OMG! Our President Lied!

I'm seeing a trend. Everytime someone raises a reasonable point for discussion this garden variety troll deflects with a blathering 1-liner. I expect a lot higher quality from our trolls. He isn't funny. He isn't bombastic. He's dull. I suggest we discontinue feeding him until he either steps up his troll roll or will actually discuss an issue.

I read all the posts on this thread, and was thinking the exact same thing, Amanda. He isn't looking for any solutions, he's just looking to engage with the right side. If he had comprehended what PC was posting he would have understood, instead he asks for her credentials. He's just a Kool-Aid drinking troll.

It disgusts me: the level of complacency, the arrogance, and the Limbaugh quotes. You people really need to learn some new jokes. The Jim Jones' Kool-Aid joke, which Limbaugh says everyday is getting old.

I need to find some extreme left-wing liberal and quote them incessantly, and see if you then get the same impression about me, that I get about you: YOU'RE OUT OF IDEAS.

And if by "he", you are referring to me, I would think that the Ms in front of Kafka would reveal me to be non-phallic. I think that I'll start quoting from the ACLU website and claiming it as my own research.
yeah, cause Limbaugh started that joke:rolleyes:

thats for showing evberyone what a fucking idiot you are
I'm seeing a trend. Everytime someone raises a reasonable point for discussion this garden variety troll deflects with a blathering 1-liner. I expect a lot higher quality from our trolls. He isn't funny. He isn't bombastic. He's dull. I suggest we discontinue feeding him until he either steps up his troll roll or will actually discuss an issue.

I read all the posts on this thread, and was thinking the exact same thing, Amanda. He isn't looking for any solutions, he's just looking to engage with the right side. If he had comprehended what PC was posting he would have understood, instead he asks for her credentials. He's just a Kool-Aid drinking troll.

It disgusts me: the level of complacency, the arrogance, and the Limbaugh quotes. You people really need to learn some new jokes. The Jim Jones' Kool-Aid joke, which Limbaugh says everyday is getting old.

I need to find some extreme left-wing liberal and quote them incessantly, and see if you then get the same impression about me, that I get about you: YOU'RE OUT OF IDEAS.

And if by "he", you are referring to me, I would think that the Ms in front of Kafka would reveal me to be non-phallic. I think that I'll start quoting from the ACLU website and claiming it as my own research.

How about if you start by admitting you brought up tort reform, then tried to play all innocent about it when it didn't go the direction intended?
How about if you address the fact that hip replacement for dogs is so much cheaper than for humans because of lawsuits?
How about if you try a little intellectual honesty?
I read all the posts on this thread, and was thinking the exact same thing, Amanda. He isn't looking for any solutions, he's just looking to engage with the right side. If he had comprehended what PC was posting he would have understood, instead he asks for her credentials. He's just a Kool-Aid drinking troll.

It disgusts me: the level of complacency, the arrogance, and the Limbaugh quotes. You people really need to learn some new jokes. The Jim Jones' Kool-Aid joke, which Limbaugh says everyday is getting old.

I need to find some extreme left-wing liberal and quote them incessantly, and see if you then get the same impression about me, that I get about you: YOU'RE OUT OF IDEAS.

And if by "he", you are referring to me, I would think that the Ms in front of Kafka would reveal me to be non-phallic. I think that I'll start quoting from the ACLU website and claiming it as my own research.

How about if you start by admitting you brought up tort reform, then tried to play all innocent about it when it didn't go the direction intended?
How about if you address the fact that hip replacement for dogs is so much cheaper than for humans because of lawsuits?
How about if you try a little intellectual honesty?

What the hell are you talking about? And what the fuck does tort reform have to do with your, "It's all about me.", mentality? Hell yes I'm for tort reform. It would make my job easier. I wish it was a lot more difficult for people to sue. Maybe the documentation wouldn't take 2 fucking hours per patient...and longer on a cardiac arrest on someone who weighs 500 pounds. And on those, like yourself, who think that everyone else is stupid but them. And who feel entitled to better treatment because of their perceived superior work ethic. GFY.
I read all the posts on this thread, and was thinking the exact same thing, Amanda. He isn't looking for any solutions, he's just looking to engage with the right side. If he had comprehended what PC was posting he would have understood, instead he asks for her credentials. He's just a Kool-Aid drinking troll.

It disgusts me: the level of complacency, the arrogance, and the Limbaugh quotes. You people really need to learn some new jokes. The Jim Jones' Kool-Aid joke, which Limbaugh says everyday is getting old.

I need to find some extreme left-wing liberal and quote them incessantly, and see if you then get the same impression about me, that I get about you: YOU'RE OUT OF IDEAS.

And if by "he", you are referring to me, I would think that the Ms in front of Kafka would reveal me to be non-phallic. I think that I'll start quoting from the ACLU website and claiming it as my own research.
yeah, cause Limbaugh started that joke:rolleyes:

thats for showing evberyone what a fucking idiot you are

Did you sit up all night long thinking that one up? Sorry to put you out.
I'm seeing a trend. Everytime someone raises a reasonable point for discussion this garden variety troll deflects with a blathering 1-liner. I expect a lot higher quality from our trolls. He isn't funny. He isn't bombastic. He's dull. I suggest we discontinue feeding him until he either steps up his troll roll or will actually discuss an issue.

I read all the posts on this thread, and was thinking the exact same thing, Amanda. He isn't looking for any solutions, he's just looking to engage with the right side. If he had comprehended what PC was posting he would have understood, instead he asks for her credentials. He's just a Kool-Aid drinking troll.

It disgusts me: the level of complacency, the arrogance, and the Limbaugh quotes. You people really need to learn some new jokes. The Jim Jones' Kool-Aid joke, which Limbaugh says everyday is getting old.

I need to find some extreme left-wing liberal and quote them incessantly, and see if you then get the same impression about me, that I get about you: YOU'RE OUT OF IDEAS.

And if by "he", you are referring to me, I would think that the Ms in front of Kafka would reveal me to be non-phallic. I think that I'll start quoting from the ACLU website and claiming it as my own research.

It disgusts me that you aren't a very good troll. You clearly aren't interested in putting forward a reasoned argument or staying on topic, so you must be trolling, and you're not good at it. Both sides use the 'Kool Aid analogy' Fail. If you hate Limbaugh so much stop listening everyday. Fail. If you think the right is using an abusive tactic so you're going to adopt the same to get even or something... Fail.

And yes by 'he' I meant you. How the fuck am I supposed to know what your gender is from some random jumble of characters? I figured you couldn't come up with a clever screen name so you just went: fukqvuhlvge on the keyboard and boom, instant name. I was taught that when writing if we didn't know the gender we used male, so sue me for actually paying attention that day in class.
PoliticalChic, you cookie thief, where are your threads about Bush lying and costing us $1 trillion??

BTW, to which charity did you send the $100 check for the 'Palestinian-Jordanian' thread.

(City Meals-on-Wheels is my semi-annual choice.)
I read all the posts on this thread, and was thinking the exact same thing, Amanda. He isn't looking for any solutions, he's just looking to engage with the right side. If he had comprehended what PC was posting he would have understood, instead he asks for her credentials. He's just a Kool-Aid drinking troll.

It disgusts me: the level of complacency, the arrogance, and the Limbaugh quotes. You people really need to learn some new jokes. The Jim Jones' Kool-Aid joke, which Limbaugh says everyday is getting old.

I need to find some extreme left-wing liberal and quote them incessantly, and see if you then get the same impression about me, that I get about you: YOU'RE OUT OF IDEAS.

And if by "he", you are referring to me, I would think that the Ms in front of Kafka would reveal me to be non-phallic. I think that I'll start quoting from the ACLU website and claiming it as my own research.

It disgusts me that you aren't a very good troll. You clearly aren't interested in putting forward a reasoned argument or staying on topic, so you must be trolling, and you're not good at it. Both sides use the 'Kool Aid analogy' Fail. If you hate Limbaugh so much stop listening everyday. Fail. If you think the right is using an abusive tactic so you're going to adopt the same to get even or something... Fail.

And yes by 'he' I meant you. How the fuck am I supposed to know what your gender is from some random jumble of characters? I figured you couldn't come up with a clever screen name so you just went: fukqvuhlvge on the keyboard and boom, instant name. I was taught that when writing if we didn't know the gender we used male, so sue me for actually paying attention that day in class.

Referring to Kafka. The author. You familiar?
I read all the posts on this thread, and was thinking the exact same thing, Amanda. He isn't looking for any solutions, he's just looking to engage with the right side. If he had comprehended what PC was posting he would have understood, instead he asks for her credentials. He's just a Kool-Aid drinking troll.

It disgusts me: the level of complacency, the arrogance, and the Limbaugh quotes. You people really need to learn some new jokes. The Jim Jones' Kool-Aid joke, which Limbaugh says everyday is getting old.

I need to find some extreme left-wing liberal and quote them incessantly, and see if you then get the same impression about me, that I get about you: YOU'RE OUT OF IDEAS.

And if by "he", you are referring to me, I would think that the Ms in front of Kafka would reveal me to be non-phallic. I think that I'll start quoting from the ACLU website and claiming it as my own research.

It disgusts me that you aren't a very good troll. You clearly aren't interested in putting forward a reasoned argument or staying on topic, so you must be trolling, and you're not good at it. Both sides use the 'Kool Aid analogy' Fail. If you hate Limbaugh so much stop listening everyday. Fail. If you think the right is using an abusive tactic so you're going to adopt the same to get even or something... Fail.

And yes by 'he' I meant you. How the fuck am I supposed to know what your gender is from some random jumble of characters? I figured you couldn't come up with a clever screen name so you just went: fukqvuhlvge on the keyboard and boom, instant name. I was taught that when writing if we didn't know the gender we used male, so sue me for actually paying attention that day in class.

Get even? What are we, 12?
It disgusts me: the level of complacency, the arrogance, and the Limbaugh quotes. You people really need to learn some new jokes. The Jim Jones' Kool-Aid joke, which Limbaugh says everyday is getting old.

I need to find some extreme left-wing liberal and quote them incessantly, and see if you then get the same impression about me, that I get about you: YOU'RE OUT OF IDEAS.

And if by "he", you are referring to me, I would think that the Ms in front of Kafka would reveal me to be non-phallic. I think that I'll start quoting from the ACLU website and claiming it as my own research.

It disgusts me that you aren't a very good troll. You clearly aren't interested in putting forward a reasoned argument or staying on topic, so you must be trolling, and you're not good at it. Both sides use the 'Kool Aid analogy' Fail. If you hate Limbaugh so much stop listening everyday. Fail. If you think the right is using an abusive tactic so you're going to adopt the same to get even or something... Fail.

And yes by 'he' I meant you. How the fuck am I supposed to know what your gender is from some random jumble of characters? I figured you couldn't come up with a clever screen name so you just went: fukqvuhlvge on the keyboard and boom, instant name. I was taught that when writing if we didn't know the gender we used male, so sue me for actually paying attention that day in class.

Get even? What are we, 12?

Caution: Troll At Work
It disgusts me: the level of complacency, the arrogance, and the Limbaugh quotes. You people really need to learn some new jokes. The Jim Jones' Kool-Aid joke, which Limbaugh says everyday is getting old.

I need to find some extreme left-wing liberal and quote them incessantly, and see if you then get the same impression about me, that I get about you: YOU'RE OUT OF IDEAS.

And if by "he", you are referring to me, I would think that the Ms in front of Kafka would reveal me to be non-phallic. I think that I'll start quoting from the ACLU website and claiming it as my own research.

It disgusts me that you aren't a very good troll. You clearly aren't interested in putting forward a reasoned argument or staying on topic, so you must be trolling, and you're not good at it. Both sides use the 'Kool Aid analogy' Fail. If you hate Limbaugh so much stop listening everyday. Fail. If you think the right is using an abusive tactic so you're going to adopt the same to get even or something... Fail.

And yes by 'he' I meant you. How the fuck am I supposed to know what your gender is from some random jumble of characters? I figured you couldn't come up with a clever screen name so you just went: fukqvuhlvge on the keyboard and boom, instant name. I was taught that when writing if we didn't know the gender we used male, so sue me for actually paying attention that day in class.

Get even? What are we, 12?

I wouldn't want to make any assumptions about your age, but... yeah 12 sounds about right given your "debate" style. What other reason than somehow teaching us all a lesson would you write:

I need to find some extreme left-wing liberal and quote them incessantly, and see if you then get the same impression about me, that I get about you: YOU'RE OUT OF IDEAS.

I'm sure your deflecting non-answer will delight and amaze.

As for Kafka, who cares? Unless you're actually a bug...
It disgusts me that you aren't a very good troll. You clearly aren't interested in putting forward a reasoned argument or staying on topic, so you must be trolling, and you're not good at it. Both sides use the 'Kool Aid analogy' Fail. If you hate Limbaugh so much stop listening everyday. Fail. If you think the right is using an abusive tactic so you're going to adopt the same to get even or something... Fail.

And yes by 'he' I meant you. How the fuck am I supposed to know what your gender is from some random jumble of characters? I figured you couldn't come up with a clever screen name so you just went: fukqvuhlvge on the keyboard and boom, instant name. I was taught that when writing if we didn't know the gender we used male, so sue me for actually paying attention that day in class.

Get even? What are we, 12?

I wouldn't want to make any assumptions about your age, but... yeah 12 sounds about right given your "debate" style. What other reason than somehow teaching us all a lesson would you write:

I need to find some extreme left-wing liberal and quote them incessantly, and see if you then get the same impression about me, that I get about you: YOU'RE OUT OF IDEAS.

I'm sure your deflecting non-answer will delight and amaze.

As for Kafka, who cares? Unless you're actually a bug...

Hey! Don't be hatin' on Kafka.
Two points right from the get-go:

First, the campaign was about “HOPE and CHANGE,” but the Obama supporters on the board are all over the fall back position “so he lies, he’s (just) a politician, what do you expect.”

And, as I read the transcript of the ‘press conference,’ I find untruths. If the Healthcare Plan was so great, why would the President have to lie to get it accepted?

1. THE FACTS: In House legislation, a commission appointed by the government would determine what is and isn't covered by insurance plans offered in a new purchasing pool, including a plan sponsored by the government. The bill also holds out the possibility that, over time, those standards could be imposed on all private insurance plans, not just the ones in the pool. …reform that plainly show the government making key decisions in health care.

2. every dollar increase in cost is met with a dollar of new revenue or a dollar of savings. But some things are more neutral than others. White House Budget Director Peter Orszag told reporters this week that the promise does not apply to proposed spending of about $245 billion over the next decade to increase fees for doctors serving Medicare patients. Democrats and the Obama administration argue that the extra payment, designed to prevent a scheduled cut of about 21 percent in doctor fees

3. “It will keep government out of health care decisions…’
The truth: “ In March, President Obama appointed Dr. David Blumenthal to head the system of computer-guided medical care as the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology. Just days later, Dr. Blumenthal settled a debate on whether the system will control doctors' treatment decisions. In an article in the New England Journal of Medicine (April 9, 2009), Dr. Blumenthal stressed that the real importance of computers is to deliver "embedded clinical decision support," a euphemism for computers telling doctors what to do. Dr. Blumenthal's latest article corrects CNN's Elizabeth Cohen and's Lori Robertson, who insisted incorrectly that nothing in the stimulus legislation indicated "the government is going to tell your doctor what to do."
Defend Your Health Care

4. “It will limit the amount your insurance company can force you to pay for your medical costs out of your own pocket.”
The truth: . Still, it remains to be seen whether certain drugs or procedures wouldn’t be denied to customers under a public plan as well. In fact, the criticism from conservatives has been that a public plan would be stingy in what it would cover in an effort to control costs. We can’t predict the future, but we find it unlikely that at least some denials wouldn’t take place no matter who is issuing insurance. Pushing for a Public Plan

5. “And it will cover preventive care, like check-ups and mammograms, that save lives and money”
The truth: “Prevention instead of treatment? Nancy-Ann De Parle, director of the White House Office of Health Reform, said on March 23 that "we have to get to a system of keeping people well, rather than treating the sickness." That would make sense if all disease were behavior-related, but many cancers and other diseases are linked to genetics or unknown causes. De Parle's pronouncement echoes how Sir Michael Rawlins, a British health official, explains his nation's low cancer survival rates. The British National Health Service, he said, has to be fair to all patients, "not just the patients with macular degeneration or breast cancer or renal cancer. If we spend a lot of money on a few patients, we have less money to spend on everyone else. We are not trying to be unkind or cruel. We are trying to look after everybody."
This approach is deadly for those with serious illness. In the U.S., about 5 percent of the populace needs 50 percent of treatment dollars. The drumbeat for shifting resources from treatments to prevention should worry any family dealing with M.S., Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, or cerebral palsy, or with a history of cancer.”
Defend Your Health Care

6. “Overall our proposals will improve the quality of care for our seniors and save them…”
The truth: . Dr. Emanuel also blames high U.S. spending on standards Americans take for granted. "Hospital rooms in the United States offer more privacy...physicians' offices are typically more conveniently located and have parking nearby and more attractive waiting rooms." (Journal of the American Medical Association, June 18, 2008.)
By far, the most dangerous misconception in Washington is that the way to rein in health spending is by slowing the development and use of new technology. Imagine any industry or nation thriving on such a philosophy. Dr. Emanuel criticizes Americans for being "enamored with technology."
Defend Your Health Care

Okay, I will address the issue that I have with number 3. Information technology, is a fairly recent, but not necessarily new tool that is used for documentation. As you know, at some point someone with a higher paygrade than our own, decided that computers would be the best way to efficiently store medical records. Computers supposedly decrease the chances of a patient's protected health information from falling into the wrong hands. (say, you go to the ER with a cucumber stuck in your rectum....and you want to keep it a secret). Or, you don't want everyone to have access to your social security number, or the fact that you might be HIV positive.....just some of the reasons. Another is less storage space. And most recently, we were issued, at my place of employment, notebooks ($12K each, cheap huh?) that do contain patient care prompts. They are filled with "idiot check boxes" as we all call them. When I first got into the business, we were basically given a blank sheet of paper to document the assessment, treatment, outcomes, etc... And personal injury lawyers pounced on us, whenever they got the chance.

But, with the new notebooks and computer programs, nothing is left to chance. The notebook, does not tell any healthcare provider what to do. Or I haven't seen it in my experience. I've been documenting patient care on computers for 4 years. Some of them do have prompts, as I said before. Like-"Is it time for a second dosage of nitroglycerin?" It gives you the ideal treatment for your patient. It is a tool. It's not a cookbook.

As annoying as they are, they are your best friend. Because we live in such a litigious society, we have computer programs that tell us, "Hey, don't forget to document this". "If the patient is complaining of x, then you should consider y when treating this patient.". And following those protocols are in all providers' best interest. It's not to TELL you what to do. It is to save your ass, if you are ever dragged into court. It is a prompter. Like it or not, ALL healthcare providers have bad days. We forget something, or get tired just like everyone else. That's why we have drug calculation charts (in the event that you forget), drug reference books, disease-sign/symptom software.
It's all about documentation. And God knows that healthcare workers need all the help that they can get to avoid lawsuits. Doctors are human. And sometimes they get set in their ways.

One elderly physician I worked under was CONVINCED....that everyone walking and breathing, had a spastic colon. He would send patients home with enema orders, or laxative orders. No lab work. It's their belly...was his motto. I'm quite certain that if he were to enter that into one of the new IT systems, and document that the patient was having chest pain, that the system would have forced him to rethink spastic colon, as his diagnosis. It would suggest-"How about a 12-lead EKG, Doc?". That is what they do. It's not a government conspiracy to turn physicians into cookbook docs.
Last edited:
It disgusts me: the level of complacency, the arrogance, and the Limbaugh quotes. You people really need to learn some new jokes. The Jim Jones' Kool-Aid joke, which Limbaugh says everyday is getting old.

I need to find some extreme left-wing liberal and quote them incessantly, and see if you then get the same impression about me, that I get about you: YOU'RE OUT OF IDEAS.

And if by "he", you are referring to me, I would think that the Ms in front of Kafka would reveal me to be non-phallic. I think that I'll start quoting from the ACLU website and claiming it as my own research.

How about if you start by admitting you brought up tort reform, then tried to play all innocent about it when it didn't go the direction intended?
How about if you address the fact that hip replacement for dogs is so much cheaper than for humans because of lawsuits?
How about if you try a little intellectual honesty?

What the hell are you talking about? And what the fuck does tort reform have to do with your, "It's all about me.", mentality? Hell yes I'm for tort reform. It would make my job easier. I wish it was a lot more difficult for people to sue. Maybe the documentation wouldn't take 2 fucking hours per patient...and longer on a cardiac arrest on someone who weighs 500 pounds. And on those, like yourself, who think that everyone else is stupid but them. And who feel entitled to better treatment because of their perceived superior work ethic. GFY.

I was talking about all the points being made that you have continued to ignore.
If anybody has an arrogant "smarter than thou" attitude, it's been you.
Wow, telling me to "GFY" is such deep and meaningful debate strong point, I think you just won. :lol::lol::lol:
Two points right from the get-go:

First, the campaign was about “HOPE and CHANGE,” but the Obama supporters on the board are all over the fall back position “so he lies, he’s (just) a politician, what do you expect.”

And, as I read the transcript of the ‘press conference,’ I find untruths. If the Healthcare Plan was so great, why would the President have to lie to get it accepted?

1. THE FACTS: In House legislation, a commission appointed by the government would determine what is and isn't covered by insurance plans offered in a new purchasing pool, including a plan sponsored by the government. The bill also holds out the possibility that, over time, those standards could be imposed on all private insurance plans, not just the ones in the pool. …reform that plainly show the government making key decisions in health care.

2. every dollar increase in cost is met with a dollar of new revenue or a dollar of savings. But some things are more neutral than others. White House Budget Director Peter Orszag told reporters this week that the promise does not apply to proposed spending of about $245 billion over the next decade to increase fees for doctors serving Medicare patients. Democrats and the Obama administration argue that the extra payment, designed to prevent a scheduled cut of about 21 percent in doctor fees

3. “It will keep government out of health care decisions…’
The truth: “ In March, President Obama appointed Dr. David Blumenthal to head the system of computer-guided medical care as the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology. Just days later, Dr. Blumenthal settled a debate on whether the system will control doctors' treatment decisions. In an article in the New England Journal of Medicine (April 9, 2009), Dr. Blumenthal stressed that the real importance of computers is to deliver "embedded clinical decision support," a euphemism for computers telling doctors what to do. Dr. Blumenthal's latest article corrects CNN's Elizabeth Cohen and's Lori Robertson, who insisted incorrectly that nothing in the stimulus legislation indicated "the government is going to tell your doctor what to do."
Defend Your Health Care

4. “It will limit the amount your insurance company can force you to pay for your medical costs out of your own pocket.”
The truth: . Still, it remains to be seen whether certain drugs or procedures wouldn’t be denied to customers under a public plan as well. In fact, the criticism from conservatives has been that a public plan would be stingy in what it would cover in an effort to control costs. We can’t predict the future, but we find it unlikely that at least some denials wouldn’t take place no matter who is issuing insurance. Pushing for a Public Plan

5. “And it will cover preventive care, like check-ups and mammograms, that save lives and money”
The truth: “Prevention instead of treatment? Nancy-Ann De Parle, director of the White House Office of Health Reform, said on March 23 that "we have to get to a system of keeping people well, rather than treating the sickness." That would make sense if all disease were behavior-related, but many cancers and other diseases are linked to genetics or unknown causes. De Parle's pronouncement echoes how Sir Michael Rawlins, a British health official, explains his nation's low cancer survival rates. The British National Health Service, he said, has to be fair to all patients, "not just the patients with macular degeneration or breast cancer or renal cancer. If we spend a lot of money on a few patients, we have less money to spend on everyone else. We are not trying to be unkind or cruel. We are trying to look after everybody."
This approach is deadly for those with serious illness. In the U.S., about 5 percent of the populace needs 50 percent of treatment dollars. The drumbeat for shifting resources from treatments to prevention should worry any family dealing with M.S., Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, or cerebral palsy, or with a history of cancer.”
Defend Your Health Care

6. “Overall our proposals will improve the quality of care for our seniors and save them…”
The truth: . Dr. Emanuel also blames high U.S. spending on standards Americans take for granted. "Hospital rooms in the United States offer more privacy...physicians' offices are typically more conveniently located and have parking nearby and more attractive waiting rooms." (Journal of the American Medical Association, June 18, 2008.)
By far, the most dangerous misconception in Washington is that the way to rein in health spending is by slowing the development and use of new technology. Imagine any industry or nation thriving on such a philosophy. Dr. Emanuel criticizes Americans for being "enamored with technology."
Defend Your Health Care

I understand this to mean that by getting regular physicals, and other preventative care, that we will be better able to keep people....healthy. I'm not following your point on-"This would make sense, if all diseases were behavior-related.".

Wasn't she trying to say that getting that mammogram, pap smear, testing to see if the individual has a predisposition for a specific disease, (and watching them closely)? I'm confused at the point you are trying to make. Lupus, MS, and other autoimmune disorders cannot be prevented (as far as we know). So yes, they are going to use a lot of the resources. And I wouldn't trade places with any of them, with the horrors they will suffer for the rest of their lives.

Behavior-related. You've stumped me on that. Are you suggesting that mental illnesses can be prevented? They can't. They sneak up on people, when they least expect it. PTSD, schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder-not preventable. Correct me if I am wrong. Is that what you are suggesting?

If one has a predisposition for heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune disorders (tend to be genetic), cancer, etc...A good physician will make a note of it, and watch the patient closely. That is prevention, and yes, it can be done. Maybe I have missed the point that you were trying to make.

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