Open letter to Romney from Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs..

Non union of course.

Those union people make way too much.

If I didnt think you were being sarcastic I'd pos rep you. Yes, union people make too much. How do you know? Because if they were paid fairly they wouldn't need a union.

Wow....I don't think you realize what you really said there.

Actually you don't realize what I said there.
No surprise. You are among the least intelligent posters on here, mis-reading even simple posts almost all the time.
The First Four Years Are The Hardest… « mikeroweWORKS

He is right.. to many people going to college and we will not have any skilled workers ..

Why don't you become a skilled worker? Oh right, you'd rather mooch off the government.

Sounds like the guy in your op is trying to get some free advertising for his show.
I dont mooch off the government. My husband has retirement that HE EARNED for serving our country for 25 years . Putting his life on the line so you can post stupid shit on the internet about me.. Also , now that he retired from the navy he works for a fortune 100 company which we can easily live off with that alone. Plus now I work. So eat shit bitch
We need more people going into Trade jobs.

You are 100% correct about this. There are many kids in high school who have not clue what they want to do, and they are not the best students, but they are not dumb. They just aren't real big on hitting the books as they are more hands on types. We have always had people who did well working with their hands. Now we try to send them to college and they either never finish or end up with a degree in political science. And yes I'm making fun of people with political science degrees because they are worthless and can only be used as a stepping stone to an advanced degree. On their own, they are a waste of time. Of course there are many other degrees that are pretty much useless.

Here's something to think about though; kids who wanted to start working and didn't want to go to college would go to the local union to become an apprentice and then move full-time into the union after being trained. We have done everything possible to destroy the unions or to at least destroy the image of the union. We need these unions to attract young people and train them and get them ready to replace those who are retiring. These are good jobs, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, etc...

Union/Non Union; it doesn't matter here.

We need to get more people trained in the trades, we need to lower the barriers to entry to that training and we need to do it...yesterday.
We currently have in excess of 3 million high tech jobs waiting to be filled in the US. Since we have become so anti-education, there is no one with the training and education to be qualified for these jobs.

Mittens has said he will fill them from China. Obama has said we need better educated teachers and better education in order to compete with other countries.

In China and India (possibly other places as well), the state supports education. From very early on, they teach their children to speak other languages, including English. We are dead set teaching our children to speak other languages so college grads are not qualified for jobs where other languages are used. We want it that way. Just as the R.

The GObP/pub/pot race to the bottom continues.

You might not believe it, but most high tech jobs don't require a college degree. This can be easily demonstrated by the fact that Gates, Jobs, Zuckenberg, and quite a few other people who are giants in the tech industry never graduated from college.

Holding those people up as examples of making it without college these days is like holding up professional athletics to kids as a viable career opportunity...very very few make it that way.

More make it than you think, even if most of them don't make it as far as Jobs.
We need more people going into Trade jobs.

You are 100% correct about this. There are many kids in high school who have not clue what they want to do, and they are not the best students, but they are not dumb. They just aren't real big on hitting the books as they are more hands on types. We have always had people who did well working with their hands. Now we try to send them to college and they either never finish or end up with a degree in political science. And yes I'm making fun of people with political science degrees because they are worthless and can only be used as a stepping stone to an advanced degree. On their own, they are a waste of time. Of course there are many other degrees that are pretty much useless.

Here's something to think about though; kids who wanted to start working and didn't want to go to college would go to the local union to become an apprentice and then move full-time into the union after being trained. We have done everything possible to destroy the unions or to at least destroy the image of the union. We need these unions to attract young people and train them and get them ready to replace those who are retiring. These are good jobs, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, etc...

Union/Non Union; it doesn't matter here.

We need to get more people trained in the trades, we need to lower the barriers to entry to that training and we need to do it...yesterday.

Uhm, what barriers are there to entering trade school?
You are 100% correct about this. There are many kids in high school who have not clue what they want to do, and they are not the best students, but they are not dumb. They just aren't real big on hitting the books as they are more hands on types. We have always had people who did well working with their hands. Now we try to send them to college and they either never finish or end up with a degree in political science. And yes I'm making fun of people with political science degrees because they are worthless and can only be used as a stepping stone to an advanced degree. On their own, they are a waste of time. Of course there are many other degrees that are pretty much useless.

Here's something to think about though; kids who wanted to start working and didn't want to go to college would go to the local union to become an apprentice and then move full-time into the union after being trained. We have done everything possible to destroy the unions or to at least destroy the image of the union. We need these unions to attract young people and train them and get them ready to replace those who are retiring. These are good jobs, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, etc...

Union/Non Union; it doesn't matter here.

We need to get more people trained in the trades, we need to lower the barriers to entry to that training and we need to do it...yesterday.

Uhm, what barriers are there to entering trade school?
first off, you gotta find one. Sometimes no so easy. Second, you gotta pay for it. Third is the psychological barrier. Schools just dont push people into vo-tech like they used to. They'd rather push people to attend Big State University and major in beer and girls for 4 years than send them to learn what a lathe does.
You are 100% correct about this. There are many kids in high school who have not clue what they want to do, and they are not the best students, but they are not dumb. They just aren't real big on hitting the books as they are more hands on types. We have always had people who did well working with their hands. Now we try to send them to college and they either never finish or end up with a degree in political science. And yes I'm making fun of people with political science degrees because they are worthless and can only be used as a stepping stone to an advanced degree. On their own, they are a waste of time. Of course there are many other degrees that are pretty much useless.

Here's something to think about though; kids who wanted to start working and didn't want to go to college would go to the local union to become an apprentice and then move full-time into the union after being trained. We have done everything possible to destroy the unions or to at least destroy the image of the union. We need these unions to attract young people and train them and get them ready to replace those who are retiring. These are good jobs, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, etc...

Union/Non Union; it doesn't matter here.

We need to get more people trained in the trades, we need to lower the barriers to entry to that training and we need to do it...yesterday.

Uhm, what barriers are there to entering trade school?

The costs can be prohibitive for a lot of persons. Federal Student aid as it's currently constructed is set up for (if I recall) traditional university/college settings. Guys who may be only able to attend a few classes a semester may not qualify. Especially if that person is recently unemployed.

Secondarily, I would like to see persons who are qualified as preceptors be eligible for some funding to give others on the job training; sort of a "big brothers and big sisters" for the workplace.
Union/Non Union; it doesn't matter here.

We need to get more people trained in the trades, we need to lower the barriers to entry to that training and we need to do it...yesterday.

Uhm, what barriers are there to entering trade school?
first off, you gotta find one. Sometimes no so easy. Second, you gotta pay for it. Third is the psychological barrier. Schools just dont push people into vo-tech like they used to. They'd rather push people to attend Big State University and major in beer and girls for 4 years than send them to learn what a lathe does.

Good comment.

I'll add to it a bit; I think that the trades are great--as I said. But not just the conventional trades. I know that we have trouble keeping people that do allied health occupations. Right now we have X-Ray technician jobs that are vacant; pharmacy technology jobs that are often vacant; some nursing positions that we can't fill. I would imagine that the same is true in other healthcare settings. I know our county can't keep autopsy attendants or animal control technicians.

The grunt work that makes our hospital system and our society move are all under pressure from not having enough people qualified to do them. It's nice to have admin assistants and sales people but at the end of the day, we need people to take the X-rays, catch the errant dogs, repair the automobiles, trains, plumbing etc...
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TRENDING: Romney gets down and ‘Dirty’ in Ohio – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Romney and Rowe sat onstage alongside a half dozen Ohio business owners and leaders in Bedford Heights talking jobs and manufacturing.

"He's non partisan, he's not here to endorse me, he's not here to add support to one campaign or another," Romney said of his guest. "He's here to talk about his ideas about how to help America create more jobs."

In the face of unemployment, Rowe said, "we can't just talk about opportunity and we can't just talk about training."

"The conversation needs to start in the kitchen, around the table with moms and dads and kids, and when these kids start to think about what's possible, mothers and fathers can't immediately push options off of the table because they've bought into the idea that some jobs are better than other jobs," he said. "This gets right to a really, really, really, really big point that the things we used to consider to be inspirational - jobs that we used to consider aspirational, education that we used to consider aspirational - we now look at as alternative. I don't even know what alternative education means, alternative to what?"

Romney took questions and feedback from the business leaders joining him onstage and the audience.

He promised he would take a hard line against China over its currency manipulation. He said his response to the United States' losing its share of manufacturing jobs to other countries would be to adopt policies favorable to both manufacturing and as well as engineering and development.

"Some people say, that's fine, we'll just do the engineering and the high end things," Romney said. "But let me tell you, ultimately the engineering and high end things go where the manufacturing is because ideas and engineering are associated with manufacturing. We have to have manufacturing here and my policy will be to bring it back."
In our society a young person would have to be crazy to want to become a skilled laborer.

Management hates labor and will do whatever they can to pay labor as little as possible and get rid of them entirely, if possible.

The way business works is that any business must sell a product or service to it's customers. Producing this product or service costs the is considered an 'EXPENSE' by business people. They do not like expenses.

Business people love the sales and marketing people because they appear to be the ones that bring in the money. They love the accountants and financial people. They love the managers who portray productivity as it were a result of there own personal efforts alone.

But they HATE labor.

So if you want a job where you are essentially hated by your employer, then get a skill and good luck to ya.

Yes, we have to many college grads, who mostly produce nothing of value, but they've been good little boys & girls and they've gone into debt paying for their degrees. So the 'system' must pay them back with high paying jobs OR ELSE nobody would go to college and we would have a chain reaction collapse of society as we know it.

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