On this thanksgiving day - Thank a White Male


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Very long article from the great citizens at American Thinker proving what we all know - that it's white males who gave us this amazing high-tech world we live in. Women give us kids and blacks give us pro sports but nearly all useful people are white males. Only they can do technology.

Articles Thank a White Male

November 27, 2014

Do you like internal combustion engines?

Thank a few white men. (Jean Lenoir, Nikolaus Otto, Karl Benz, Rudolf Diesel, Gottlieb Daimler, Emil Jellinek, Henry Ford among others.)

Are you a fan of flush toilets and indoor plumbing?

Thank white males Alexander Cumming, Thomas Twyford, and Isaiah Rogers

Toilet paper?

Thank Joseph Gayetty, W.M.

How about washing machines and dryers?

Thank white males Alva Fisher and J. Ross Moore.

Billions are alive today because of our innovation and ideas. America is a unified country because of whites to boot! All these non-whites that want to cross deserts and high water to get here should be thankful!
Very long article from the great citizens at American Thinker proving what we all know - that it's white males who gave us this amazing high-tech world we live in. Women give us kids and blacks give us pro sports but nearly all useful people are white males. Only they can do technology.

Articles Thank a White Male

November 27, 2014

Do you like internal combustion engines?

Thank a few white men. (Jean Lenoir, Nikolaus Otto, Karl Benz, Rudolf Diesel, Gottlieb Daimler, Emil Jellinek, Henry Ford among others.)

Are you a fan of flush toilets and indoor plumbing?

Thank white males Alexander Cumming, Thomas Twyford, and Isaiah Rogers

Toilet paper?

Thank Joseph Gayetty, W.M.

How about washing machines and dryers?

Thank white males Alva Fisher and J. Ross Moore.

Way to immediately piss off 51% of the population.


Of course this is the same profound intellect who assesses that getting shot in the face makes the victim a "slut", so....
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Thank you White men

for coming to America, stealing or outright taking the land of my ancestors, and confining us to POS reservations which I refuse to live on.

No really! I married one of your white women, sired 4 half breeds, live in a house that's nearly paid off, drive my Ford truck, blast my air conditioner, live in a city with hospitals, plumbing, flush toilets, electricity, and Starbucks. Furthermore, I won't die in some pointless war before I see my grandchildren, I don't shit in the woods and wipe with pine needles, and I get to wear clothes. Fun! I really don't give a shit what you did to my great-great grandparents, because I got a great life thanks to Western Civilization instead of the suck-fest I would have had if you stayed in Europe. So whatever grudge you think I have, no worries. I don't.

I wish more griping, whiny Native Americans saw things the way I do, because when push comes to shove, blacks don't want to live in Africa and my people don't want to live in pre-white America and that's the damned truth! Hell yeah!
Happy Thanksgiving you little morons. Just remember you slaughtered others to get this land and what goes around comes around.

Yes, I'm just so outraged at what happened 150 years ago (eating Thanksgiving with eggnog and cream cheese cake pumpkin pie) Effing white people! (mmff..mmff..mmff...thif if good!)
Thank you White men

for coming to America, stealing or outright taking the land of my ancestors, and confining us to POS reservations which I refuse to live on.

No really! I married one of your white women, sired 4 half breeds, live in a house that's nearly paid off, drive my Ford truck, blast my air conditioner, live in a city with hospitals, plumbing, flush toilets, electricity, and Starbucks. Furthermore, I won't die in some pointless war before I see my grandchildren, I don't shit in the woods and wipe with pine needles, and I get to wear clothes. Fun! I really don't give a shit what you did to my great-great grandparents, because I got a great life thanks to Western Civilization instead of the suck-fest I would have had if you stayed in Europe. So whatever grudge you think I have, no worries. I don't.

I wish more griping, whiny Native Americans saw things the way I do, because when push comes to shove, blacks don't want to live in Africa and my people don't want to live in pre-white America and that's the damned truth! Hell yeah!
I'm sure your ancestors would be proud. You are a very good House ******, Whitey's favorite kind. All we had to do was hand you a bottle and a blanket, after slaughtering your grandparents.

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