On this day a Confederate martyr died for his country


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
March 25 1865 Robert Cobb Kennedy was hanged for trying to set fires in New York. He was part of the "Confederate Army of Manhattan". He had been wounded at Shiloh defending his country and twice captured by the United States as part of a Confederate spy ring operating out of Canada.
By some accounts he got too drunk to properly set the fires. Typical Kennedy... but his heart was in the right place.
Confederate Army of Manhattan - Wikipedia
March 25 1865 Robert Cobb Kennedy was hanged for trying to set fires in New York. He was part of the "Confederate Army of Manhattan". He had been wounded at Shiloh defending his country and twice captured by the United States as part of a Confederate spy ring operating out of Canada.
By some accounts he got too drunk to properly set the fires. Typical Kennedy... but his heart was in the right place.
Confederate Army of Manhattan - Wikipedia

you misspelled betraying
March 25 1865 Robert Cobb Kennedy was hanged for trying to set fires in New York. He was part of the "Confederate Army of Manhattan". He had been wounded at Shiloh defending his country and twice captured by the United States as part of a Confederate spy ring operating out of Canada.
By some accounts he got too drunk to properly set the fires. Typical Kennedy... but his heart was in the right place.
Confederate Army of Manhattan - Wikipedia

I'm sure sertherners will now get riled up about a statue that was never erected to this cretin that they don't want to see torn down. Even though it isn't up.

If you are going to go down the crazy highway might as well follow it 'till the end.
March 25 1865 Robert Cobb Kennedy was hanged for trying to set fires in New York. He was part of the "Confederate Army of Manhattan". He had been wounded at Shiloh defending his country and twice captured by the United States as part of a Confederate spy ring operating out of Canada.
By some accounts he got too drunk to properly set the fires. Typical Kennedy... but his heart was in the right place.
Confederate Army of Manhattan - Wikipedia

I'm sure sertherners will now get riled up about a statue that was never erected to this cretin that they don't want to see torn down. Even though it isn't up.

If you are going to go down the crazy highway might as well follow it 'till the end.

Hey, this element has never let the simple nonexistence of something stand in their way before.

Many people are saying that. Thousands of them, dancing on rooftops.
How did a traitor to his country die for his country?

You are a traitor and your helicopter ride is in the future. But not Confederates. Not one was ever tried for treason. Not Jefferson Davis, not Robert Lee not even the lowest soldier.
Now I know logic isn't your strong suit but did you notice that Robert Cobb Kennedy was charged and convicted of being a foreign spy...not a traitor. He was convicted of two charges (1) spying and (2) breaking the established rules of war (he was out of uniform).
The Union soldiers and population and the military court that tried Kennedy would have been disgusted and repulsed by you.
March 25 1865 Robert Cobb Kennedy was hanged for trying to set fires in New York. He was part of the "Confederate Army of Manhattan". He had been wounded at Shiloh defending his country and twice captured by the United States as part of a Confederate spy ring operating out of Canada.
By some accounts he got too drunk to properly set the fires. Typical Kennedy... but his heart was in the right place.
Confederate Army of Manhattan - Wikipedia

I'm sure sertherners will now get riled up about a statue that was never erected to this cretin that they don't want to see torn down. Even though it isn't up.

He is honored with his fellow warriors here in this former prisoner-of-war camp in the state of Ohio where he was held.

johnsons island.jpg

Maintained by the United States Department of Veteran Affairs National Cemetery Administration


That flag you see...it is raised each morning by the United States Park Service.

Confederate Stockade Cemetery--Civil War Era National Cemeteries: A Discover Our Shared Heritage Travel Itinerary
.... Not one was ever tried for treason. ......

Thanks only to the magnanimity of President Lincoln.

Lincoln was dead by then you ignoramus. Johnson never had anyone tried for treason either. He considered trying Robert E Lee and other Confederate generals but finally agreed with US Grant that they were soldiers defending their country. He then considered trying Jefferson Davis but met a deadlocked district court. It moved to the Supreme Court where Salmon P Chase warned him the court would find for Davis and possibly for secession and thereby embarrass him.

And the United States went on to name military bases, aircraft carriers, submarines and west point barracks after Confederate generals. It issued coins twice to commemorate the Confederacy and stamps numerous times as well. The United States Congress declared all Confederate soldiers to be American veterans.

Lincoln and Grant would have despised your ilk.

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