One example how we sold out to China, Amazon, Walmart, BIG Box, Netflix Etc.


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
In 2020.

Really this has been in the works since 1984 (COUGH!). Takes planning, it was heavily introduced on Clinton's watch with a Repulsivcan congress, as they instituted the internet & Chinese trade.

They doubled down in 2020 however, and Trump was in the way, for instance.

I'm building something and let's talk chrome. I already understood how the govt., specifically California, forced some, possibly for the better to change their process eliminating copper in their chrome. Fair enough, but California is trying to shut all chrome plating services down regardless, in the name of "your care" as they do things, whereby eliminating many small businesses.

You know, small business? Like what was attacked & far too many permanently shut-down under the disguise of COVID, while those in the OP for example doubled down on their wealth. One of those guys BTW is Obama. What he produce again? Must be neat to fly to the moon.

Meanwhile China sells us lots, lots and lots of chrome. Neat.

So what you get is:

A. China, Amazon and the like win bigly.
B. Small business & middle class takes another on the chops.
C. The customer loses for two reasons, one because all that becomes available is garbage to its core, and re-plating something nice becomes a thing of the past.
D. The landfill fills up with FAR more junk, and the "carbon footprint" from processing this structure is tremendous.

There's your sign leftists.
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Actually it started when Nixon "opened the doors" of "talks" and trade to China in 1972.
That was the beginnings of the sellout of this country to China, as far as politics go.

Sam Walton built Walmart for AMERICANS. His goal was selling AMERICAN MADE GOODS to AMERICANS. He saw what was coming with China creeping in the back door with their cheap knockoff garbage. Sam wanted to keep America strong by keeping American businesses IN BUSINESS.

But when Sam Walton died in 1992, his kids took over and sold their souls AND Sam's company to the Chinese. Pretty much literally overnight, they stopped selling American made goods in favor of cheap, Chinese garbage..........but kept the retail prices the same! And the more the Hellmart cancer did the dependance on Chinese garbage.

Other retail "giants" saw how much money CommieMart was raking in by bending over and taking it up the ass by the Chinese government, they all did the same.

Now, here we are. Trying to reverse what the greed-mongering retail industry has done to us.

If it says "made in China"......leave it on the shelf, you don't need it.
Actually it started when Nixon "opened the doors" of "talks" and trade to China in 1972.
That was the beginnings of the sellout of this country to China, as far as politics go.

Sam Walton built Walmart for AMERICANS. His goal was selling AMERICAN MADE GOODS to AMERICANS. He saw what was coming with China creeping in the back door with their cheap knockoff garbage. Sam wanted to keep America strong by keeping American businesses IN BUSINESS.

But when Sam Walton died in 1992, his kids took over and sold their souls AND Sam's company to the Chinese. Pretty much literally overnight, they stopped selling American made goods in favor of cheap, Chinese garbage..........but kept the retail prices the same! And the more the Hellmart cancer did the dependance on Chinese garbage.

Other retail "giants" saw how much money CommieMart was raking in by bending over and taking it up the ass by the Chinese government, they all did the same.

Now, here we are. Trying to reverse what the greed-mongering retail industry has done to us.

If it says "made in China"......leave it on the shelf, you don't need it.

I don't see how we're reversing anything. Otherwise I agree. For what worth, Carter era one-upped the game where Chinese trade was concerned, and Clinton regime doubled down, and in my mind we doubled down again in 2020.

COVID is especially rich, well played.
and chances are, there is lead in any given item form the chinese fux
chrome is pretty nasty stuff environmentally speaking. It is why owners of junk yards struggle to find buyers. It takes a fortune to study and remediate all the toxins in that ground. The only real use for a junkyard is another junkyard.
I walked through a plating shop in South Florida once. Everything was either highly toxic or high voltage.

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