Open Letter to Newt Gingrich

Just sayin, the TP is dead.
Not even close suds. DESPITE what the drive by media would have you believe, republican voter registration has gone up just about the same amount it did before the 2010 mid terms. And we all know how that turned out. It was a HISTORIC blood bath for democrats. The largest turnover of office from one party to another at the local, state and federal level in the history of this country. Heck, a little town near me got it's first republican sheriff since 1920! ;~)

One thing that HAS changed is that democrat registration has dropped almost proportionally to a corresponding increase in independent registration.

I wouldn't worry about the movement. TEA Party people are NOT necessarily party affiliated, but they are REALIST. Ron Paul can not win the presidential election. Newt CAN...and he'd be a DAMN sight better than Romney or Obama.

I mean, Donald Trump donated money to Obama and endorsed Romney. THAT ought to tell ya something!

What we have to do is elect constitutional conservatives to office in our local and state governments AND CONGRESS!

Then it won't matter WHO the president is!

With all due respect, how on earth can you claim Newt can win but Ron Paul cant when polls are showing the exact opposite? I'm no Ron Paul supporter as anyone here can attest to, but There is absolutely zero evidence that Newt has a better shot than Ron Paul going head to head against Obama.

If we could create a candidate with Ron Paul's domestic policy and Newt's Foreign policy, without all the character issues, we would have a truly strong candidate. but this person is fictious.
With all due respect, how on earth can you claim Newt can win but Ron Paul cant when polls are showing the exact opposite? I'm no Ron Paul supporter as anyone here can attest to, but There is absolutely zero evidence that Newt has a better shot than Ron Paul going head to head against Obama.

If we could create a candidate with Ron Paul's domestic policy and Newt's Foreign policy, without all the character issues, we would have a truly strong candidate. but this person is fictious.
First things first...and this is for EVERYONE who pays attention to all the hype around polling....I have a saying. If you live by end up naked, with dollar bills hangin' out your butt crack! ;~)

Seriously, STOP with the polls. MOST...nearly ALL are conducted by people with an agenda. They are paid for by someone. And someone ALWAYS has an agenda!

As to your question Avatar, cause Ron is not the most physically appealing candidate because of his age and he's a CRAP speaker. ;~)

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE Ron Paul. Other you point out...his foreign policy and a couple other small points, I agree with most everything he stands for. And trust me, I know what that is. I almost voted for him when he ran for president as a libertarian back in '88.

The man is a patriot...plain and simple. His message has barely changed in all that time. Whoever the eventual republican president is, there should be a seat in their cabinet for Ron.

But he just SCARES THE HELL out of independents and moderate republicans....RINOs with his foreign policy and he's too easily sidetrack when the fed is mentioned. Plus, he gets flustered when he's attacked, which usually ends up making him look confused. a GREAT debater. And if you review his voting record while in Congress...he IS a conservative. Especially on social issues. And his voting record is easy to find. Someone posted a link to it the other day.

When Obama has to face a good debater armed with facts and the democrats only attack will be a personal one...THAT is an fight I'll take.

Personal attacks don't work in the general election. They do in primaries, but not in the general.

In primaries, like this one, when you see that polling data about Newt's negatives being high and Ron and Ricks being low...well of course they are. He is being attacked by everyone...including the guy with the most money. Nobody is going after Rick or Ron cause they aren't a threat and they draw votes away from Newt.

In the general, it's all about voter enthusiasm to get voters to the polls. Watching Newt kick Obama's ASS in the debates will do that. Watching Ron stammer through the debates won't.

All that said...ANY of them is better than Obama and I'll even take Romney if that all we can get. ;~)
Dear Newt,

please: off with the gloves, and finally go negative.

i know this is against your very sweet nature, but sometimes
you have to destroy something to save it.

Your admirer from overseas
Maybe not. Because we all know how every transaction is going to turn out when it starts, right?

I wish.

It's pretty obvious how a transaction will turn out if you are dishonest and dont keep your commitments.

You mean like Romney did with the folks who worked for the companies he bought.

I guess I worry more about thousands of working guys who lost their jobs than some woman who walked away from a marriage with a nice alimony check. But, hey, that's just me.
I don't think it's that they "detest" Newt. I think it is tha they fear the rabble taking over the GOP.

The TEA Party pulled the GOP out of the ditch the establishment drove it into in 2006 and 2008. But they don't much like where the TEA party wants to go. They'd rather drive it into another ditch than see these guys prevail.

Which, of course, is why more tea party members have been supporting Romney than Newt...

The idea that Newt isn't the establishment is a joke. The man was the freaking leader of the establishment. He's the ultimate Washington insider. He opposed Tea Party candidates for RINOs within the last two years.

I have seen absolutely no reason why any Tea Party member should support Newt other than the fact that he isn't Romney.

That's exactly the point. He isn't Romney. He's not a guy who is going to get in there, cuddle up with teh Democrats, let's all be friends again and make government bigger.

That should be enough. He's not just waiting to "pivot" the minute he has the nomination sewed up.
Oh, and Joe. Even if Romney is elected president, the House and Senate are both going to get a LOT more conservative after these elections. So he ain't going to get much help with progressive policies. I wouldn't worry too much about that part of it.

Actually, I think the GOP is going to lose ground in the House. Already the Establishment is finding losers to challenge the Tea Partiers in the primaries, and these will be the guys who don't get the

My congressman, Joe Walsh, is already being thrown under the bus by the establishment. They've effectively conceded the district to the Democrats.

The Senate is a different story. The Democrats are defending all those seats they picked up in 2006. The GOP has a very good chance of picking up the Senate.

Besides that, Ron Paul is already planing on showing up at the convention with his delegates in tow. He plans on forcing concessions on WHO EVER the eventual nominee is. Ron has a plan. He did all along. It's why he announced a long time ago that he was not going to seek re election to the House or run for president again. Heck, he just got appointed Chair to the committee with oversight to the Federal Reserve. We all know how he feels about them. He would HAVE to have a bigger plan to get him to give that up.

I agree with Charles Krauthammer on this one. I think he intends to try to reinforce the constitutional conservative movement with his libertarian followers and start a new movement to leave as his legacy. And since constitutional conservatives and libertarians share about 99.9% of the same makes sense. But we will see.

I'm not sure he'll have enough delegates to get it done. It will be an interesting sideshow to the convention though. ;~)

He's only won a handful of delegates so far. Now, the caucuses might be a place where he can pick more up, becuase fewer people participate.

I really do think 2012 will be a debacle for the GOP, because the media is ready to carpet bomb Romney the minute he gets the nomination.
One of Newt's wives said he told her that what he does in private and what he says in public don't have to be the same thing, and I believe that 100%. For evidence, see my signature.

The man is a despicable hypocrite, on both the private and public levels.

The language people use here just amazes me. A man who has long been considered a leading conservative has had his reputation destroyed by millions of dollars in slanderous advertisements and you believe every word of it? Why, because you hear it so much?

If Gingrich is a despicable hypocrit then what does that say about the GOP that has had him lead them in the House?

Your comments are complete bullshit and you should know it. You are just jumping on the bandwagon built by a gazzionare to destroy his most determined opponent and that gives you no pause for thought?

And the OP plan will not work because Santorum is done.

Newt's done, too. He just doesn't know it yet.

In your opinion. The math says you lie.
While the cards do appear stacked in Romney's favor, let's remember that we haven't even had elections in 46 States yet. I'm still holding out for Newt.

No, I really do think that the GOP has signed on to the Suicide Pact with Mittens.

It seems more so every day.

Roney is the only chance Obama has of getting re-elected as Romney is the only one that has done as govenor almost every damn thing that Obama has done as President.
While the cards do appear stacked in Romney's favor, let's remember that we haven't even had elections in 46 States yet. I'm still holding out for Newt.

The GOP Establishment has lined up behind Romney. Not because they like him but because they detest Newt.

Wow, you are such a genius.

Who did the establishment support back when Bachman led the polls?

Or Cain?

Or Perry?

Dude, the establishment has ALWAYS backed Romney for this election.

Your comprehension of the basic data regarding this election is .... somewhat lacking.
While the cards do appear stacked in Romney's favor, let's remember that we haven't even had elections in 46 States yet. I'm still holding out for Newt.


1999 Forced to resign for ethics violations
2012 Election Fraud in Virginia (staffer stuffed 1500 votes to get Newt on the ballot)

I should stop helping you guys vet your bad candidates.

Can you say unelectable?

I thought Palin was the lowest you guys could go but I guess not.

That the opposition prefers Romney should tell the GOP something, but I guess not.
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The problem, as I see it, is that Newt cannot beat Obama.

So, if the GOP wants to lose - again.... yea, go for it.

Oh and... announcing your 'ignore list' in your sig makes you look really fucking stupid.

"Newt cannot beat Obama".-That’s a fact now and conformation at convention. Unless Romney / Newt ticket? Gee need to think on that option.

As for Sig:________________
The Bill of Rights is a literal and absolute document.--- Delusional!
The First Amendment doesn't say you have a right to speak out unless the government has a 'compelling interest' in censoring the Internet.--- Delusional! But, they will track you anyway.
The Second Amendment doesn't say you have the right to keep and bear arms until some madman plants a bomb.
-- Delusional! And the guns I want you/I can’t get anyhow.
The Fourth Amendment doesn't say you have the right to be secure from search and seizure unless some FBI agent thinks you fit the profile of a terrorist. Hmm.. I like the Israel’s way of doing this on a Terrorist levels ONLY. So I’m a waffy!
The government has no right to interfere with any of these freedoms under any circumstances. - Harry Browne
--You have so many limitations on the above I will stop here. Too much typing.

You’re not going to repeal Obamacare… It’s not a total repeal… ... You can’t whole-cloth throw it out. -- Norm Coleman, advisor to Mitt Romney

STOP ROMNEY FIRST - vote for his leading opponent in your local state primary. Stop letting the RINOs play us for fools.

Ignore list: expat_panama, GoneBezerk ,CausingPAIN, :banana:PS added CausingPAIN to expedite the process!

lol, the Bill of Rights is not a literal and absolute document? Delusional?


You really are a stupid twat.

Hey Romney fans, take a look at who you share company with! lol that should tell you something, but Mr Magic Pants has you undr a spell and you cant shake it enough to think any more. So sad.
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Newt supported near every policy Obama has done.

That is a ludicrous lie. If he did, he would not have received any support for a run for the Presidency in the GOP.

Newt changed his positions just months before he ran for President.

Another lie.

Newt never even balanced the budget, he put the country in more debt while he raided SS to buy down the yearly deficit was all...

He and Clinton came closer to it than anyone else has done for generations.

And SS has been getting 'raided' from the time it started, but you will blame Newt anyway? lol, stop the hating!

Newt will never be President.

You wish.
The GOP Establishment has lined up behind Romney. Not because they like him but because they detest Newt.

Gingrich is going to find the well is dry.

I don't think it's that they "detest" Newt. I think it is tha they fear the rabble taking over the GOP.

The TEA Party pulled the GOP out of the ditch the establishment drove it into in 2006 and 2008. But they don't much like where the TEA party wants to go. They'd rather drive it into another ditch than see these guys prevail.

The "Tea Party" left their roots (Ron Paul) to back one of the biggest Progressives the Republicans have ever had (Newt) during the primaries so far.

Just sayin, the TP is dead.

The Tea Party is not yet dead, but RINOs like you are putting it in the grave for sure.

But then again, if so many TPM people werent so stupid as to support Romney then this wouldnt be a problem.
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Oh, and Joe. Even if Romney is elected president, the House and Senate are both going to get a LOT more conservative after these elections. So he ain't going to get much help with progressive policies. I wouldn't worry too much about that part of it.

Actually, I think the GOP is going to lose ground in the House. Already the Establishment is finding losers to challenge the Tea Partiers in the primaries, and these will be the guys who don't get the

My congressman, Joe Walsh, is already being thrown under the bus by the establishment. They've effectively conceded the district to the Democrats.

The Senate is a different story. The Democrats are defending all those seats they picked up in 2006. The GOP has a very good chance of picking up the Senate.

Besides that, Ron Paul is already planing on showing up at the convention with his delegates in tow. He plans on forcing concessions on WHO EVER the eventual nominee is. Ron has a plan. He did all along. It's why he announced a long time ago that he was not going to seek re election to the House or run for president again. Heck, he just got appointed Chair to the committee with oversight to the Federal Reserve. We all know how he feels about them. He would HAVE to have a bigger plan to get him to give that up.

I agree with Charles Krauthammer on this one. I think he intends to try to reinforce the constitutional conservative movement with his libertarian followers and start a new movement to leave as his legacy. And since constitutional conservatives and libertarians share about 99.9% of the same makes sense. But we will see.

I'm not sure he'll have enough delegates to get it done. It will be an interesting sideshow to the convention though. ;~)

He's only won a handful of delegates so far. Now, the caucuses might be a place where he can pick more up, becuase fewer people participate.

I really do think 2012 will be a debacle for the GOP, because the media is ready to carpet bomb Romney the minute he gets the nomination.

Agreed, and the reason is precisely what you stated earlier: the GOP establishment would rather throw the election with Romnney than let TPM people take control of the party.

This is wonderful, over 30 some odd years, A career politician has learned and collected a list issue’s.
And he does raggy on the..oops raged against the machine moderately well! YA!, that’s a wonderful list of accomplishment and a record to RUN on as being useless. Well, I think intelligent people have a complete understand what’s wrong, But the delugenal solutions of this WINNER and that offspring of his, if an abortion was, well demanded in this case. Your point?

rage against the machine is demanded always, but weed out the hypocrites and delusional ones.
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So despite the fact that all the evidence in actions and words indicate that Newt Gingrich is a progressive Republican and not conservative, you are still claiming Romney is the most liberal?

Please let's ignore his years in Washington growing the size of government. Let's forget his rhetoric epousing how great progressivism is and how great the progressive movemente has been for this nation. Let's support Newt because he sounds good in a debate, you know until you actually listen to what he says, and because he knows how to pretend his progressive policies are conservative.

Name a bad thing about Romney's politics and I can guarantee that Newt not only supported it at one time or another but was proposing something worse.

OK, Romney pssed a gun ban into law as govenor of Massachusettes. Where did Newt do that?

Romney lead the effort to put in place government programs that use tax payer dollars to pay for abortions. Where did Newt do that?

Romney has actively supported gay marriage. Where has Newt done that?

Romney has lied about being a member of the NRA and a life long hunter? Where did Newt say such nonsense?

Prior to Clear Chanel (the radio talk-show magnate that owns almost all consrvative radio talk-shows and which is also owned by Bain Capital) pushing the conservative talk show hosts, Ingram, Coulter, and others to reconsider Romney, these people were very critical of Romney. But now that Romney has the backing of the GOP establishment, they have had miraculous conversions and now Romney is a saint? The best man the GOP can find? Good Greif!

It is a documented fact that Romney's people smeared Palin with leaks while she was the VP on the ticket in 2008. His people have spent millions attacking Bachman, Perry, Cain and now Gingrich. And all these attacks must be true hear it from the media so much?

Guess Hitler was right about one thing: repeat a lie often enough and people will begin to think it is true no matter how stupid it is or contrary to their own experience. Romney is proving it beyond what I would have ever imagined.
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Paul is my first choice, but he wont play the political game that one has to play in an elected legislature to get anything done or to even get elected.

You ever wonder why he cant do more than win a local representative seat? He cant even get a state wide office, and why?

Becaue he would rather be known as a prophet than as a leader because as a leader one often has to make compromises to get things done.

And the same is true of most Paul supporters I have spoken to; they see NO ONE as being suitable for the Presidency that doesnt have the last name Paul.

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