Open Borders Advocate George Clooney Moving Back to Trump's USA for 'Security Reasons'

Yeah, put everybody else at risk but keep your own family a safe distance from the muslims you claim not to fear. Typical cowardly liberal hypocrite.
As someone pointed out in another thread, his wife is Muslim and that puts her in great danger from Muslims who view her as a heretic.
I live in a college town, 85% white, in the middle of an 85% black county.
All democrats. Love their diversity.
Not a single white town resident sends their kids to our local high school, right across the street. It's 85 % black and 14.9% highspanic. Apparently too much diversity.
White lefties are the ultimate hypocrites.
The left’s hypocrisy is never-ending.

He doesn’t feel like Amal and the twins are safe living in the English countryside,” the source says. “He’s determined to move his family to LA, where he feels much more secure.”

He’s gonna live in Studio City.

Full story @ After Blasting Trump's Travel Ban, George Clooney Is Moving Back to US — For Safety Reasons

Little known to most people, Amal has an identical twin that is a transsexual who goes by the name of Juan.

They have never been photographed together, but once you have seen Juan, you have seen Amal!

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