Once Again President Trump Accomplished What No Democrat Could


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
IN the last 3 years President Trump has accomplished what no president has accomplished for DECADES, in some cases EVER:
- Strongest economy in decades
- Lowest unemployment rate in decades
- Lowest minority unemployment rate ever
- Most Americans working at 1 time
- More Jobs
- Higher Wages
- Raises
- Bonuses
- Brought back jobs Barry said were gone forever
- Record Stock Market
- Kept more promises than and politician on decades, if not ever
...and that was while Democrats set their own record for attempting to undermine and Impeach the President every day since the day after he was elected / beat Hillary

2016, the Democratic Party rigged their Primary, helped Hillary cheat in debates, and ended up still having to give Hillary the nomination she could not win so she could go on to face Donald Trump in an election she was supposed to win in a landslide, one that had already been altered by Hillary and the Democrats' actions...

Now he has (potentially) accomplished something no Democrat could do...

In 2016 President Obama and his proven criminal Cabinet Members / Agency Directors were forced to protect Hillary from Indictment and prison for thousands of criminal counts publicly reported by both members of the FBI and former FBI Director James Comey just so she could remain in the 2016 Presidential race - another act that altered the 2016 election.

In 2016 Hillary Clinton paid for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda from a Trump-hating foreign spy to use against Trump to ensure a victory...
-- The Obama administration knowingly used the false data as part if their foundation to try to keep Trump winning the 2016 election...and then to conduct a political coup attempt against the newly elected President, Donald Trump.

After Hillary's loss the Democrats dedicated their time to undermining the President and attempting to remove him from office...instead of doing their jobs and working for the American people...

The last 3 years have been nothing but 'Get Trump' 24/7...and they FAILED.

Coups attempts were exposed, false narratives were debunked, Democrat crimes were exposed, Democrats have been recommended for indictment, the FISA Abuse report is still to come out, & the US IG has agreed to investigate Comey for Perjury...every attempt to take down Trump has boomeranged...

After 3 years of continuous fishing trips, accusations, and false narratives, President Trump decided to do some investigating on his own, it seems. According to a whistle blower Trump asked the Ukraine PM to investigate a scandal involving Then-VP Biden, one Hillary brought up in 2016 to make sure Joe stayed out of the race, a scandal involving the extortion if an allied nation's leader, which Biden confessed to on video tape.

Unfortunately for President Trump, who is not a career politician like his adversaries, Trump did not know a PRESIDENT could do what HE did but a Private citizen could collude Russian-authored propaganda from a foreign spy in hopes of further altering an election AND a former VP could brag on video about extorting the leader of an allied foreign govt.

President Trump's greatest strength was / is that he is NOT a corrupt career swamp-dwelling politician. It is what drew Americans to him, helped him keep his promises, and helped him accomplish so much for the American people...

It has also turned out to be his in-doing. Trump seems to believe that he could work to investigate a confessed extorter who is running for office in order to protect the country and prevent another criminal Democrat from winning the WH.

He was wrong.

So after 3 years, a failed coup attempt, numerous Democrat acts that altered the 2016 election, non-stop ' we-got-him-this-time' failures, boomerang busts, exposed crimes, leaking like a screen door on a submarine, and seditious liberal media proven to purposefully have reported lies / smears, President Trump may have just accomplished again what Democrats have failed to do....

Secure his own Impeachment.

Judge Napolitano: Trump has admitted committing crime in talks with Ukraine

2nd President in American history without 3% GDP growth
...and what does that have to do with the topic of this thread, which is Trump potentially getting himself Impeached?

So use to attempting to hijack threads about Trump 'successes' you just couldn't help yourself?!

:p lol
IN the last 3 years President Trump has accomplished what no president has accomplished for DECADES, in some cases EVER:
- Strongest economy in decades
- Lowest unemployment rate in decades
- Lowest minority unemployment rate ever
- Most Americans working at 1 time
- More Jobs
- Higher Wages
- Raises
- Bonuses
- Brought back jobs Barry said were gone forever
- Record Stock Market
- Kept more promises than and politician on decades, if not ever
...and that was while Democrats set their own record for attempting to undermine and Impeach the President every day since the day after he was elected / beat Hillary

2016, the Democratic Party rigged their Primary, helped Hillary cheat in debates, and ended up still having to give Hillary the nomination she could not win so she could go on to face Donald Trump in an election she was supposed to win in a landslide, one that had already been altered by Hillary and the Democrats' actions...

Now he has (potentially) accomplished something no Democrat could do...

In 2016 President Obama and his proven criminal Cabinet Members / Agency Directors were forced to protect Hillary from Indictment and prison for thousands of criminal counts publicly reported by both members of the FBI and former FBI Director James Comey just so she could remain in the 2016 Presidential race - another act that altered the 2016 election.

In 2016 Hillary Clinton paid for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda from a Trump-hating foreign spy to use against Trump to ensure a victory...
-- The Obama administration knowingly used the false data as part if their foundation to try to keep Trump winning the 2016 election...and then to conduct a political coup attempt against the newly elected President, Donald Trump.

After Hillary's loss the Democrats dedicated their time to undermining the President and attempting to remove him from office...instead of doing their jobs and working for the American people...

The last 3 years have been nothing but 'Get Trump' 24/7...and they FAILED.

Coups attempts were exposed, false narratives were debunked, Democrat crimes were exposed, Democrats have been recommended for indictment, the FISA Abuse report is still to come out, & the US IG has agreed to investigate Comey for Perjury...every attempt to take down Trump has boomeranged...

After 3 years of continuous fishing trips, accusations, and false narratives, President Trump decided to do some investigating on his own, it seems. According to a whistle blower Trump asked the Ukraine PM to investigate a scandal involving Then-VP Biden, one Hillary brought up in 2016 to make sure Joe stayed out of the race, a scandal involving the extortion if an allied nation's leader, which Biden confessed to on video tape.

Unfortunately for President Trump, who is not a career politician like his adversaries, Trump did not know a PRESIDENT could do what HE did but a Private citizen could collude Russian-authored propaganda from a foreign spy in hopes of further altering an election AND a former VP could brag on video about extorting the leader of an allied foreign govt.

President Trump's greatest strength was / is that he is NOT a corrupt career swamp-dwelling politician. It is what drew Americans to him, helped him keep his promises, and helped him accomplish so much for the American people...

It has also turned out to be his in-doing. Trump seems to believe that he could work to investigate a confessed extorter who is running for office in order to protect the country and prevent another criminal Democrat from winning the WH.

He was wrong.

So after 3 years, a failed coup attempt, numerous Democrat acts that altered the 2016 election, non-stop ' we-got-him-this-time' failures, boomerang busts, exposed crimes, leaking like a screen door on a submarine, and seditious liberal media proven to purposefully have reported lies / smears, President Trump may have just accomplished again what Democrats have failed to do....

Secure his own Impeachment.

Judge Napolitano: Trump has admitted committing crime in talks with Ukraine

No higher wages,and same damn places are hiring that were hiring under Hussein Obama...Wal Mart and Fast Food with a FEW factories scattered in here and there.
2nd President in American history without 3% GDP growth
...and what does that have to do with the topic of this thread, which is Trump potentially getting himself Impeached?

So use to attempting to hijack threads about Trump 'successes' you just couldn't help yourself?!

:p lol
Continued decade long trends, and failed to reach 3% GDP growth. Not impressive.
Since this has to do with Trump being impeached. I am starting to think Trump himself WANTED this to happen. Impeachment will just INSURE his supporters and those SICK AND FUCKING TIRED of this shit from the demoncraps come out and support Trump. Over and over and over and over the demoncraps have fallen RIGHT INTO the traps he has set up and while I don't like the guy AT ALL I think the race for 2020 is over before it even has really started...he will win in a landslide. IMO.

I personally think he PUSHED the demoncraps into this impeachment trap...maybe I am wrong but I think I am right.
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2nd President in American history without 3% GDP growth
...and what does that have to do with the topic of this thread, which is Trump potentially getting himself Impeached?

So use to attempting to hijack threads about Trump 'successes' you just couldn't help yourself?!

:p lol
Continued decade long trends, and failed to reach 3% GDP growth. Not impressive.
If what you say is true give us your answers to this. How do we get 4% and 5% growth rates?
Democrats DO know that an attempt to Impeach President Trump for asking Ukraine's PM to investigate potential scandals / crimes involving Joe / Hunter will result in investigations / deeper looks into Joe and Hunter's dealing in Ukraine, right....?!
2nd President in American history without 3% GDP growth
...and what does that have to do with the topic of this thread, which is Trump potentially getting himself Impeached?

So use to attempting to hijack threads about Trump 'successes' you just couldn't help yourself?!

:p lol
Continued decade long trends, and failed to reach 3% GDP growth. Not impressive.
If what you say is true give us your answers to this. How do we get 4% and 5% growth rates?
How about we stick to the topic at hand and / or you guys move your conversation to one of the 15 threads about the economy under Trump?
Since this has to do with Trump being impeached. I am starting to think Trump himself WANTED this to happen. Impeachment will just INSURE his supporters and those SICK AND FUCKING TIRED of this shit from the demoncraps come out and support Trump. Over and over and over and over the demoncraps have fallen RIGHT INTO the traps he has set up and while I don't like the guy AT ALL I think the race for 2020 is over before it even has really started...he will win in a landslide. IMO.

I personally think he PUSHED the demoncraps into this impeachment trap...maybe I am wrong but I think I am right.
You might be right but STILL trump is a lying scumbag that brings shame on America ,,,,,and his supporters those morons, should blow them selves up
You might be right but STILL trump is a lying scumbag that brings shame on America ,,,,,and his supporters those morons, should blow them selves up
If lying and bringing shame on America was an Impeachable offense Barry would have been IMPEACHED immediately after declaring, "Obamacare will not cost a dime, will pay for itself, will lower premiums, & if you like your doctor / plan you can keep them."
Democrats DO know that an attempt to Impeach President Trump for asking Ukraine's PM to investigate potential scandals / crimes involving Joe / Hunter will result in investigations / deeper looks into Joe and Hunter's dealing in Ukraine, right....?!
Maybe and then the crook Ivanka her husband and Scumps son for meetings at Trump Tower with russians AND checking up on Trump getting rich on Russian money
Democrats DO know that an attempt to Impeach President Trump for asking Ukraine's PM to investigate potential scandals / crimes involving Joe / Hunter will result in investigations / deeper looks into Joe and Hunter's dealing in Ukraine, right....?!
Maybe and then the crook Ivanka her husband and Scumps son for meetings at Trump Tower with russians AND checking up on Trump getting rich on Russian money
Maybe bring the pos Guiliani into court the FN weasel
Maybe and then the crook Ivanka her husband and Scumps son for meetings at Trump Tower with russians AND checking up on Trump getting rich on Russian money
There you go making false allegations with nothing to support your emotional opinions....

Snowflakes are so filled with hate for this President and his family, just because he beat Hillary...sad.
Maybe and then the crook Ivanka her husband and Scumps son for meetings at Trump Tower with russians
So a meeting in which no information exchanged hands is criminal ... but buying Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda from a foreign spy to use in an election is not...?!

You might be right but STILL trump is a lying scumbag that brings shame on America ,,,,,and his supporters those morons, should blow them selves up
If lying and bringing shame on America was an Impeachable offense Barry would have been IMPEACHED immediately after declaring, "Obamacare will not cost a dime, will pay for itself, will lower premiums, & if you like your doctor / plan you can keep them."
That was just a few bucks and helped millions ,,, The guy you support is a fn pos 28 billion to farmers ,how many billion for the AH's wall that mexico was paying for? Going into collusion, blackmailing countries into helping him?
You might be right but STILL trump is a lying scumbag that brings shame on America ,,,,,and his supporters those morons, should blow them selves up
If lying and bringing shame on America was an Impeachable offense Barry would have been IMPEACHED immediately after declaring, "Obamacare will not cost a dime, will pay for itself, will lower premiums, & if you like your doctor / plan you can keep them."
That was just a few bucks and helped millions ,,, The guy you support is a fn pos 28 billion to farmers ,how many billion for the AH's wall that mexico was paying for? Going into collusion, blackmailing countries into helping him?
Nice attempted spin and justification of Barry's own record-setting lies...

You might be right but STILL trump is a lying scumbag that brings shame on America ,,,,,and his supporters those morons, should blow them selves up
If lying and bringing shame on America was an Impeachable offense Barry would have been IMPEACHED immediately after declaring, "Obamacare will not cost a dime, will pay for itself, will lower premiums, & if you like your doctor / plan you can keep them."
That was just a few bucks and helped millions ,,, The guy you support is a fn pos 28 billion to farmers ,how many billion for the AH's wall that mexico was paying for? Going into collusion, blackmailing countries into helping him?
Nice attempted spin and justification of Barry's own record-setting lies...

Come on easy anyone with 2 brains to rub together knows trump is an AH and Obama was a far better man than him
IN the last 3 years President Trump has accomplished what no president has accomplished for DECADES, in some cases EVER:
- Strongest economy in decades
- Lowest unemployment rate in decades
- Lowest minority unemployment rate ever
- Most Americans working at 1 time
- More Jobs
- Higher Wages
- Raises
- Bonuses
- Brought back jobs Barry said were gone forever
- Record Stock Market
- Kept more promises than and politician on decades, if not ever
...and that was while Democrats set their own record for attempting to undermine and Impeach the President every day since the day after he was elected / beat Hillary

2016, the Democratic Party rigged their Primary, helped Hillary cheat in debates, and ended up still having to give Hillary the nomination she could not win so she could go on to face Donald Trump in an election she was supposed to win in a landslide, one that had already been altered by Hillary and the Democrats' actions...

Now he has (potentially) accomplished something no Democrat could do...

In 2016 President Obama and his proven criminal Cabinet Members / Agency Directors were forced to protect Hillary from Indictment and prison for thousands of criminal counts publicly reported by both members of the FBI and former FBI Director James Comey just so she could remain in the 2016 Presidential race - another act that altered the 2016 election.

In 2016 Hillary Clinton paid for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda from a Trump-hating foreign spy to use against Trump to ensure a victory...
-- The Obama administration knowingly used the false data as part if their foundation to try to keep Trump winning the 2016 election...and then to conduct a political coup attempt against the newly elected President, Donald Trump.

After Hillary's loss the Democrats dedicated their time to undermining the President and attempting to remove him from office...instead of doing their jobs and working for the American people...

The last 3 years have been nothing but 'Get Trump' 24/7...and they FAILED.

Coups attempts were exposed, false narratives were debunked, Democrat crimes were exposed, Democrats have been recommended for indictment, the FISA Abuse report is still to come out, & the US IG has agreed to investigate Comey for Perjury...every attempt to take down Trump has boomeranged...

After 3 years of continuous fishing trips, accusations, and false narratives, President Trump decided to do some investigating on his own, it seems. According to a whistle blower Trump asked the Ukraine PM to investigate a scandal involving Then-VP Biden, one Hillary brought up in 2016 to make sure Joe stayed out of the race, a scandal involving the extortion if an allied nation's leader, which Biden confessed to on video tape.

Unfortunately for President Trump, who is not a career politician like his adversaries, Trump did not know a PRESIDENT could do what HE did but a Private citizen could collude Russian-authored propaganda from a foreign spy in hopes of further altering an election AND a former VP could brag on video about extorting the leader of an allied foreign govt.

President Trump's greatest strength was / is that he is NOT a corrupt career swamp-dwelling politician. It is what drew Americans to him, helped him keep his promises, and helped him accomplish so much for the American people...

It has also turned out to be his in-doing. Trump seems to believe that he could work to investigate a confessed extorter who is running for office in order to protect the country and prevent another criminal Democrat from winning the WH.

He was wrong.

So after 3 years, a failed coup attempt, numerous Democrat acts that altered the 2016 election, non-stop ' we-got-him-this-time' failures, boomerang busts, exposed crimes, leaking like a screen door on a submarine, and seditious liberal media proven to purposefully have reported lies / smears, President Trump may have just accomplished again what Democrats have failed to do....

Secure his own Impeachment.

Judge Napolitano: Trump has admitted committing crime in talks with Ukraine

Lies, damn lies, and the continuation of preexisting trends.
Come on easy anyone with 2 brains to rub together knows trump is an AH and Obama was a far better man than him
Barry spent 8 years arming, supplying, training, supporting, defending, protecting. Aiding, & abetting terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, and enemies of this nation...

He intervened in multiple nation's elections and governance, to include allies: Helped oust Mubarak and the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood to rise to power in Egypt, used tax dollars to try to oust Netanyahu in Israel, 'pimped' out the US military to Al Qaeda to help them murder Gaddafi and take over Libya, invaded Syria negotiated his own UN-Constitutional treaty with Iran, and dragged this nation into 2 wars to help terrorists - Al Qaeda in Libya and ISIS in Syria...

He illegally spied on Americans, Reporters, the media, The US Senate, USSC Justices (talk about a threat to our democracy...), a GOP Presidential candidate...and a newly elected President...

Almost every one of his Cabinet members / agency directors were caught committing Perjury - Holder was the 1st administration Cabinet member in US history to be Censured for it... Koskinen, Clapper, Brennan, Holder, Hillary, Comey...and all protected...

Barry set a new Presidential for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act...

He was found to have violated the Constitution several times, was found in Contempt several times for violating Judge's orders, admitted he had no authority to effect immigration law...right before he did it illegally any way, negotiated his own personal treaty and ran to the U.N. to have it ratified before allowing the US govt to see it.

C'mon, Ed...you know you are fill of shit and denial about the worst / most criminal President in US history...- Barak Obama.

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