Zone1 Ordered to Remove "Jesus Saves" T-shirt at Mall

Why would security demand someone remove their T-shirt because someone is offended. Clue...The Mall of America near Minneapolis. Get it?
Basically a nothing-burger--the man was allowed to stay and he was allowed to wear the shirt~
Your back-handed anti-Moslem insinuation..if you have the courage to acknowlege noted..and spit on.
From the OP link:

Despite the incident, a mall spokesman told the Daily Mail that the man was eventually not required to obey the security guardā€™s order.

ā€œAfter a brief interaction, the guest was not required to change his shirt and was allowed to remain at the Mall,ā€ the representative told the Daily Mail.
Basically a nothing-burger--the man was allowed to stay and he was allowed to wear the shirt~
Your back-handed anti-Moslem insinuation..if you have the courage to acknowlege noted..and spit on.
From the OP link:

Despite the incident, a mall spokesman told the Daily Mail that the man was eventually not required to obey the security guardā€™s order.
ā€œAfter a brief interaction, the guest was not required to change his shirt and was allowed to remain at the Mall,ā€ the representative told the Daily Mail.
Why would I deny that Muslims are most likely the cause of trying to deny a citizen their rights? I'm not afraid of Muslim trash. The area is infested with the sick vermin. It's not a nothing burger. The fact it even happened is disgusting in the land of the free. People like you are the problem in this country.
This is what Muslims do. They're quiet as they move into an area, then as their population increases so does the oppression.
Why would security demand someone remove their T-shirt because someone is offended. Clue...The Mall of America near Minneapolis. Get it?
This is an example of LaĆÆcitĆ©, which I think will be the future.

I think it might be a decent way for us to deal with other things like the Confederate and Swastika flags.

The multi-religious and politically minded public space has no need of such irritants.

Those who promote the notion that Jesus saves have never looked at that issue from a moral perspective.

Jesus clearly states in scriptures that we are toi save ourselves.

Moral people step up to their earned punishments.

Christians send a stand in.

Whose got the better morals?

This is an example of LaĆÆcitĆ©, which I think will be the future.

I think it might be a decent way for us to deal with other things like the Confederate and Swastika flags.

The multi-religious and politically minded public space has no need of such irritants.

Those who promote the notion that Jesus saves have never looked at that issue from a moral perspective.

Jesus clearly states in scriptures that we are toi save ourselves.

Moral people step up to their earned punishments.

Christians send a stand in.

Whose got the better morals?

The issue is liberty, not religion.
People have every right to be offended. They do not have the right to insist you change your behavior because they are offended. They have the right remove themselves from the offending area. The cop should be fired, and I'd sue the mall to bring attention to the issue...
Religions break the rule you are advocating by chasing LGBTQ+ out of many churches.

Should we be offended that you are no showing the hypocrisy in religions?

Only those like you who adore a genocidal and evil God will call evil good.

I am always around to show your lies.

The issue is being needlessly offended in the public place.

In this issue., --- Fuck all who say I need their brand of Jesus to be saved.

They are demonstrably fucking liars.

Would you tell security that you want the offensive T-shirt removed from the person?
The security guard was forced to make the right call. When the security guardā€™s boss is a Muslim, then they're gonna have real problems.

Minnesota is going to look interesting when the red majority decides to secede along with North and South Dakota. They're all pretty pissed at what has been done to their state.


Minnesota is going to look interesting when the red majority decides to secede along with North and South Dakota. They're all pretty pissed at what has been done to their state.

That's the democrat plan. Flood cities with trash that'll vote democrat and carry the state. You can see it happening more and more.

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