin job and show up for work.


Just how is the supreme court going to rule on a state voter approved law?


Stryder does not get it. He may never understand.

Measure 113, passed by voters in 2022, amended the state constitution to bar lawmakers from re-election if they have more than 10 unexcused absences.

Good to read those lawmakers found out who was in charge. I have no sympathy for them since the post said they staged their hissy-fit last year after voters had laid down the law.

Oregon's state senate republicans cannot run for reelection.​

but but but….”THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!!!!!”

hahaha….you dumbmotherfuckers can never be taken seriously.
Hilarious, hitler's model was power.

That is why the former 1-term fuckup idolizes him...

and pootin...and kim jung un....or that despot from Turkey...or the Taliban.
In any case it doesn't matter. Oregon was overrun by millions of degenerate Californians years ago. That's why it's so fucked up, the California invaders wrecked the state. Oregon has one major city, once voted most livable city in the US. Today it's a crime infested, illegal infested, drug addict infected Dem shithole. Piles of trash everywhere. Everything covered in graffiti. Rampant theft. Shuttered businesses. Basically a slum.
“The Oregon Supreme Court said Thursday that 10 Republican state senators who staged a record-long walkout last year to stall bills on abortion, transgender health care and gun rights cannot run for re-election.” ibid

And they have only themselves to blame.

Engaging in a childish temper-tantrum because they’re not getting their way is one of countless reasons why Republicans are unfit to govern.

Defying the will of the people with meritless obstructionism is yet another example of the right’s contempt for democracy.

Leftists have been in one long temper tantrum since the sixties.
Democrats invented that tactic fool, running off hiding to prevent a Republican majority from passing legislation. Now that Republicans used the Dem's own tactic against them they pass a law against it, classic. So :fu: all you Dem filth!

Oregon high court says GOP lawmakers who staged walkout can’t run for re-election

Oregon is sick of republican obstructionism.

When will the rest of the country wake up?
That was a determination made as a matter of State Law.

There are other states where it was the obstructionism of Democrap lawmakers staging a walkout to defeat the quorum requirement. Assuming that those states have laws similar to that in Oregon, then the obstructionist Democraps should also be forbidden from running again.


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