One of these 16 people

He has to pick Rubio. If he doesn't, he won't win Florida and without Florida, he loses period. Picking Daniels or Pawlenty does not bring him in any crucial electoral votes. Picking Pawlenty wouldn't even guarantee Minnesota. On the other hand, picking Rubio gives him his best chance at winning Florida. He still could lose Florida, but more likely he would win it, giving him a much better chance at winning. If Rubio can bring in Florida, that leaves Romney a lot of extra time to campaign in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, where he has to win two out of the three. Anyway, Rubio is the only pick as far as I'm concerned. Anyone else, and this election is over.
If Jeb Bush gets picked and Romney wins, there will be Liberals jumping off buildings all over this country.

Not saying that's a bad thing, but...

Don't know about that, but do agree he's Romney's only hope.

I disagree, just the last Name BUSH would do Romney in and kill any chance. As good a governor and politician as Jeb Bush is, his last name would kill the whole effort.
Republican Vice Presidential Candidates 2012: 15 People Who Could Earn The Nomination - Business Insider

Who do you think he should pick, and why.

And don't scream if I'm not present. I'm going to babysit my fur nephew for the next 24 hours. :) I may be able to swing through from there.

I think he should pick Corey Booker, mostly because the media would have a nervous breakdown.

[ame=]Governor Christie and Mayor Booker: Don't Worry, We've Got This - YouTube[/ame]
OK, Rice and Daniels are already out. Theyve said so many times.
Rubio doesnt have enough experience and is doing well in the Senate, where he needs to be.
I think Portman. Portman has extensive legislative experience and mitt needs a DC hand to help him get legislation through. Portman has that. He's also a serious player, very smart. And since the budget deficit is a big issue, Portman the former budget director, has the expertise to deal with that.
If Jeb Bush gets picked and Romney wins, there will be Liberals jumping off buildings all over this country.

Not saying that's a bad thing, but...

Don't know about that, but do agree he's Romney's only hope.

I disagree, just the last Name BUSH would do Romney in and kill any chance. As good a governor and politician as Jeb Bush is, his last name would kill the whole effort.

I agree. Dubya killed any chances of a further Bush dynasty.

I expect it will be one of the 3 R's: Rubio, Rice, or Ryan.
I like Condi. She's extremely intelligent, she understands foreign diplomacy and has experience in it. People already know who she is, what she is all about, and she knows how to handle the damn fools in the press that may attempt to malign her.
Unfortunately, she has already made it clear that she is not interested in furthering her political position. I wish she would re-consider that stance.
I would vote for almost any ticket that had Ms Rice on it.
Republican Vice Presidential Candidates 2012: 15 People Who Could Earn The Nomination - Business Insider

Who do you think he should pick, and why.

And don't scream if I'm not present. I'm going to babysit my fur nephew for the next 24 hours. :) I may be able to swing through from there.

I don't know who he should pick. It isn't going to matter.

I do find it interesting that nobody is talking about Rick Perry for VP. He's from a big state; he can sure up the hard-right vote which Romney desperately needs so dipshits like Rabbi/T/Willow will vote for him. Texas isn't in play but if he is actually talking about getting a VP who he thinks is ready to take over, Perry is governor of Texas so that would at least in theory satisfy that need (the governor of Texas doesn't do shit and Perry couldn't put out a grass fire so don't believe the hype).

There is no bigger political opportunist than Rick Perry outside of John Edwards in the entire Country so he would take the job in a heartbeat. As Al Gore's former campaign manager, maybe he could get swing votes too? LOL. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Republican Vice Presidential Candidates 2012: 15 People Who Could Earn The Nomination - Business Insider

Who do you think he should pick, and why.

And don't scream if I'm not present. I'm going to babysit my fur nephew for the next 24 hours. :) I may be able to swing through from there.

TIm Pawlenty.

I know hes got about as much charisma as Al Gore, but the man knows his stuff. He did good things here in MN and if Romney took on some of Pawlentys policies, it could only help him.

Additionally, pawlenty was willing to cross party lines to get things done AND take a hard partisan stand when he felt it was best for MN. While I dont agree with all of his politics, he is a man I can respect and vote for.
He has to pick Rubio. If he doesn't, he won't win Florida and without Florida, he loses period.

Pfft....Florida is absolutely surging toward Romney right now. All professional polling agencies have Romney ahead and by growing margins. Only media polls have Obama ahead and they are mostly useless. Something very significant will have to happen in Obama's favor for him to win Florida.
I need to read up more on the listed people, but at first glance I am, of course, hoping he picks a female.

So wait, you think the President should Pick a Female VP solely because she is Female? So then do you think he should over look more Qualified Candidates to do it? I don't get why some people think Voting for someone based solely on the Fact they share your Gender, or Race is no Better than not voting for someone because you don't like their Gender or Race.

He has to pick Rubio. If he doesn't, he won't win Florida and without Florida, he loses period.

Pfft....Florida is absolutely surging toward Romney right now. All professional polling agencies have Romney ahead and by growing margins. Only media polls have Obama ahead and they are mostly useless. Something very significant will have to happen in Obama's favor for him to win Florida.

I think old white people are flipping democrat to republican....

I think old folks are starting to realize that the democrat party is not their fathers party or the party when they were younger and they will flip...

Those who supported JFK in 1960 would flip to republican in this era...
He has to pick Rubio. If he doesn't, he won't win Florida and without Florida, he loses period.

Pfft....Florida is absolutely surging toward Romney right now. All professional polling agencies have Romney ahead and by growing margins. Only media polls have Obama ahead and they are mostly useless. Something very significant will have to happen in Obama's favor for him to win Florida.

I think old white people are flipping democrat to republican....

I think old folks are starting to realize that the democrat party is not their fathers party or the party when they were younger and they will flip...

Those who supported JFK in 1960 would flip to republican in this era...

According to the trends you would be absolutely correct. I have all of this broken down on my polling analysis thread and your assessment is spot on. Younger voters are moving toward Obama but voters 46 and older are moving strongly toward Romney (see my Demographics Report for 5/22 on the thread I linked). Now certainly that could change between now and election day, but the trends right now are very strong that Florida is history where Obama is concerned.
Condi Rice.
She'll get the Black and Lesbian vote !

I like Condeleeza Rice too but I suspect her participation in the Bush Admin will hurt her chances severely. Jeb Bush would be a good choice as well if only it hadn't been for the utter hatred his brother spurs from the left. They'd come out in mass to vote against him right now.

He has to pick Rubio. If he doesn't, he won't win Florida and without Florida, he loses period.

Pfft....Florida is absolutely surging toward Romney right now. All professional polling agencies have Romney ahead and by growing margins. Only media polls have Obama ahead and they are mostly useless. Something very significant will have to happen in Obama's favor for him to win Florida.

The former battleground states are falling into Romney's column. NC was a toss up. Now it's a lock. FL was leaning Obama. Now it will go for Romney.
Ohio is a very important state. If Romney gets either Ohio or PA then he's got it. Rove's analysis I posted here yesterday shows that Romney has multiple ways to get elected. The possibility of any one of them happening is enormous.

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