Once more adding to the $1.8 trillion annual expenses of "rules and regulations: Transgenders!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The federal government agency charged with regulating workplace conditions has formed an "alliance" with a "national social justice advocacy organization for transgender people" primarily to promote gender-appropriate restroom access. The agreement, signed on April 27, is part of a larger OSHA program to partner with groups "committed to worker safety and health to prevent workplace fatalities, injuries, and illnesses."
Federal Workplace Safety Agency Takes On Transgender Restroom Access The Weekly Standard

Data collected by researchers at George Mason University’s Mercatus Center shows that the Code of Federal Regulations, where all rules and regulations are detailed, has ballooned from 71,224 pages in 1975 to 174,545 pages last year.
More “major rules,” those with an annual economic impact exceeding $100 million, were enacted in 2010 than in any year dating back to at least 1997, according to the CRS.

And over Obama’s first three years in office, the Code of Federal Regulations increased by 7.4 percent, according to data compiled by the Chamber of Commerce.
In comparison, the regulatory code grew by 4.4 percent during Bush’s first term. 

“All incentives are to regulate more,” said Susan Dudley, the director of George Washington University’s Regulatory Studies Center.
REGULATION NATION Obama oversees expansion of the regulatory state TheHill

Obama IS LEADING the country with more rules and regulations then any other President in history and
this adds up to an annual total waste of $1,863,000,000,000! That's 1.8 Trillion dollars WASTED!

U.S. Regulatory Costs: More than GDP of Canada, Australia
Households pay nearly $15,000 per year for regulation

Today, the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) released the latest edition of its annual report, “Ten Thousand Commandments: An Annual Snapshot of the Regulatory State,” which surveys the costs and burdens imposed by federal regulations. Authored by Wayne Crews, CEI’s Vice President for Policy, the report compiles government and private data on the number and cost of regulations, as well as the agencies that issue them.

“The picture painted by this indispensable report is a bleak one, as it shows the federal regulatory bureaucracy growing larger year after year,” said CRS President and CEO Karen Kerrigan. “The costs of burdensome rules and bureaucracy are hidden from view, but they are brutally apparent for small business owners and their workers, who forfeit an ever-increasing share of their paychecks to regulation. And don’t forget the dispirited entrepreneur, who, when faced with a mountain of regulation and red tape, decides that starting a new business or introducing a new technology just isn’t worth it.”

Costs for Americans to comply with federal regulations reached $1.863 trillion in 2013, which is more than the GDP of Canada or Australia.
In fact, if U.S. regulation were a country, it would have the 10th largest economy worldwide, ranked between India and Italy.

The Center for Regulatory Solutions U.S. Regulatory Costs More than GDP of Canada Australia
I'll admit that Obama has really hurt this country with his give away of welfare and bullshit like this. Infrastructure, science, r&d and education has never caused a cent of this debt, but because of this idiot president our country can't do the wonderful things it used to do. :( Makes my job harder in convincing people otherwise.
I want he-she bathrooms, and rich people should be taxed more to pay for it!
And I want at least TWO bidets in each of those bathrooms. And a basket of free puppies. And esteem-lifting music piped in. Enya, Yanni, Kitaro...

The rich can afford it!

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