On Human Nature and Politics


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Who would be more aware of human nature than ......human beings?
Yet, a large portion of the population is willing to remain oblivious to their own nature, or, at the least, to pretend to be unaware of same.

History reveals it....
Experience reveals it....

Liberals ignore it.

1. Classical liberals, i.e., Conservatives truly understand humannature, as shown here:
Each kind of government is a reflection on the way human nature is understood. The Founders did not feel that man is either perfect, or perfectible. James Madison, Federalist No. 55, February 15, 1788 “As there is a degree of depravity in mankind which requires a certain degree of circumspection and distrust.”
Therefore, a government must account for this nature, thus checks and balances.

2. Federalist 10- checks and balances, to keep 'passions' in check.
Tocqueville tells how centralization of power can lead to despotism. Beware of government by experts and bureaucrats.

a.Other views of human nature might be that people are basically good, or that human nature is plastic, and it only takes the right politics to perfect it. This is the view of communist governments, as Lenin expounded in the ‘New Soviet Man.’ Such governments have never worked, and, in fact, caused some hundred million deaths during the last century.

b. Burke and Tocqueville both observed a new intellectual type: thinkers inebriated by revolution and the dream of a radically new social order, and dismissive of the inherited wisdom of the past.

3. “The second principle is a belief in the sinful nature of man. They didn't buy the notions of the French revolutionaries that Man is basically good, or the Marxist revolutionaries a century later that human nature is perfectible. They knew that Man was as the Bible describes him—a sinner, self-centered, corruptible, and not to be trusted.
(Sowell, "Intellectuals and Society")

a. For that reason, they knew Man needs government—government strong enough to preserve law and order. But also that Man needs to limit the power of government, because those who run the government have the same sinful nature as everybody else.

Here's the way that seminary student James Madison put it in Federalist Number 51, possibly the most often quoted phrase out of the Federalist Papers. He says, "Ambition must be made to counteract ambition The interest of the man must be connected with the constitutional rights of the places. It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government.’ “ Citizens for a Fashionable Republic |

The Constitution is the attempt to produce equanimity through the judicious use of checks and balances.
cut and paste psychology ....yaaaaaaaawn.

speaking of which... what part of human nature allows anyone to constantly rant about the same topic day in and day out without pause ?

peer affirmation (see insecurity)
or bat chite crazy
Thanks for nothing I want my 3 minutes of life back

I'll say this much for ya'.....you always try to find new ways to say 'I don't like you, and I hate what you post.'

I think I can live with it.

But, advice: the give away is that you are never able to point to anything that I post that isn't correct.....
And that is at the core of your dislike.

Bad news: dillo is right.....there'll be more during the day.....
cut and paste psychology ....yaaaaaaaawn.

speaking of which... what part of human nature allows anyone to constantly rant about the same topic day in and day out without pause ?

peer affirmation (see insecurity)
or bat chite crazy

Post #6.....applies to you, as well.
cut and paste psychology ....yaaaaaaaawn.

speaking of which... what part of human nature allows anyone to constantly rant about the same topic day in and day out without pause ?

peer affirmation (see insecurity)
or bat chite crazy

Post #6.....applies to you, as well.

then that rules out

peer affirmation (see insecurity)

cut and paste psychology ....yaaaaaaaawn.

speaking of which... what part of human nature allows anyone to constantly rant about the same topic day in and day out without pause ?

peer affirmation (see insecurity)
or bat chite crazy

Post #6.....applies to you, as well.

then that rules out

peer affirmation (see insecurity)


I would say that you are barking up the wrong tree, but that is your natural voice.

Although I hope you continue to read the posts, I have no faith in your ability to learn from them.
I would say that you are barking up the wrong tree, but that is your natural voice.



Wheres a tomato when you need one
then that rules out

peer affirmation (see insecurity)


I would say that you are barking up the wrong tree, but that is your natural voice.

Although I hope you continue to read the posts, I have no faith in your ability to learn from them.

you aren't capable of instructing me, don't flatter yourself

You are less than facile with the language....

I do instruct you.

It's your ability to incorporate the learning that is the source of the problem.
Thanks for nothing I want my 3 minutes of life back

Stay tuned---there's always more on the way.

I just wanted to know what the "it" is?

History reveals it....
Experience reveals it....

Liberals ignore it.

But I know PC will just break out some quick one liners from 1950 and never explain her posts unless she can copy and paste it

Did you miss this, earlier?

But, advice: the give away is that you are never able to point to anything that I post that isn't correct.....
And that is at the core of your dislike.
Stay tuned---there's always more on the way.

I just wanted to know what the "it" is?

History reveals it....
Experience reveals it....

Liberals ignore it.

But I know PC will just break out some quick one liners from 1950 and never explain her posts unless she can copy and paste it

Did you miss this, earlier?

But, advice: the give away is that you are never able to point to anything that I post that isn't correct.....
And that is at the core of your dislike.

the truth scares the crap out of liberals, they run from it like a scalded ass ape.
Stay tuned---there's always more on the way.

I just wanted to know what the "it" is?

History reveals it....
Experience reveals it....

Liberals ignore it.

But I know PC will just break out some quick one liners from 1950 and never explain her posts unless she can copy and paste it

Did you miss this, earlier?

But, advice: the give away is that you are never able to point to anything that I post that isn't correct.....
And that is at the core of your dislike.

Nothing is incorrect because you never stated what "it" is? Unless you are seriously saying Liberals ignore human nature. Are you? Do liberals act unhuman? Is that what you're going with?
Thanks for nothing I want my 3 minutes of life back

I'll say this much for ya'.....you always try to find new ways to say 'I don't like you, and I hate what you post.'

So it cant be about yanno, the topic it has to be about you personally? Such is the life of the professional victim

.....the give away is that you are never able to point to anything that I post that isn't correct.....
And that is at the core of your dislike.
I'll say this much for ya'.....you always try to find new ways to say 'I don't like you, and I hate what you post.'

So it cant be about yanno, the topic it has to be about you personally? Such is the life of the professional victim

.....the give away is that you are never able to point to anything that I post that isn't correct.....
And that is at the core of your dislike.

See post above

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