Oregon regrets decriminalizing street drugs

I don’t know why people think they what works in tiny countries like Portugal will automatically work in a country the size of the United States.
We have these things called states where we can put ideas like that in use at a local level.
Why would you think it has to excuse anything?

But hey it's just better if people OD in the streets right that's good in your book
Yes. Just permit them to OD in the streets. In fact, let the corpses rot. Put photographs of maggots on dead bodies in schools. "Your body on drugs". Or, just be like Oregon. Legalize drugs then say " oh shit. That didn't work."
You have no clue

Libs are the ones who do not value children’s lives

You protect mayors and judges with fences, metal detectors and cops with guns but not kids in school
Isn't there an insurrection meeting you could be attending?
No in my world i realize that people can make mistakes and stupid platitudes like just say no don't work
Its the only thing that does work

People who obey the law and dont become junkies in the first place are the glue holds America together

Tent cities and poop on the sidewalks, free needles and methadone are just bandaids over a deep wound that never goes away
Yeah no such thing as a republican alcoholic or addict

How are you still alive being so fucking naïve?
Of course republicans partake in stupid personal behavior

Where have you been?

But thats no reason to allow the sickness of drug abuse to fester and grow
Some people learn to control their addictions. Most don't want to. Addicts and users view any attempt to end drug use as a personal punishment. It is an infringement on their constitutional rights. No amount of treatment as a medical issue is going to change the Addict's mind that they are freedom fighters. Each use is coming straight from their inner William Wallace.
I've know a few addicts & not one of them has ever referred to themselves as "freedom fighters". They were however all in denial on what their addiction was doing to them & the people around them.

And that included addicts hooked on prescription opiods thanks to the greedy fucks who run Big Pharma & the doctors who made a living turning people into addicts by prescribing legalized opiods by the boatload.
I've know a few addicts & not one of them has ever referred to themselves as "freedom fighters". They were however all in denial on what their addiction was doing to them & the people around them.

And that included addicts hooked on prescription opiods thanks to the greedy fucks who run Big Pharma & the doctors who made a living turning people into addicts by prescribing legalized opiods by the boatload.
Doctors who prescribe boatloads of opiods aren't solely to blame. There is a malpractice cause of action against doctors who refuse to adequately treat pain. Although, when I had surgery on my foot, I was unable to get anything for pain. My doctor told me to take a Benedryl. I was in serious agony. Nope. White knuckle it through. So I did. It left me with little sympathy for addicts and their hangnails.

If you want a druggie who thinks he's a freedom fighter, try Moonglow.
Doctors who prescribe boatloads of opiods aren't solely to blame. There is a malpractice cause of action against doctors who refuse to adequately treat pain. Although, when I had surgery on my foot, I was unable to get anything for pain. My doctor told me to take a Benedryl. I was in serious agony. Nope. White knuckle it through. So I did. It left me with little sympathy for addicts and their hangnails.

If you want a druggie who thinks he's a freedom fighter, try Moonglow.
About 20 years ago I had a herniated disk in my lower back. Ever been there? It's brutal. The Dr wrote me a script for muscle relaxers & I took them for about a week before they went in the trash. He gave me another painkiller which was useless, I don't remember what it was, in the trash that went. I was in constant pain for 6 months but got thru it by downing 2000 mgs of Tylenol a day. I'm lucky I still have a liver but the disc healed on it's own along with some physical therapy.

That Doctor did me a favor.
About 20 years ago I had a herniated disk in my lower back. Ever been there? It's brutal. The Dr wrote me a script for muscle relaxers & I took them for about a week before they went in the trash. He gave me another painkiller which was useless, I don't remember what it was, in the trash that went. I was in constant pain for 6 months but got thru it by downing 2000 mgs of Tylenol a day. I'm lucky I still have a liver but the disc healed on it's own along with some physical therapy.

That Doctor did me a favor.
I didn't even bother with Tylenol. I just gritted my teeth and counted the minutes. It was some really serious pain. I had to drive with that pain. To add insult to injury, when I asked the state for a temporary parking sticker, they turned me down.
Its the only thing that does work

People who obey the law and dont become junkies in the first place are the glue holds America together

Tent cities and poop on the sidewalks, free needles and methadone are just bandaids over a deep wound that never goes away
If it worked then we wouldn't be having this conversation
Not on the massive scale that we have now thanks to lib pop culture


The number of people who abuse drugs is still only a small percentage of the population.

And that number has actually remained quite stable even with colossal waste of money that was the "war on drugs".

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