One President Parties while former President hugs..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
While Obama parties.

President Bush hugs a child..

Which one is more presidential?

Which one apparently gives versus takes?

Which President is more beloved around the world today?
whatever people want to say about Bush and Bush bashing was always in style for the left, the man was the president of the united states everyday. Everyday he tried his best, yes he vomited, but he was president every day while in Office, compared to the joker in chief who rolls out of Air Force one with his shirt barely buttoned and looks like he was sleeping. Every day Bush loved being president.
whatever people want to say about Bush and Bush bashing was always in style for the left, the man was the president of the united states everyday. Everyday he tried his best, yes he vomited, but he was president every day while in Office, compared to the joker in chief who rolls out of Air Force one with his shirt barely buttoned and looks like he was sleeping. Every day Bush loved being president.

Yes. How dare we have a president who unbuttons his shirt and takes naps.
Both photos are PR setups.

Obama: "I drink beer just like you!"
Bush: "I care about children just like you!"

Bullshit. Those asshole have NO connection with us.

Bush invaded Iraq and Afghanistan then he signed the Patriot Act.

Obama Continued all of that.

Both of them should be jailed.

And then the morons in this thread treat em like they're Hollywood Stars or something. How pathetic!
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This won't make the news either. Democrats sorely miss the good old days when all three networks came on with their version of the nightly news, and all three network anchors tongue washed the Democratic Pols and their policies using almost the exact same syllables. They're gettin exasperated at the mere existence of discouraging words out there, let alone having to hear them.

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While Obama parties.
View attachment 19884

President Bush hugs a child..
View attachment 19885

Which one is more presidential?

Which one apparently gives versus takes?

Which President is more beloved around the world today?

I love posting this because liberals have to run for their medicine cabinets to take Immodium AD extra strength :D

" Dalai Lama Tells Shocked Piers Morgan 'I Love President Bush'

By Noel Sheppard | April 24, 2012 | 19:39

During an interview to be aired Wednesday evening, Morgan asked his honored guest, “Which people that you’ve ever met have really impressed you?”

“I think Nelson Mandela,” responded the Dalai Lama. "Of course as individual, individual person, I love President Bush."

"Which one?" asked Morgan.

"The younger one," said the Dalai Lama

Morgan incredulously responded, “Really?”

“Really,” he clarified. "As a human being. Not as a president of America. Sometimes his policy may not be very, very successful. But as a person, as a human being, very nice person. I love him."

Read more: Dalai Lama Tells Shocked Piers Morgan 'I Love President Bush' |
The articles that Bob Geldof wrote from being on the road with President Bush were amazing. Bush did more for Africa than any other US President.

Will liberals give him credit for that? Only when hell freezes over.

Here's just part:

"FOR 25 years, I have sought to tell presidents, prime ministers, princes, popes and pop stars about Africa.

There have been occasional successes and many years of frustration and failure.

But this time, to my great surprise, it was the President of the United States inviting me to join him on a visit there.

When I arrived with George W Bush in Rwanda the streets assumed a festive air. They like him.

Prostitutes came to wave him on for saving them and their children’s lives.

The President paused here on his whistle-stop tour of Africa to show he and America have tried to share that burden.

In truth, what Bush does or thinks or plans has in political terms become almost meaningless. The curtain is already almost down. Bush has rocked America’s core idea of itself and most of the world’s idea of America during his presidency.

He may not be forgiven and he certainly won’t be forgotten for this.

But while Americans looked away from their unrecognisable selves, America was doing something that rightfully belongs to its own deathless ideal of the good, the fair and the just.

It has been happening quietly and out of sight — the unannounced, unheralded good legacy of this administration.

The great unacknowledged story of America in Africa didn’t immediately originate with this President — John Kerry and Bill Frist initiated legislation in 2002 to combat the continent’s Aids epidemic.

But it has been accelerated hugely by him, increased by him, argued for by him and monitored by him. It has saved millions of lives and healed broken bodies; more than 1.5million Africans are on lifesaving antiretrovirals (anti-HIV drugs).

And it has put millions of the poorest of the earth — an additional 29million African children — into schools.

It has fed, clothed and watered the hurt and ill.

Unusually, it is being done deftly, slowly and gently with due respect to the dignity of those it seeks to help.

It has not finished and it is still not enough, but it is without any doubt what America is supposed to do, which is why US citizens should know of it.

Why did Bush travel here this week? Perhaps simply to say goodbye as President?

Maybe one day he will return again as a free man with his family — all of whom seem to have fallen in love with this beautiful place — to see up close the impact of his unsung efforts.

Tanzanian politicians have shown how US investment has been spurred by Bush’s Millennium Challenge legislation.

And the Liberians thank Bush for the huge overt support that has stabilised their country.

Increasingly effective aid and trade backing good governance have helped provide education, skills and jobs and improve health.

The US gets 19 per cent of its oil imports from Africa and the figure is rising; in China, it’s 30 per cent and rising. Now Europe must look more to Africa to avoid Russian oil.

The Chinese and Indians are massive investors in Africa, and so must the West be — but America has begun well.

Americans should feel good about this — and they would, if anyone would tell them about it. "


Africa... Bush's secret triumph | Sir Bob Geldof | George W Bush | The Sun |News

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