Open Letter to Newt Gingrich


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Dear Newt,

While you were not my first choice for the White House, I think you are a fully acceptable candidate. Santorum and Paul are also potentially decent Presidents as well. But Romney is going to win this thing, the only fraud conservative in the running, and that sounds like an utter catastrophe for our nation.

So if I might suggest that your slightly alter your goal from getting the nomination outright to simply denying Romney an outright win on the first round of the convention; ie shoot for a brokered convention.

For many people this seems obvious and no doubt it has occured to you also and probably Santorum and Paul as well.

So in pursuit of a brokered convention, discuss with them the following approach amd see if you can get Santorum to agree. The personality cult surrounding Paul will never go for it so dont waste your time with them.

1. Neither of you will spend any money on attack adds against the other from the moment of the agreement to the end of the convention. Both camps should focus all your fire on the Romney War Machine.

2. Two weeks prior to a primary or caucus, your group and Santorums group conduct a poll by a mutually agreed reliable polling firm. Determine who has the highest rating against Romney at that point.

3. Whoever is behind then would stop spending resources to promote themselves, and instead use those resources to promote the stronger candidate. If Santorum is the stronger then the Gingrich camp would actively work to get Santorum as much support as possible, and vice-versa.

4. The weaker candidate would explain to his supporters that the first thing they all must do to have a real shot at winning the nomination right now is to STOP ROMNEY FIRST and so vote for the stronger not-Romney candidate.

5. Make the phrase 'STOP ROMNEY FIRST' your new catch-phrase to be on everyone's lips. A mantra or prayer for victory, if you will.

6. Both of you should tell you folks in states where only Paul is on the ballot against Romney to support Paul. Delegates for Paul are not delegates for Romney and thus works toward the goal of a brokered convention.


Romney and the White Horse Prophecy - Mitt Romney -

Pardon my arrogance for making such suggestions in a primary run that is full of seasoned pro's, but sometimes it takes a child to point out that the Emporer has no clothes.

I think that what I have outlined above is the only way you and Santorum have any chance of getting to the Oval Office. Please, I pray that you and Santorum consider it, discuss it and adopt it.

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yeah, but this probably wouldn't work.

Long term, the later primaries are winner take all. Romney's got the money, Newt and Rick and Ron don't.

And a brokered convention will just make the GOP look more and more like a party that doesn't have it's act together and doesn't know what it stands for... which is actually a pretty acurate description.
The problem, as I see it, is that Newt cannot beat Obama.

So, if the GOP wants to lose - again.... yea, go for it.

Oh and... announcing your 'ignore list' in your sig makes you look really fucking stupid.
yeah, but this probably wouldn't work.

Long term, the later primaries are winner take all. Romney's got the money, Newt and Rick and Ron don't.

They have enough, and if they can spread the word of what they are trying to do, donations will pick up with the growing realization that this will likely beat Romney if implemented.

And a brokered convention will just make the GOP look more and more like a party that doesn't have it's act together and doesn't know what it stands for... which is actually a pretty acurate description.

Brokered conventions are not a sign of incompetence but of genuine people oriented processes. And where there is this much variation in opinion, a brokered convention is usually the preferable solution so things can be worked out in person.

I would far rather have a brokered convention than have Romney at the top of the ticket.
The problem, as I see it, is that Newt cannot beat Obama.

So, if the GOP wants to lose - again.... yea, go for it.

Newt has a track record of political accomplishment that would allow him to show sharp contrast with Obama while Romney does not. For every criticism Rommney could level at Obama, Obama can easily respond, 'But Govenor, you have done the exact same thing when you were govenor of Massachussttes. In fact Obama's record is more conservative than Romneys record.

I sorry you have swallowed the Mormon Kool Aid here, but Romney is guaranteed loser once most voters start to seriously dig into his record about a month prior to the election. All the polls are right now are name recognition contests ten months out.

Oh and... announcing your 'ignore list' in your sig makes you look really fucking stupid.

Well, I fucking am really fucking sad you fucking think I fucking sound fucking stupid. lol

Actually I have had several people tell me its a good idea and explains why I dont respond to their assinine comments.
The problem, as I see it, is that Newt cannot beat Obama.

So, if the GOP wants to lose - again.... yea, go for it.

Newt has a track record of political accomplishment that would allow him to show sharp contrast with Obama while Romney does not. For every criticism Rommney could level at Obama, Obama can easily respond, 'But Govenor, you have done the exact same thing when you were govenor of Massachussttes. In fact Obama's record is more conservative than Romneys record.

I sorry you have swallowed the Mormon Kool Aid here, but Romney is guaranteed loser once most voters start to seriously dig into his record about a month prior to the election. All the polls are right now are name recognition contests ten months out.

Oh and... announcing your 'ignore list' in your sig makes you look really fucking stupid.

Well, I fucking am really fucking sad you fucking think I fucking sound fucking stupid. lol

Actually I have had several people tell me its a good idea and explains why I dont respond to their assinine comments.

Gingrich is an ass. A DC Insider, amoral, corrupt, lyin' assclown.

And... again.... announcing your ignore list is just pathetic. I look forward to being added though. It'll be a looooong list if you ignore everyone who disagrees with you.

Newt Gingrich is a dispicable human being. He cannot, as an adult, honor his deepest committments. That's just the tip of the iceberg, too.
yeah, but this probably wouldn't work.

Long term, the later primaries are winner take all. Romney's got the money, Newt and Rick and Ron don't.

They have enough, and if they can spread the word of what they are trying to do, donations will pick up with the growing realization that this will likely beat Romney if implemented.

And a brokered convention will just make the GOP look more and more like a party that doesn't have it's act together and doesn't know what it stands for... which is actually a pretty acurate description.

Brokered conventions are not a sign of incompetence but of genuine people oriented processes. And where there is this much variation in opinion, a brokered convention is usually the preferable solution so things can be worked out in person.

I would far rather have a brokered convention than have Romney at the top of the ticket.

I'd rather have a sharp stick in the eye than Romney at the top of the ticket, but that isn't the point.

What I'm getting is more and more that there's a resignation that Romney is the guy who is "electable" (even though he has lost 75% of the elections he's ever run in) and that the establishment is going to sandbag anyone else who is going to challenge him.

Of course, as long as he keeps saying stupid stuff like "I'm not concerned about the very poor" and "I like to be able to fire people", it's going to be a very short ride.
So despite the fact that all the evidence in actions and words indicate that Newt Gingrich is a progressive Republican and not conservative, you are still claiming Romney is the most liberal?

Please let's ignore his years in Washington growing the size of government. Let's forget his rhetoric epousing how great progressivism is and how great the progressive movemente has been for this nation. Let's support Newt because he sounds good in a debate, you know until you actually listen to what he says, and because he knows how to pretend his progressive policies are conservative.

Name a bad thing about Romney's politics and I can guarantee that Newt not only supported it at one time or another but was proposing something worse.
Or maybe his ex-wives were horrible shrews no man would want to live with...

Then maybe he shouldn't have committed to them.

Maybe not. Because we all know how every transaction is going to turn out when it starts, right?

I wish.

Those who take it more seriously and don't jump into it before they thoroughly know the other person, LIKE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO, kinda know yea.

And, he's failsauce twice and also cheated. He's a scumcunt.
Those who take it more seriously and don't jump into it before they thoroughly know the other person, LIKE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO, kinda know yea.

And, he's failsauce twice and also cheated. He's a scumcunt.

Nope, not really. 50% of American marriages fail. When your into second and third marriages, the percentages get even higher. and about 60% of married folks cheat. Really, he's no worse than the rest of us. That might be his downfall, then. We see something in ourselves we don't like, we want to pretend our politicians have perfect families when they don't.

Newt Gingrich is a dispicable human being. He cannot, as an adult, honor his deepest committments. That's just the tip of the iceberg, too.

He's about as despicable as the best liberal on a good day.
Those who take it more seriously and don't jump into it before they thoroughly know the other person, LIKE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO, kinda know yea.

And, he's failsauce twice and also cheated. He's a scumcunt.

You don't really know a person until you are married to them.
Those who take it more seriously and don't jump into it before they thoroughly know the other person, LIKE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO, kinda know yea.

And, he's failsauce twice and also cheated. He's a scumcunt.

You don't really know a person until you are married to them.

More to the point, people change over the course of an 18 year marriage. Sometimes they change together, and become as comfortable as an old shoe.

And sometimes they don't know each other anymore.

Relationships change. People change. That's life.

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