OMG! The newest dirt on Trump and it's still Sunday!


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
U.S. Secret Service rejects suggestion it vetted Trump son's meeting

Trump tries to blame the Secret Service but they aren't having it.

Steve Bannon misreports $2 million debt in financial disclosure

Steve Bannon never reported he is millions in debt.

A story that's older but being revisited.
Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel

Erik Prince, billionaire brother of Betsy DeVos, the Secretary of Education and super right winger, has been reported to be an in between guy setting up meetings between the Trump Campaign and Russia.
Prince founded Blackwater which, if you remember, left Iraq in disgrace after it was found they murdered 17 unarmed Iraqis. He gave the Trump campaign $250,000.00

Erik was the guy who said Hillary would be locked up for the child sex ring.

This just keeps getting better and better.
So much dirt! And at every turn, denial, then sheepish admission, as evidence surfaces.
That the Trump clan thinks they can get away with anything speaks volumes about how corrupt and stupid they are.
I'm tipping we'll have President Pence running things before Xmas.
And, while he's a Young-Earth Creationist (translation 'Batshit Crazy'), somehow it's comforting to know he couldn't possibly be worse than the Orange Gorilla and his family.
So much dirt! And at every turn, denial, then sheepish admission, as evidence surfaces.
That the Trump Clinton clan thinks they can get away with anything speaks volumes about how corrupt and stupid they are.
Yeah, I know what you mean
You just referenced 2 well known FAKE NEWS sites and one unknown site, Dude. Do you expect anybody to take you seriously?
U.S. Secret Service rejects suggestion it vetted Trump son's meeting

Trump tries to blame the Secret Service but they aren't having it.

Steve Bannon misreports $2 million debt in financial disclosure

Steve Bannon never reported he is millions in debt.

A story that's older but being revisited.
Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel

Erik Prince, billionaire brother of Betsy DeVos, the Secretary of Education and super right winger, has been reported to be an in between guy setting up meetings between the Trump Campaign and Russia.
Prince founded Blackwater which, if you remember, left Iraq in disgrace after it was found they murdered 17 unarmed Iraqis. He gave the Trump campaign $250,000.00

Erik was the guy who said Hillary would be locked up for the child sex ring.

This just keeps getting better and better.

Poor derpy......

U.S. Secret Service rejects suggestion it vetted Trump son's meeting

Trump tries to blame the Secret Service but they aren't having it.

Steve Bannon misreports $2 million debt in financial disclosure

Steve Bannon never reported he is millions in debt.

A story that's older but being revisited.
Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel

Erik Prince, billionaire brother of Betsy DeVos, the Secretary of Education and super right winger, has been reported to be an in between guy setting up meetings between the Trump Campaign and Russia.
Prince founded Blackwater which, if you remember, left Iraq in disgrace after it was found they murdered 17 unarmed Iraqis. He gave the Trump campaign $250,000.00

Erik was the guy who said Hillary would be locked up for the child sex ring.

This just keeps getting better and better.
Just wait until the DoJ starts investigating the illegal donations Russia gave the Clintons.
I stopped reading the OP at Trump blames the SS. Flat out lie.Sekulow was questioning the situation.

Exact quote. Not the blazing lying headlines of the whacked out left wing media outlets.

Because he mistakenly believed Don Jr. had SS protection as well as Trump at that point in time.
He's musing. He's pondering aloud.

Holy toledo!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPEACH TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"The president had Secret Service protection at that point," he said. "That raised a question with me."

Trump lawyer: Secret Service wouldn’t have let Trump Jr. take ‘nefarious’ meeting
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You just referenced 2 well known FAKE NEWS sites and one unknown site, Dude. Do you expect anybody to take you seriously?
It's not Democrats investigating Trump. They have no power.
You just referenced 2 well known FAKE NEWS sites and one unknown site, Dude. Do you expect anybody to take you seriously?
It's not Democrats investigating Trump. They have no power.
It's Republicans allowing Democrats to investigate the president because they know there is nothing there. Trump is exposing the media for their partisanship and willingness to deliberately mislead the public and he is having great success with that strategy. Most people now know how fake the msm is now and public trust in them is deteriorating rapidly. At some point soon, when their trust rating is zero, Trump will kill the endless investigations and end the witch hunt, with the support of the people.

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