One topic never discussed

I don't think your definition of science is right, cornbread. Science is study based ont he scientific method, which evolution is and creationism isn't.

If it makes testable predictions, it is science.

You may be right, Caligirl. I was probably a bit off on my defintion of science.
I have a few suggestion for education

1. Get rid of all team sports at schools. The affection americans have for sports perverts our scholastic systems worse than every other valid complaint you people can come up with combined.

2. Having our kids understand social sciences and humanites are just as important to a fuctional democratic republic as math and science. (think about it for a second...they more important for having a fuctional society really, than math and science).

3. No person not trained and licensed as an educator should be sitting on ANY school board anywhere in America.

4. Eliminate teacher unions. Establish teacher organizations along the lines of the AMA. Until educators are a self-policing profession which dtermines who is qualified to teach and who is not, unqualified HACKS will continue to teach your children. THIS PROBLEM I blame teachers for entirely, BTW. Freaking wimps!

5. Keep your fucking social agendas OUT of my classroom.

Don't like my take on history or literature?

Fine, get you kid the hell out of my classroom. I didn't bust my ass to learn my subject matter to have some housewife or religious/ political fanatic tell me how or what to teach as it regards those subjects.

6. Parents, if you can't teach your children respect for education, don't expect me to do your job for you. If your little jerkoff in the back of my class room wants to goof off, let him or her do it someplace else than my classroom.

I'm not a daycare councilor or a prison guard.

7. Fellow educators! Heterogenous classrooms are the dumbest liberal idea ever created by liberal idealists.

Would you put a guy on a ten speed on the same track with Ferraris?

Then, honestly, how do you expect ME to deal with students whose IQs range from 70 to 140? Do I really look like I have the time to craft ten lesson plans for five different classes... EVERY night?!

You want me to teach stuipid kids? No problem.

Advanced kids? ALSO no problem.

But at the same time in the same classroom with the same lectures? Now that's a problem. Which kids do you want me to ignore? The dumbs ones or the smart ones?

8. Just because we all went to school doesn't mean we're all qualifed to teach or critique teachers, either.

Oh I know that some of us still have a hardon for some teacher or the other, but honestly folks. I rode a battleship once... does that make me an admiral?

9. It isn't about pay, it's about respect. We have people on this board who could not think their way out of a paperbag that has a tear in the bottom of it, telling us about how bad most teachers are and how bad teachers can't be fired.

First of all, as hard as some of you cling to that myth, no professionals in the world have less job security. I've proven this time and again by showing people what teachers contracts look like but still they cling to this myth.

Secondly, how likely are we to get intelligent people to stay at a task when every nitwit on earth can get a crowd to agree that all teachers are lazy slackers who are overpaid?

The hardest job I ever had was teaching, and I've done a lot of different things in my life to earn my daily bread.

If any of you folks who claim to be making huge money (because you're so smart) doubt that, I suggest you try teaching for a year or two.

You'll rush back to your previous employment so bleeding fast -- because your jobs are so much easier than dealing with 125 students every day -- you simply won't believe it.
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Thanks editec!

I taught at a cc for about three semesters, that was the hardest job I ever had. I agree with a lot of what you say, but not with #s 1-4.

PE and sports have been shown to increase attention and generally improve behavior in classrooms.

Although social sciences important to a well functioning society, I think math and science still edge them out, but that's probably a bias on my part.

School boards should not ban people as a matter of principle, though perhaps some sort of required awareness course is not a bad idea for board members. I mean, look at the diversity of quality among teachers, there are certainly non teachers who are better suited to school board issues. And, board members are not in the business of educating.

Unions - without them teachers would probably be getting even less pay. :(
I love how I'm the moron yet you've never taught before and I have, though not surprising from a Con who think's he knows everything because he was in the military:confused:

Secondly, I don't want the federal government involved in education, I want the FUNDING and thats it. We wouldn't have any need for unions if the FUNDING was there. So, for the obviously slow military man, its about one word - F-U-N-D-I-N-G. That slow enough for you? Or do you need to continue getting dumber and dumber while the rest of the world gets smarter and smarter? But no, you're right, lets not do it like those systems that have worked in other countries, lets do it like the Retired General says cause we should just forget what's worked many other places. Good call

And I'm the idiot, hilarious

Ya, cause Washington DC would know better then some small or large school district what funds it has and what dunds it needs. Idiot.

The Federal Government is supposed to be confined by the Constitution. Especially in how it taxes and how it spends those taxes.

You want BIG BROTHER pass a damn amendment. That is how it is supposed to work. The Federal Government has NO authority to spend or tax for education of the Several States.

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