Once again Obama thinks American people are too stupid to follow the news correctly

Once again Obama thinks American people are too stupid to follow the news correctly

Probably talking about Right Wingnuts.

I think the real story here is "Obama thinks". Who knew? I always figured the man was smart enough to not have someone think for him, and then he got elected and made all the wrong choices for America, for as smart as the left claim him to be, there is no way he is thinking for himself, that or he is blatantly lying to America about his agenda.
Once again Obama thinks American people are too stupid to follow the news correctly

Probably talking about Right Wingnuts.

Oh to be as Naive as you Rdean, that would be nice.

You are a fool if you think he only thinks people on the right are stupid.

The man looks down on everyone. He thinks he is gods gift to man kind.

Trust me, if he thinks anyone is stupid it's his base on the left that he thinks is stupid, for them to vote for him so willingly all the while watching the country crumble around them, they would have to be stupid, and he knows it. That's why he caters so eagerly "Through voice not action" to their wants.
Let's take a look at the promises broken.
I think it's funny how when President Obama got elected, the right claimed people weren't paying attention to his ties to Wright, terrorists, Osama Bin Laden, etc.. Leading to his election. Yet when Obama claims people aren't paying close enough attention to the real news, and long-term affects of his policies, you get your panties in a bunch.

When Obama says "real News" he is talking only about news that makes him popular, not the actual news that exposes his agenda.
We know exactly what the long term effects of his policies are, that is why most working class Americans are against his policies.
I think it's funny how when President Obama got elected, the right claimed people weren't paying attention to his ties to Wright, terrorists, Osama Bin Laden, etc.. Leading to his election. Yet when Obama claims people aren't paying close enough attention to the real news, and long-term affects of his policies, you get your panties in a bunch.

Economists are jumping the ship. The stimulus failed. BO told us that we needed the stimulus to keep unemployment from reaching 8%. It's been over that for 18 Months. People with health insurance are seeing dramatic increases. The Bush tax cuts are going to expire and all those people making under 200,000 that BO promised would never see an increase in taxes are going to see one.

Oh, we're paying attention. We don't buy the bullshit any longer. That's the problem. You're gonna be in for a rude awakening on Nov 2.

Dumbfuck. The stimulus worked. I think it's funny how hypocritical the GOP is. Our local GOP congressional candidate is campaigning against the stimulus, but his company took stimulus money. His argument is "oh, well I needed the money to keep jobs".. Of course dumbass, that's the whole point.. It fucking worked!

Yup. You can thank the republican and conservadems who're catering to the rich by holding middle class tax cuts hostage. Thanks guys!

Yeah.. we'll see. I think we'll lose seats, but I think your side will be mighty disappointed at the end of the night.

It worked to line Liberal/Progressive/Acorn/Unions pockets, yes....it worked quite well for their original intentions of it, but it did jack shit for the economy or job growth. And to say it created or saved jobs is bullshit, it created no jobs, and to say it saved jobs is bullshit also, that's almost like saying if I had not cut that tree in the back yard down last year, it surely would have died and fell over on it's own. It's bullshit, bullshit that only the liberal base can believe in.

More pseudo-whining from rightie tighties. Or out right lies.
This is how the author of that article describes Obamas words.

"..the media is more interested in sizzle and steak."

Yet the title of this post shows that the very nature of these rightwing propagandist is an out right lie.

Just a point of fact the President of the United States does not think the American people are too stupid to follow the news.

More pseudo-whining from rightie tighties. Or out right lies.
This is how the author of that article describes Obamas words.

"..the media is more interested in sizzle and steak."

Yet the title of this post shows that the very nature of these rightwing propagandist is an out right lie.

Just a point of fact the President of the United States does not think the American people are too stupid to follow the news.

That's nice, but there is still one collosal glittering fact. Your President is a failure.
Once again Obama thinks American people are too stupid to follow the news correctly
Gee.....I wonder where he'd get....

I think you misread this article.

They are lied to by certain media, you know like Fox who sued in court for the right to lie to their viewers.

Obama lies 100 times more than FOX news. Do you think it should be illegal for politicians to lie?
LOL. The first time I ever heard fat ass Limpbaugh, he started his spiel with"I will tell you what the news is, and what to think about it!". My immediate reaction was, and still is, you and whose army?

Now, on this board, I see the 'Conservatives' constantly trying this same shit. And my reaction is still the same for them as Limpbaugh.

More pseudo-whining from rightie tighties. Or out right lies.
This is how the author of that article describes Obamas words.

"..the media is more interested in sizzle and steak."

Yet the title of this post shows that the very nature of these rightwing propagandist is an out right lie.

Just a point of fact the President of the United States does not think the American people are too stupid to follow the news.

That's nice, but there is still one collosal glittering fact. Your President is a failure.

I think you are going to need some gunny sacks and ashes after November.
The president also said he has work to do on getting his message out.

"I've got to constantly figure out how to work with this new media environment to make sure that we stay focused on what's important," Obama said. "Are we educating our kids over the long term? Are we putting enough money into research and development? Are we helping grow startup businesses and small businesses that are going to create the jobs of the future? Are we competitive in terms of how we deal with our export sector?"

The president's comments are quite legitimate.


Only Republicans could look at this message and see something "bad".
The president also said he has work to do on getting his message out.

"I've got to constantly figure out how to work with this new media environment to make sure that we stay focused on what's important," Obama said. "Are we educating our kids over the long term? Are we putting enough money into research and development? Are we helping grow startup businesses and small businesses that are going to create the jobs of the future? Are we competitive in terms of how we deal with our export sector?"

The president's comments are quite legitimate.


Only Republicans could look at this message and see something "bad".

It would probably help if he had a message.
"I've got to constantly figure out how to work with this new media environment to make sure that we stay focused on what's important," Obama said. "Are we educating our kids over the long term? Are we putting enough money into research and development? Are we helping grow startup businesses and small businesses that are going to create the jobs of the future? Are we competitive in terms of how we deal with our export sector?"

The president also said he has work to do on getting his message out.

"I've got to constantly figure out how to work with this new media environment to make sure that we stay focused on what's important," Obama said. "Are we educating our kids over the long term? Are we putting enough money into research and development? Are we helping grow startup businesses and small businesses that are going to create the jobs of the future? Are we competitive in terms of how we deal with our export sector?"

The president's comments are quite legitimate.

Only Republicans could look at this message and see something "bad".
The problem is rdean.

This is Obama's 4th year in office and he is still asking questions as though someone needs to tell him what to do.

He acts just as clueless as he was his first day in office.

A true leader would have addressed these elementary items a long time ago.

Obama is still complaining that he can't get his message out.

I am starting to be convinced Obama had no message to begin with. :doubt:
The president also said he has work to do on getting his message out.

"I've got to constantly figure out how to work with this new media environment to make sure that we stay focused on what's important," Obama said. "Are we educating our kids over the long term? Are we putting enough money into research and development? Are we helping grow startup businesses and small businesses that are going to create the jobs of the future? Are we competitive in terms of how we deal with our export sector?"

The president's comments are quite legitimate.

Only Republicans could look at this message and see something "bad".
The problem is rdean.

This is Obama's 4th year in office and he is still asking questions as though someone needs to tell him what to do.

He acts just as clueless as he was his first day in office.

A true leader would have addressed these elementary items a long time ago.

Obama is still complaining that he can't get his message out.

I am starting to be convinced Obama had no message to begin with. :doubt:

Really? You seemed to think so.

That's why I am encouraging everyone to vote for Obama.

After he wins in 2012

He is going to hold Israel's Zionist feet to the fire and force them to change.

And he will have 4 nice long years to do it. :clap2:
Obama is right. The media has been taken over by the corporations. Check out how Clinton agreed to deregulating the media and the rich gobbled up every station. Now even liberal stations like MSNBC will only go so far.

And the American people don't even know it. They are being lied to. Brainwashed. Neo Conned.

Liberal media my ass. Listen to Randi Rhodes or Thom Hartmann if you want to hear real liberal media. Or listen to Bernie Sanders.

Most Democrats today are corporate democrats. Still much better than even the most moderate Republican, but not good enough. They all must bow to corporate donors.

Campaign finance reform. Public funding of elections. And overturn Citizens United.
For the 100th time Jroc

I am not an Obama fan and think the guy is way under qualified to be our President.

But he seems to be anti Israel.

And in my book that over rides everything else he does or positions he holds on other issues.

Freeing the U.S. from all ties to Israel should be America's top priority.

Besides, the Republican's just have a pathetic pack of RINO's challenging him.

So in my opinion Obama is going to win hands down anyway.
For the 100th time Jroc

I am not an Obama fan and think the guy is way under qualified to be our President.

But he seems to be anti Israel.

And in my book that over rides everything else he does or positions he holds on other issues.

Freeing the U.S. from all ties to Israel should be America's top priority.

Besides, the Republican's just have a pathetic pack of RINO's challenging him.

So in my opinion Obama is going to win hands down anyway.

Just keeping it real Sunni boy:razz:
It is rather difficult to focus on the long term if you're one of the people going down right now.

But I definitely agree that the 24/7 news-cycle creates short-term-thinking-blowback even in those who are NOT in trouble today.

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