Republican Worship of Greed and Democratic inevitablity


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Mitt Romney represents everything that is kind of wrong with the GOP today. It's the kind of self defeating mentality of a coyote who chews off three legs and is still caught in the trap.

Let's talk about what makes the GOP admirable. It is a party of limited government, self-reliance and freedom to persue happiness. Absolutely good traits.

But the firewall against creeping European Socialism is a strong middle class with skin in the game. One that can have pride in bringing home a paycheck.

A middle class, unfortunately, the Mitt Romneys of the world have been doing their very best to dismantle. Get rid of that good paying union job at AmPad, move that good paying job at DDi to China, make bigger profits for your investors. We'll replace them with McJobs at Staples and Dominos Pizza that pay minimum wage and have no benefits.

When you take away the ability of working people to make good money, when they require food stamps and school lunches to feed their kids, when they need section 8 vouchers to put a roof over their head, when they need a Earned Income Credit to make up for the money they aren't earning at their jobs at Staples, when they have to apply for Medicaid to see a doctor, or rely on Social Security because they sharks on Wall Street made a killing manipulating the market while they were locked into crashing 401K's.

When you do these things, you create more dependence on Government. You make it more palatable for people, and they are more inclined to vote for Democrats. Oh, you can fool some of them by creating upset about guns or gays or abortion or affirmative action, for a while, but eventually they figure it out.

If our politics today has become a choice between big business and big government, you don't want to make big government more attractive. But they are doing exactly that.
Mitt Romney - I like poor people. They make great snacks.
I'm not concerned about the very rich. They're doing just fine. I'm concerned about the very heart of America, the 90-95 percent of Americans who are struggling."
Mitt Romney

If our politics today has become a choice between big business and big government, you don't want to make big government more attractive. But they are doing exactly that.

Very true, and a predictable result when absolutism creeps into politics. The GOP is making things easy for the Democrats at a time when the Democrats could easily be vulnerable.

If our politics today has become a choice between big business and big government, you don't want to make big government more attractive. But they are doing exactly that.

Very true, and a predictable result when absolutism creeps into politics. The GOP is making things easy for the Democrats at a time when the Democrats could easily be vulnerable.
Yeah....right.....vulnerable.....and, our new.....

Champion On Wall $treet

(Successor to Eliot Spitzer) proof o' that.


If our politics today has become a choice between big business and big government, you don't want to make big government more attractive. But they are doing exactly that.

Very true, and a predictable result when absolutism creeps into politics. The GOP is making things easy for the Democrats at a time when the Democrats could easily be vulnerable.
Yeah....right.....vulnerable.....and, our new.....

Champion On Wall $treet

(Successor to Eliot Spitzer) proof o' that.



I have absolutely no idea what the above means.

Anyway, this election is beginning to smell like a reverse of 2004, when the GOP had a terribly flawed incumbent and the Democrats respond with John freakin' Kerry. Talk about a blown opportunity.

Both "major" parties are a joke.

I have absolutely no idea what the above means.

Anyway, this election is beginning to smell like a reverse of 2004, when the GOP had a terribly flawed incumbent and the Democrats respond with John freakin' Kerry. Talk about a blown opportunity.

Both "major" parties are a joke.


Nobody knows what Shaman means most of the time. He's like a retard with a box of 64 crayons.

I do think the 2004 comparison is a good one, though.

I'll go one further. Romney's business record is kind of like Kerry's military record. Looks great, until you dig into the details.

Then it becomes a liability, not an asset.
i guess joey has given up on pretending he's a republican.



nope, just one that sees a party that makes war on its middle class supporters being doomed to oblivion.

Consider this an intervention...

you could certainly use one

I'm not the one who is about to nominate a candidate that more than half of the party hates. It's like putting the ugly lamp in the living room because the rich uncle gave it to you.
i guess joey has given up on pretending he's a republican.



nope, just one that sees a party that makes war on its middle class supporters being doomed to oblivion.

Consider this an intervention...

I suspect most Republicans know, deep down inside, what a mess they're making of things, how badly they're screwing up. But right now, most of them are paralyzed by what they perceive to be their ideology. They don't want to give an inch, they refuse to admit weakness in any way. Black or white, us or them, binary thinking.

Self-inflicted wound on the way.

i guess joey has given up on pretending he's a republican.



nope, just one that sees a party that makes war on its middle class supporters being doomed to oblivion.

Consider this an intervention...

I suspect most Republicans know, deep down inside, what a mess they're making of things, how badly they're screwing up. But right now, most of them are paralyzed by what they perceive to be their ideology. They don't want to give an inch, they refuse to admit weakness in any way. Black or white, us or them, binary thinking.

Self-inflicted wound on the way.


Unfortunately, correct. I know that when I used to campaign for GOP candidates, I got a lot of doors slammed in my face with the "Republicans are for rich people" shrieked at me. And this in Dupage county, where people aren't exactly on the dole.

I also think that with the Cold War won, people coming around on social issues, and the complete failure of "Greed is Good" and every other GOP economic theory, the GOP is having a hard time figuring out what it is about, so they need to "cling" tos omething. Hence, willing to accept Romney because he's "electable". Not for his acccomplishments, his stands on issues or moving the idealogy forward.
i guess joey has given up on pretending he's a republican.



nope, just one that sees a party that makes war on its middle class supporters being doomed to oblivion.

Consider this an intervention...

I suspect most Republicans know, deep down inside, what a mess they're making of things, how badly they're screwing up. But right now, most of them are paralyzed by what they perceive to be their ideology. They don't want to give an inch, they refuse to admit weakness in any way. Black or white, us or them, binary thinking.

Self-inflicted wound on the way.


I don't think a whole lot of people vote FOR a candidate anymore.

Mostly the voter is motivated to vote AGAINST the candidate they hate the most.

Voting out of spite-- it's as American as apple pie and napalm
Anyway, this election is beginning to smell like a reverse of 2004, when the GOP had a terribly flawed incumbent and the Democrats respond with John freakin' Kerry. Talk about a blown opportunity.

Both "major" parties are a joke.


I said the same exact thing in another thread. Romney of 2012 is Kerry of 2004. Kerry was the "establishment" candidate that most didn't really like all that much...the base actually preferred Dean. Dems weren't voting FOR Kerry, but against Bush.

Most Rs aren't voting FOR Romney, but against Obama whereas most Ds are voting FOR Obama. It makes a difference.
Joe is doing his level best to reelect Barack Obama because of his paranoid hatred of all things Mormon. Reminds me of the people who wouldn't vote for Kennedy because they didn't want a Papist in the White House.
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Anyway, this election is beginning to smell like a reverse of 2004, when the GOP had a terribly flawed incumbent and the Democrats respond with John freakin' Kerry. Talk about a blown opportunity.

Both "major" parties are a joke.


I said the same exact thing in another thread. Romney of 2012 is Kerry of 2004. Kerry was the "establishment" candidate that most didn't really like all that much...the base actually preferred Dean. Dems weren't voting FOR Kerry, but against Bush.

Most Rs aren't voting FOR Romney, but against Obama whereas most Ds are voting FOR Obama. It makes a difference.

How many of those Democrats are voting for Obama because they don't want to admit they should have nominated Hillary Clinton back in 2008? Sometimes it's tough to admit that you were wrong...isn't it?
Anyway, this election is beginning to smell like a reverse of 2004, when the GOP had a terribly flawed incumbent and the Democrats respond with John freakin' Kerry. Talk about a blown opportunity.

Both "major" parties are a joke.


I said the same exact thing in another thread. Romney of 2012 is Kerry of 2004. Kerry was the "establishment" candidate that most didn't really like all that much...the base actually preferred Dean. Dems weren't voting FOR Kerry, but against Bush.

Most Rs aren't voting FOR Romney, but against Obama whereas most Ds are voting FOR Obama. It makes a difference.

How many of those Democrats are voting for Obama because they don't want to admit they should have nominated Hillary Clinton back in 2008? Sometimes it's tough to admit that you were wrong...isn't it?

Of course it is, and we see it on both sides.

Evidently you think that makes intellectual dishonesty acceptable. I don't.


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