One Percent Joe


Sep 23, 2010
The consensus among talking heads is that Hillary Clinton did so well in the non-debate One-Percent Biden (that is how many Democrats voted for him in his previous tries) is thinking of pulling out of a race he never entered. What he might do is anybody’s guess if Hillary drops the ball in her testimony before the Select Committee on Benghazi.

On the sunny side of the street, conservative Republicans are blessed with a plethora of Democrats who are reduced to begging the radical Left to vote for them. Things are so bad, Joe Biden getting more than one percent in the Democrat primaries says a lot about his competition.

Finally, I have some advice for Joe should Hillary force him to give up his presidential aspirations:

Jackie Mason is always humorous, but he is wrong about Biden:

Mason also sounded off on Joe Biden's months-long process of deciding whether to run for president.

"He's been chasing this job since he was 12. And all of the sudden he can't figure out if he wants the job," the comic cracked. "He's acting like he never heard of it. He doesn't know what it is."

"If this is how slow he thinks and this is how long it takes him to figure out something he knows about, God forbid if there was a problem that he never heard about? What is he gonna do about that?"

"Imagine if someone told him an earthquake is coming to this country on Thursday? You know what he'll do? He'll wait till a week from Friday and he's still thinking about it. To figure out if he should do something about it or not. If it takes him this long to think if he wants to be president, who knows how long it will take him to figure out if there was a real problem? It might take him a year and a half."

Oy! Top comic pickles presidential candidate
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 10/18/2015 @ 1:53 pm

Oy! Top comic pickles presidential candidate

One Percent Joe is never right about anything; so figuring out a problem is the last thing you want him to do because you know he will get it wrong.
Post-debate, Biden was actually polling at around 14%...without even declaring.
Joe Biden won't run for president
By Ariel Cohen
10/21/15 12:18 PM

Joe Biden won't run

Is it possible that One Percent Joe is playing Caesar:

Julius Caesar
Act I Scene II

BRUTUS: The crown was offered to him three times?

CASCA: Ay, marry, was ’t, and he put it by thrice, every time gentler than other, and at every putting-by mine honest neighbors shouted.​
JoJo "The World's Dumberst Politician, Pedophile, and Part Time Woman Abuser" Biden, will CONTINUE to pop up from time to the Obomanation deems FIT for him to do......


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