Oregon regrets decriminalizing street drugs

People have died doing stoopid things on Chronic
Not the same thing.

People who aren't on anything die doing stupid shit.

No one has ever died from a pot overdose or from withdrawals from pot.

Alcoholics who stop drinking can die from the withdrawals. Alcohol is directly responsible for over 80000 deaths annually and the death toll from alcohol over the span of human history is incalculable not to mention the monetary costs of it.
So there is a problem with full time working person sitting in their backyard after a long long workweek having a relaxing not of pot? Explain why you might be against this.
Because these people are hypocrites as long as they can have their alcohol they want to tell everyone else what to do.
Maybe, but isnt 70 year old alcoholics dying of liver disease enough for you?

You want 18 year old kids dying of fentanyl too?

No it's you who want people to die because you refuse to look at addiction like the medical problem it actually is. You don't treat medical problems by incarcerating people.
No it's you who want people to die because you refuse to look at addiction like the medical problem it actually is. You don't treat medical problems by incarcerating people.
You accept mass addiction because you have a need to get high

Drugs allow users to escape reality
You accept mass addiction because you have a need to get high

Drugs allow users to escape reality

OK quote the post where I ever said I want people addicted to drugs.

We've been though this before so you know the drill

people have been using psychoactive substances as long as there have been people and cannabis has been used far longer than alcohol so stop kidding yourself when you sit down with that beer or cocktail because alcohol is a drug too.
OK quote the post where I ever said I want people addicted to drugs.
I dont expect you to confess and incriminate yourself

Maybe I wasnt clear

You are willing to accept mass addiction since it does to affect you personally
I dont expect you to confess and incriminate yourself

Maybe I wasnt clear

You are willing to accept mass addiction since it does to affect you personally
Where did I say I was willing to accept mass addiction

Quote the [post or stop being a lying sack of shit

And how does your tiny mind come to that conclusion where I am advocating for there to be medical and rehab services availiable for people when your soolution is throw them in jail or let them die in the streets?
Where did I say I was willing to accept mass addiction
You didnt say it

I said it for you

As the country moves closer to your ideal of accepting drug use we have more addicts rather than less
You refuse to outlaw harmful drugs

And what does that have to do with treating addiction?


You want to outlaw drugs which has not done a fucking thing to reduce drug use drug addiction or overdose deaths. YOU want the cycle to continue. YOU want people to keep dying while you sit at home with your drug of choice even though that drug has caused far more death and destruction than any other.

So you are not only insane thinking that the same old shit that hasn't worked will somehow magically start working you're also a fucking hypocrite.
And what does that have to do with treating addiction?


You want to outlaw drugs which has not done a fucking thing to reduce drug use drug addiction or overdose deaths. YOU want the cycle to continue. YOU want people to keep dying while you sit at home with your drug of choice even though that drug has caused far more death and destruction than any other.

So you are not only insane thinking that the same old shit that hasn't worked will somehow magically start working you're also a fucking hypocrite.
We have to fight drug abuse at the ground level by punishing users whenever they are caught

We normally don't imprison bad drivers for speeding or most infractions short of drunk driving

But we do make them pay, which is the only “treatment” most drivers respect

The same should go for drug users too
We have to fight drug abuse at the ground level by punishing users whenever they are caught

We normally don't imprison bad drivers for speeding or most infractions short of drunk driving

But we do make them pay, which is the only “treatment” most drivers respect

The same should go for drug users too

Addiction and speeding are not analogous at all.

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