On the Web, Palestinians Extend Propaganda by hiding behind "The Children!"

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
On the Web, Palestinians Extend Their Propaganda by hiding behind "Oh, The Children!"

but the truth/proof is in the pudding.

Remember when Saddam Hussein paid Palestinian families to turn their kids into suicide bombers to kill Israelis? Israeli then started bulldozing the family's houses and that put an end to it. It's okay to sacrifice my kid, but don't destroy my house!!!


The Celebration of the "First"
Female Palestinian Suicide Bomber

"She was happy when martyrdom attacks were carried out against the Israelis and told me she wished she would one day carry out such an attack".

Manal Shaheen, Relative of Wafa Idris.
-for the children


Palestinian spokeswoman is full of shit just like the Iraqi minister who said the Americans were being run out of town just as they were crossing into the center of Baghdad.

gawd, the leaders in that area are fuckin' loons.

Palestinian spokeswoman is full of shit just like the Iraqi minister who said the Americans were being run out of town just as they were crossing into the center of Baghdad.

gawd, the leaders in that area are fuckin' loons.



Palestinian leaders have for so long sought to cling to power by vilifying Israel and promising the their people victories over Israel they will never have, that they are now afraid they will be committing political suicide if they tell the people the truth, and they may be right. Final peace and a Palestinian state may yet come if Israel is able to rid Gaza of Hamas and their associates, Abbas or his successor is able to establish effective control there and if Palestinian political leaders begin to court power by seeking to improve the lives of their people rather than by lying to them about Israel, but this is a long and uncertain path and there will almost surely be some dark and bloody days along the way.
Palestinian leaders have for so long sought to cling to power by vilifying Israel and promising the their people victories over Israel they will never have, that they are now afraid they will be committing political suicide if they tell the people the truth, and they may be right. Final peace and a Palestinian state may yet come if Israel is able to rid Gaza of Hamas and their associates, Abbas or his successor is able to establish effective control there and if Palestinian political leaders begin to court power by seeking to improve the lives of their people rather than by lying to them about Israel, but this is a long and uncertain path and there will almost surely be some dark and bloody days along the way.

You are way off base toomuchtime.

The Palestanian people want leaders who desire a victory over Israel no matter how long it takes.

Hamas provides that kind of leadership to the people.
victory? what kind of victory?

the kind of victory mexicans are going to see in the American southwest. Face it, unless you ironically exterminate palis this will always be the thorn in the side of racist zionism.
the kind of victory mexicans are going to see in the American southwest. Face it, unless you ironically exterminate palis this will always be the thorn in the side of racist zionism.

I live in the American SW and am new to the area. I have no clue what all the fuss is about. Most of the fear and loathing must stem from the 'way it used to be' which is usually the way it never was. I am having a hard time finding credible evidence that Mexicans area threat to America.
I live in the American SW and am new to the area. I have no clue what all the fuss is about. Most of the fear and loathing must stem from the 'way it used to be' which is usually the way it never was. I am having a hard time finding credible evidence that Mexicans area threat to America.

I say this as someone who has no problem with the coming latino majority:

it's a threat to the power exclusivity of the dominant ethnic majority. This is why neither parties are trying to overtly piss off the latino vote with bringing the hammer down on illegal immigration. It's why israel knows that the only way to keep israel jewish is by limiting non-jew input and injecting as many imported jews as possible. It's why eruo is having second thoughts about tolorance as muslim populations compete with native populations for national representation.
and to get all palestinians who scattered in all over the world as refugees (due to Israeli occupation) back to their hometowns .

To be able to go anywhere in their ancestral land as a free people.

To be a part of the government in the land that is now called Israel.
You are way off base toomuchtime.

The Palestanian people want leaders who desire a victory over Israel no matter how long it takes.

Hamas provides that kind of leadership to the people.


I agree with you, but that is only because Palestinian leaders have been lying to the people about the possibility of a victory over Israel for generations, and those leaders who still promise such a victory are still lying to the people. In the meantime, the pursuit of this impossible victory precludes the possibility of establishing a Palestinian state or a prosperous economy.

At this point in time, the best thing that can happen to the Palestinian people is for an Israeli ground assault to rid Gaza of Hamas and its associates. This will open the possibility that Abbas or his successor can lead the way to substituting real improvements in the lives of the Palestinian people for lies about Israel as a means of keeping power.
some could say the same thing about nuking a solution for the cancer that is zionism. You should be careful about such thoughts.
To be able to go anywhere in their ancestral land as a free people.
wtf do you think they are still nomads with camels?

To be a part of the government in the land that is now called Israel.
why? they have their own land. they signed documents to get that land and now they break their words?

what good is the word of a Palestinian if they can't even keep it now?
and to get all palestinians who scattered in all over the world as refugees (due to Israeli occupation) back to their hometowns .

occupation? you mean the creation of the state of Israel?

hey loser, even Egypt recognizes Israel as a state. read the handwriting on the wall and either go over there and strap on a vest or STFU
indeed.. what those natives will TRADE for some baubles, eh dude?
occupation? you mean the creation of the state of Israel?

hey loser, even Egypt recognizes Israel as a state. read the handwriting on the wall and either go over there and strap on a vest or STFU

no, i think i'll go ahead and stick around for the wave of reconsideration the US will go through as soon as we get farther away from the year 2000, given the doomsdayer support for anything jewish, and white people start facing the reality of ethnic equality in their diminished power in the US and starts making REAL strides to facilitate democratic equality despite ethnicity.
some could say the same thing about nuking a solution for the cancer that is zionism. You should be careful about such thoughts.

this is the real cancer...look at what passes for a loving family and a devoted mom over there:

The Celebration of the "First" Female Suicide Bomber.

The Celebration of the "First"
Female Palestinian Suicide Bomber

Female bomber's mother speaks out (30.1.02)

The mother of the first female Palestinian suicide bomber has said she is proud of her daughter and hopes more women will follow her example.

Body parts found at the scene suggested that an attack on Sunday, which killed an 81-year-old Israeli man and left more than 100 injured, was the first of its kind by a woman.

But confirmation of the bomber's identity did not come until Wednesday, when relatives identified her as Wafa Idris, a 28-year-old divorced paramedic.

The al-Aqsa Brigades militant faction, part of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement, also published a leaflet saying she had carried out the bombing in response to Israeli military actions.

Wafa's tearful mother, Wasfiyeh, described her only daughter as a martyr, as she was consoled by relatives at their home in Amari Refugee Camp near Ramallah.

She told the BBC she did not know what turned her daughter into a bomber.

'Daughter of Palestine'

"Maybe it was because of all the wounded people she saw in the ambulances. She wanted to help her people. She was a daughter of Palestine," she said.

Mrs Idris said Wafa was not a known activist with any Palestinian militant group, although her three brothers are Fatah members.

She said she had suspected nothing when her daughter, who had been shot several times by Israeli rubber bullets during her work for the Red Crescent, rushed from home on Sunday morning saying she would be late for work.

"When I heard in the media that a woman may have been behind the bombing in Jerusalem and she didn't show up, I believed this could be the only explanation for her absence," Wasfiyeh told the Reuters news agency.

Ms Idris's sister-in-law said Wafa, whose father died when she was a child, had become withdrawn and morose in the weeks preceding the attack.


The paramedic was angered by seeing children shot and killed during confrontations in Ramallah, she said.

"She was happy when martyrdom attacks were carried out against the Israelis and told me she wished she would one day carry out such an attack," another relative, Manal Shaheen, said.

It is still not clear, however, whether Ms Idris blew herself up intentionally, or whether explosives she was carrying detonated accidentally.

The BBC's Orla Guerin in Ramallah says that Wafa Idris is already a heroine on the streets of the refugee camp where she lived.

One woman from the Amari camp, a pregnant mother of three, told the BBC she would carry out a similar operation if she was given the opportunity.

Wafa Idris's notoriety is also spreading rapidly: Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has called for a memorial in her honour to be built in one of Baghdad's main squares, according to reports in Iraqi newspapers on Wednesday.
this is the real cancer...look at what passes for a loving family and a devoted mom over there:
Of course the Mother was proud of Her daughter.

She gave Her life to help free Her people.

Just the same as American parents are proud of their child when they sacrifice their life in defence of the U.S.
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