On Leaving the Golden State

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
On Leaving the Golden State

Guest Post by NicklethroweR

The fabled Ventura Highway is all that separates my artist loft from the beach where surfing first came to the United States. Both my balcony and front patio face the freeway at about eye level and I could easily smack a tennis ball right on to the ever busy 101. Access to the beach and boardwalk is very important to a Tourist Town such as mine and I can see one underpass from my balcony and another underpass from the patio. Further up the street are two pedestrian bridges. Both have been recently remodeled so that people can not use it to kill themselves by leaping down into traffic. The traffic, just like the spice, must flow and the elites that live here do not like to be inconvenienced as they dart about between Malibu and Santa Barbara.

Another feature of living where I live would have to be the homeless, the insane and the drug addicts that wander this particular neighborhood. The authorities estimate that there are more than 1100 homeless in and around my part of town but unless you too live in such a neighborhood, it can be hard to imagine so I’ll do my best to explain. Please humor me while I tell you what that looks like from ground zero.

So near the beach ......ruined ...by progressive democratic socialist morons

Read it all

On Leaving the Golden State – The Burning Platform
The greatest portion of causes of homelessness can be attributed to mental health issues. The next greatest: addiction. Third? Economic opportunities and lack of a basic , liveable income.

One party clearly speaks to addressing and taking measures to address, treat, and alleviate these medical and economic issues, while one party clearly speaks against these measures with no attempt to present better, alternative ideas instead..

Join us in reality.
The greatest portion of causes of homelessness can be attributed to mental health issues. The next greatest: addiction. Third? Economic opportunities and lack of a basic , liveable income.

One party clearly speaks to addressing and taking measures to address, treat, and alleviate these medical and economic issues, while one party clearly speaks against these measures with no attempt to present better, alternative ideas instead..

Join us in reality.
All major metropolis have homeless issues...its how its dealt with that separates the the blue cities from the red cities...
All major metropolis have homeless issues...its how its dealt with that separates the the blue cities from the red cities...
Red cities? which large cities would those be?

And to which policies are you referring? Hiding the homeless, or actually treating the factors that lead to homelessness? please state these things clearly on your own; I shouldn't have to ask.
The greatest portion of causes of homelessness can be attributed to mental health issues. The next greatest: addiction. Third? Economic opportunities and lack of a basic , liveable income.

One party clearly speaks to addressing and taking measures to address, treat, and alleviate these medical and economic issues, while one party clearly speaks against these measures with no attempt to present better, alternative ideas instead..

Join us in reality.

Ya had to can ham response that one eh ....
Well I guess once they try some left wing progressive ideas in California that'll fix things .......wait. ...:banana::badgrin:

Try this on for reality
In the year 1994Californians voted to severly curb illegal immigration ...left wing activists and thier judges had other ideas

Give us a good ol Democrat lecture about ......derp muh democracy

How about this
In California, the homeless find work evicting the poor: ‘Believe me, we see the irony’

Where did all that money go for brand spanking new homeless apartments? ...where are the apartments ?.......thiers atleast 2 or 3 threads on this very board abOut it

Left wing policies suck eggs ....keep people down .......have been destroying our black brothers and sisters since the 60s ...you people are idiots you're never right about anything

Fuck you lefties and your little bureaucratic parasitic ghouls to who feed off keeping large amounts of people stuck in poverty
The greatest portion of causes of homelessness can be attributed to mental health issues. The next greatest: addiction. Third? Economic opportunities and lack of a basic , liveable income.

One party clearly speaks to addressing and taking measures to address, treat, and alleviate these medical and economic issues, while one party clearly speaks against these measures with no attempt to present better, alternative ideas instead..

Join us in reality.

Ya had to can ham response that one eh ....
Well I guess once they try some left wing progressive ideas in California that'll fix things .......wait. ...:banana::badgrin:

Try this on for reality
In the year 1994Californians voted to severly curb illegal immigration ...left wing activists and thier judges had other ideas

Give us a good ol Democrat lecture about ......derp muh democracy

How about this
In California, the homeless find work evicting the poor: ‘Believe me, we see the irony’

Where did all that money go for brand spanking new homeless apartments? ...where are the apartments ?.......thiers atleast 2 or 3 threads on this very board abOut it

Left wing policies suck eggs ....keep people down .......have been destroying our black brothers and sisters since the 60s ...you people are idiots you're never right about anything

Fuck you lefties and your little bureaucratic parasitic ghouls to who feed off keeping large amounts of people stuck in poverty
Wow, that was a lot of whining for containing absolutely no attempt to address a single thing I said.

Do you, or do you not, agree with the chief factors of homelessness I mentioned? Frankly, it doesn't matter, because those factors I listed are facts. So, I guess i am more curious to see if I am talking to a delusional freak or a rational human being.
The greatest portion of causes of homelessness can be attributed to mental health issues. The next greatest: addiction. Third? Economic opportunities and lack of a basic , liveable income.

One party clearly speaks to addressing and taking measures to address, treat, and alleviate these medical and economic issues, while one party clearly speaks against these measures with no attempt to present better, alternative ideas instead..

Join us in reality.

Ya had to can ham response that one eh ....
Well I guess once they try some left wing progressive ideas in California that'll fix things .......wait. ...:banana::badgrin:

Try this on for reality
In the year 1994Californians voted to severly curb illegal immigration ...left wing activists and thier judges had other ideas

Give us a good ol Democrat lecture about ......derp muh democracy

How about this
In California, the homeless find work evicting the poor: ‘Believe me, we see the irony’

Where did all that money go for brand spanking new homeless apartments? ...where are the apartments ?.......thiers atleast 2 or 3 threads on this very board abOut it

Left wing policies suck eggs ....keep people down .......have been destroying our black brothers and sisters since the 60s ...you people are idiots you're never right about anything

Fuck you lefties and your little bureaucratic parasitic ghouls to who feed off keeping large amounts of people stuck in poverty
Wow, that was a lot of whining for containing absolutely no attempt to address a single thing I said.

Do you, or do you not, agree with the chief factors of homelessness I mentioned? Frankly, it doesn't matter, because those factors I listed are facts. So, I guess i am more curious to see if I am talking to a delusional freak or a rational human being.

Blah blah blah
Another dose of reality

You can walk into any store and steal up to 900 bucks worth of swag ..not a felony

Dear mr fantasy In your fantasy world version of that progressive policy tell us how thats working out

Lefties are the wIsest of the wise
Brainwashed rubes
The greatest portion of causes of homelessness can be attributed to mental health issues. The next greatest: addiction. Third? Economic opportunities and lack of a basic , liveable income.

One party clearly speaks to addressing and taking measures to address, treat, and alleviate these medical and economic issues, while one party clearly speaks against these measures with no attempt to present better, alternative ideas instead..

Join us in reality.

Ya had to can ham response that one eh ....
Well I guess once they try some left wing progressive ideas in California that'll fix things .......wait. ...:banana::badgrin:

Try this on for reality
In the year 1994Californians voted to severly curb illegal immigration ...left wing activists and thier judges had other ideas

Give us a good ol Democrat lecture about ......derp muh democracy

How about this
In California, the homeless find work evicting the poor: ‘Believe me, we see the irony’

Where did all that money go for brand spanking new homeless apartments? ...where are the apartments ?.......thiers atleast 2 or 3 threads on this very board abOut it

Left wing policies suck eggs ....keep people down .......have been destroying our black brothers and sisters since the 60s ...you people are idiots you're never right about anything

Fuck you lefties and your little bureaucratic parasitic ghouls to who feed off keeping large amounts of people stuck in poverty
Wow, that was a lot of whining for containing absolutely no attempt to address a single thing I said.

Do you, or do you not, agree with the chief factors of homelessness I mentioned? Frankly, it doesn't matter, because those factors I listed are facts. So, I guess i am more curious to see if I am talking to a delusional freak or a rational human being.

Blah blah blah
Another dose of reality

You can walk into any store and steal up to 900 bucks worth of swag ..not a felony

Dear mr fantasy In your fantasy world version of that progressive policy tell us how thats working out

Lefties are the wIsest of the wise
Brainwashed rubes
For a guy who starts threads on a message board, you sure are too big a sissy to discuss ideas. I will leave you to your public masturbation.
The greatest portion of causes of homelessness can be attributed to mental health issues. The next greatest: addiction. Third? Economic opportunities and lack of a basic , liveable income.

One party clearly speaks to addressing and taking measures to address, treat, and alleviate these medical and economic issues, while one party clearly speaks against these measures with no attempt to present better, alternative ideas instead..

Join us in reality.
Maybe it's karma.
We spend $7 trillion on wars that create millions of homeless in Iraq, Afghanistan. Syria and Libya.

Now we can't even take care of our homeless veterans here at home, let alone anyone else.
The greatest portion of causes of homelessness can be attributed to mental health issues. The next greatest: addiction. Third? Economic opportunities and lack of a basic , liveable income.

One party clearly speaks to addressing and taking measures to address, treat, and alleviate these medical and economic issues, while one party clearly speaks against these measures with no attempt to present better, alternative ideas instead..

Join us in reality.

Ya had to can ham response that one eh ....
Well I guess once they try some left wing progressive ideas in California that'll fix things .......wait. ...:banana::badgrin:

Try this on for reality
In the year 1994Californians voted to severly curb illegal immigration ...left wing activists and thier judges had other ideas

Give us a good ol Democrat lecture about ......derp muh democracy

How about this
In California, the homeless find work evicting the poor: ‘Believe me, we see the irony’

Where did all that money go for brand spanking new homeless apartments? ...where are the apartments ?.......thiers atleast 2 or 3 threads on this very board abOut it

Left wing policies suck eggs ....keep people down .......have been destroying our black brothers and sisters since the 60s ...you people are idiots you're never right about anything

Fuck you lefties and your little bureaucratic parasitic ghouls to who feed off keeping large amounts of people stuck in poverty
Wow, that was a lot of whining for containing absolutely no attempt to address a single thing I said.

Do you, or do you not, agree with the chief factors of homelessness I mentioned? Frankly, it doesn't matter, because those factors I listed are facts. So, I guess i am more curious to see if I am talking to a delusional freak or a rational human being.

Blah blah blah
Another dose of reality

You can walk into any store and steal up to 900 bucks worth of swag ..not a felony

Dear mr fantasy In your fantasy world version of that progressive policy tell us how thats working out

Lefties are the wIsest of the wise
Brainwashed rubes
For a guy who starts threads on a message board, you sure are too big a sissy to discuss ideas. I will leave you to your public masturbation.

Float away in your angwy bubble bro lol
I know your ideas they're over 100 years old and fail everytime
Just like modern progressive policy in california
The greatest portion of causes of homelessness can be attributed to mental health issues. The next greatest: addiction. Third? Economic opportunities and lack of a basic , liveable income.

One party clearly speaks to addressing and taking measures to address, treat, and alleviate these medical and economic issues, while one party clearly speaks against these measures with no attempt to present better, alternative ideas instead..

Join us in reality.

Ya had to can ham response that one eh ....
Well I guess once they try some left wing progressive ideas in California that'll fix things .......wait. ...:banana::badgrin:

Try this on for reality
In the year 1994Californians voted to severly curb illegal immigration ...left wing activists and thier judges had other ideas

Give us a good ol Democrat lecture about ......derp muh democracy

How about this
In California, the homeless find work evicting the poor: ‘Believe me, we see the irony’

Where did all that money go for brand spanking new homeless apartments? ...where are the apartments ?.......thiers atleast 2 or 3 threads on this very board abOut it

Left wing policies suck eggs ....keep people down .......have been destroying our black brothers and sisters since the 60s ...you people are idiots you're never right about anything

Fuck you lefties and your little bureaucratic parasitic ghouls to who feed off keeping large amounts of people stuck in poverty
Wow, that was a lot of whining for containing absolutely no attempt to address a single thing I said.

Do you, or do you not, agree with the chief factors of homelessness I mentioned? Frankly, it doesn't matter, because those factors I listed are facts. So, I guess i am more curious to see if I am talking to a delusional freak or a rational human being.

The greatest portion of causes of homelessness can be attributed to mental health issues. The next greatest: addiction. Third? Economic opportunities and lack of a basic , liveable income.

One party clearly speaks to addressing and taking measures to address, treat, and alleviate these medical and economic issues, while one party clearly speaks against these measures with no attempt to present better, alternative ideas instead..

Join us in reality.
All major metropolis have homeless issues...its how its dealt with that separates the the blue cities from the red cities...

Typical leftist opens up with "we care " and an extra cup of sugar...its all bullshit
Let's try something lefttarded ....but that has everything to do with how ya got there to begin with ...

People shittin in the streets and they're building a bullet train that no one is going to use ..they're gonna save the planet ...as small business close cause they cant keep gettin robbed and people flee the state in droves

Meanwhile on the east cost

My brother is still in Brooklyn hes 1 block from the train 2 blocks from the beach
Closer to the beach than this guy

Hum tons of homeless crime and filth ...murder rate 2000 plus a year
And along comes a republican .. fast forward today .and now it full of leftist from indiana and run by a giant LAZY idiot taking it back in that direction ....with progressive policy
The greatest portion of causes of homelessness can be attributed to mental health issues. The next greatest: addiction. Third? Economic opportunities and lack of a basic , liveable income.

One party clearly speaks to addressing and taking measures to address, treat, and alleviate these medical and economic issues, while one party clearly speaks against these measures with no attempt to present better, alternative ideas instead..

Join us in reality.

Ya had to can ham response that one eh ....
Well I guess once they try some left wing progressive ideas in California that'll fix things .......wait. ...:banana::badgrin:

Try this on for reality
In the year 1994Californians voted to severly curb illegal immigration ...left wing activists and thier judges had other ideas

Give us a good ol Democrat lecture about ......derp muh democracy

How about this
In California, the homeless find work evicting the poor: ‘Believe me, we see the irony’

Where did all that money go for brand spanking new homeless apartments? ...where are the apartments ?.......thiers atleast 2 or 3 threads on this very board abOut it

Left wing policies suck eggs ....keep people down .......have been destroying our black brothers and sisters since the 60s ...you people are idiots you're never right about anything

Fuck you lefties and your little bureaucratic parasitic ghouls to who feed off keeping large amounts of people stuck in poverty
Wow, that was a lot of whining for containing absolutely no attempt to address a single thing I said.

Do you, or do you not, agree with the chief factors of homelessness I mentioned? Frankly, it doesn't matter, because those factors I listed are facts. So, I guess i am more curious to see if I am talking to a delusional freak or a rational human being.

Blah blah blah
Another dose of reality

You can walk into any store and steal up to 900 bucks worth of swag ..not a felony

Dear mr fantasy In your fantasy world version of that progressive policy tell us how thats working out

Lefties are the wIsest of the wise
Brainwashed rubes
For a guy who starts threads on a message board, you sure are too big a sissy to discuss ideas. I will leave you to your public masturbation.

Float away in your angwy bubble bro lol
I know your ideas they're over 100 years old and fail everytime
Just like modern progressive policy in california
YA, MEANWHILE CALIFORNIAS ECONOMY IS SECOND TO WICH STATE? Oh, ya no state has a bigger economy and the red states are the poorest in the Union but thanks for your fantasy.
That was well written lament. I'm surprised anyone would stay there- well, except those who are without shelter. I guess it's the climate that draws them.
Ya had to can ham response that one eh ....
Well I guess once they try some left wing progressive ideas in California that'll fix things .......wait. ...:banana::badgrin:

Try this on for reality
In the year 1994Californians voted to severly curb illegal immigration ...left wing activists and thier judges had other ideas

Give us a good ol Democrat lecture about ......derp muh democracy

How about this
In California, the homeless find work evicting the poor: ‘Believe me, we see the irony’

Where did all that money go for brand spanking new homeless apartments? ...where are the apartments ?.......thiers atleast 2 or 3 threads on this very board abOut it

Left wing policies suck eggs ....keep people down .......have been destroying our black brothers and sisters since the 60s ...you people are idiots you're never right about anything

Fuck you lefties and your little bureaucratic parasitic ghouls to who feed off keeping large amounts of people stuck in poverty
Wow, that was a lot of whining for containing absolutely no attempt to address a single thing I said.

Do you, or do you not, agree with the chief factors of homelessness I mentioned? Frankly, it doesn't matter, because those factors I listed are facts. So, I guess i am more curious to see if I am talking to a delusional freak or a rational human being.

Blah blah blah
Another dose of reality

You can walk into any store and steal up to 900 bucks worth of swag ..not a felony

Dear mr fantasy In your fantasy world version of that progressive policy tell us how thats working out

Lefties are the wIsest of the wise
Brainwashed rubes
For a guy who starts threads on a message board, you sure are too big a sissy to discuss ideas. I will leave you to your public masturbation.

Float away in your angwy bubble bro lol
I know your ideas they're over 100 years old and fail everytime
Just like modern progressive policy in california
YA, MEANWHILE CALIFORNIAS ECONOMY IS SECOND TO WICH STATE? Oh, ya no state has a bigger economy and the red states are the poorest in the Union but thanks for your fantasy.

Another canned useful idiot response ....thiers probably 2862 examples of that same exact canned ham response on this board alone
Gee no kidding
And how did it become that way? Capitalist ideals , lower taxes , and limited regulations of yesteryear ? Could be rabbit

The trajectory it's been on for the last 20 /25 years is working out well for Texas....
Wow, that was a lot of whining for containing absolutely no attempt to address a single thing I said.

Do you, or do you not, agree with the chief factors of homelessness I mentioned? Frankly, it doesn't matter, because those factors I listed are facts. So, I guess i am more curious to see if I am talking to a delusional freak or a rational human being.

Blah blah blah
Another dose of reality

You can walk into any store and steal up to 900 bucks worth of swag ..not a felony

Dear mr fantasy In your fantasy world version of that progressive policy tell us how thats working out

Lefties are the wIsest of the wise
Brainwashed rubes
For a guy who starts threads on a message board, you sure are too big a sissy to discuss ideas. I will leave you to your public masturbation.

Float away in your angwy bubble bro lol
I know your ideas they're over 100 years old and fail everytime
Just like modern progressive policy in california
YA, MEANWHILE CALIFORNIAS ECONOMY IS SECOND TO WICH STATE? Oh, ya no state has a bigger economy and the red states are the poorest in the Union but thanks for your fantasy.

Another canned useful idiot response ....thiers probably 2862 examples of that same exact canned ham response on this board alone
Gee no kidding
And how did it become that way? Capitalist ideals , lower taxes , and limited regulations of yesteryear ? Could be rabbit

The trajectory it's been on for the last 20 /25 years is working out well for Texas....
California has been under democrats control for a good many years and it's economy kicks the shit out of the republican ran states period. So until you have the results of number one economy shut the fuck up. You would think after hearing this argument so many times you would quit with your bull shit statements. Other than texas red states are by and large shit holes with no economy and we all know it. The blue states support the red states and we all know it but you tend to ignore that.
Blah blah blah
Another dose of reality

You can walk into any store and steal up to 900 bucks worth of swag ..not a felony

Dear mr fantasy In your fantasy world version of that progressive policy tell us how thats working out

Lefties are the wIsest of the wise
Brainwashed rubes
For a guy who starts threads on a message board, you sure are too big a sissy to discuss ideas. I will leave you to your public masturbation.

Float away in your angwy bubble bro lol
I know your ideas they're over 100 years old and fail everytime
Just like modern progressive policy in california
YA, MEANWHILE CALIFORNIAS ECONOMY IS SECOND TO WICH STATE? Oh, ya no state has a bigger economy and the red states are the poorest in the Union but thanks for your fantasy.

Another canned useful idiot response ....thiers probably 2862 examples of that same exact canned ham response on this board alone
Gee no kidding
And how did it become that way? Capitalist ideals , lower taxes , and limited regulations of yesteryear ? Could be rabbit

The trajectory it's been on for the last 20 /25 years is working out well for Texas....
California has been under democrats control for a good many years and it's economy kicks the shit out of the republican ran states period. So until you have the results of number one economy shut the fuck up. You would think after hearing this argument so many times you would quit with your bull shit statements. Other than texas red states are by and large shit holes with no economy and we all know it. The blue states support the red states and we all know it but you tend to ignore that.

No ones ignoring anything but you
Look a larger canned ham response that's only been used 1597 times
They do kick everyone's ass with people and companies leaving in droves
You're a kindergartner and a useful idiot
For a guy who starts threads on a message board, you sure are too big a sissy to discuss ideas. I will leave you to your public masturbation.

Float away in your angwy bubble bro lol
I know your ideas they're over 100 years old and fail everytime
Just like modern progressive policy in california
YA, MEANWHILE CALIFORNIAS ECONOMY IS SECOND TO WICH STATE? Oh, ya no state has a bigger economy and the red states are the poorest in the Union but thanks for your fantasy.

Another canned useful idiot response ....thiers probably 2862 examples of that same exact canned ham response on this board alone
Gee no kidding
And how did it become that way? Capitalist ideals , lower taxes , and limited regulations of yesteryear ? Could be rabbit

The trajectory it's been on for the last 20 /25 years is working out well for Texas....
California has been under democrats control for a good many years and it's economy kicks the shit out of the republican ran states period. So until you have the results of number one economy shut the fuck up. You would think after hearing this argument so many times you would quit with your bull shit statements. Other than texas red states are by and large shit holes with no economy and we all know it. The blue states support the red states and we all know it but you tend to ignore that.

No ones ignoring anything but you
Look a larger canned ham response that's only been used 1597 times
They do kick everyone's ass with people and companies leaving in droves
You're a kindergartner and a useful idiot

Thats alright,they have a plan.
They're just going to import more lettuce pickers to cover all those businesses that left.
That was well written lament. I'm surprised anyone would stay there- well, except those who are without shelter. I guess it's the climate that draws them.
I stay in California because it is a better place to live than any other state. San Francisco is way nicer than any other city I have ever been to and way more to do.
Ya had to can ham response that one eh ....
Well I guess once they try some left wing progressive ideas in California that'll fix things .......wait. ...:banana::badgrin:

Try this on for reality
In the year 1994Californians voted to severly curb illegal immigration ...left wing activists and thier judges had other ideas

Give us a good ol Democrat lecture about ......derp muh democracy

How about this
In California, the homeless find work evicting the poor: ‘Believe me, we see the irony’

Where did all that money go for brand spanking new homeless apartments? ...where are the apartments ?.......thiers atleast 2 or 3 threads on this very board abOut it

Left wing policies suck eggs ....keep people down .......have been destroying our black brothers and sisters since the 60s ...you people are idiots you're never right about anything

Fuck you lefties and your little bureaucratic parasitic ghouls to who feed off keeping large amounts of people stuck in poverty
Wow, that was a lot of whining for containing absolutely no attempt to address a single thing I said.

Do you, or do you not, agree with the chief factors of homelessness I mentioned? Frankly, it doesn't matter, because those factors I listed are facts. So, I guess i am more curious to see if I am talking to a delusional freak or a rational human being.

Blah blah blah
Another dose of reality

You can walk into any store and steal up to 900 bucks worth of swag ..not a felony

Dear mr fantasy In your fantasy world version of that progressive policy tell us how thats working out

Lefties are the wIsest of the wise
Brainwashed rubes
For a guy who starts threads on a message board, you sure are too big a sissy to discuss ideas. I will leave you to your public masturbation.

Float away in your angwy bubble bro lol
I know your ideas they're over 100 years old and fail everytime
Just like modern progressive policy in california
YA, MEANWHILE CALIFORNIAS ECONOMY IS SECOND TO WICH STATE? Oh, ya no state has a bigger economy and the red states are the poorest in the Union but thanks for your fantasy.
so what?....it doesnt mean that life is good.....ask all those homeless people how that economy is helping them....ask all the Californians who are unemployed or struggling to get by how that economy is helping them......in California if you live along the coast in the wealthy areas life is pretty good.....inland maybe not so good.....
Blah blah blah
Another dose of reality

You can walk into any store and steal up to 900 bucks worth of swag ..not a felony

Dear mr fantasy In your fantasy world version of that progressive policy tell us how thats working out

Lefties are the wIsest of the wise
Brainwashed rubes
For a guy who starts threads on a message board, you sure are too big a sissy to discuss ideas. I will leave you to your public masturbation.

Float away in your angwy bubble bro lol
I know your ideas they're over 100 years old and fail everytime
Just like modern progressive policy in california
YA, MEANWHILE CALIFORNIAS ECONOMY IS SECOND TO WICH STATE? Oh, ya no state has a bigger economy and the red states are the poorest in the Union but thanks for your fantasy.

Another canned useful idiot response ....thiers probably 2862 examples of that same exact canned ham response on this board alone
Gee no kidding
And how did it become that way? Capitalist ideals , lower taxes , and limited regulations of yesteryear ? Could be rabbit

The trajectory it's been on for the last 20 /25 years is working out well for Texas....
California has been under democrats control for a good many years and it's economy kicks the shit out of the republican ran states period. So until you have the results of number one economy shut the fuck up. You would think after hearing this argument so many times you would quit with your bull shit statements. Other than texas red states are by and large shit holes with no economy and we all know it. The blue states support the red states and we all know it but you tend to ignore that.
and many problems they have today were hardly existent 25 years ago....

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