Omar Refuses To Answer If She’s A Communist And Supports Al Qaeda

I know nothing about the woman's politics and if she's a progressive, I probably disagree with at least half of it, but this is absolutely fucking ridiculous bullying behavior that has no basis in reality.

As far as the anti-Semitic stuff, maybe, but no one will give me specific things she said that were anti-Israel, either. No one will do anything except continue accusing her of something so stupid that I can't believe you've managed to get up a full head of steam on it.

This is outrageous facistic bullshit. That is what I disapprove of. Your outrageous behavior is what is pushing me into her corner, and I don't even know what that corner is. I just know y'all are way out of line and probably at least some of you are smart enough to know it.
Good lord take responsibility for your own thoughts and actions instead of whining about other people pushing you into a corner and causing your thoughts and actions.
Oh go fuck yourself. If the shoe fits, wear it. Bullies never take responsibility for their actions.
When emoting lib loons get bested in a discussion and have no rebuttal they ALWAYS resort to profanity and name calling. Very reminiscent of a mentally undeveloped 4 years old lashing out over their frustrations.
I'm not bested. Ya wanna go a couple rounds, you self righteous prig?
Stop publicly soiling your diaper.
IDIOT: Are you a terrorist lover?

POL: Nope.

What was her motive for praising terrorists who attacked Israel, trying to get an Islamo terrorist released from prison and voting no on banning terrorists from collecting life insurance?
Once again, what terrorist did she try to get out of jail? Give me the quote on praising terrorists who attacked Israel. Life insurance?
I'm not saying it didn't happen, but you folks sure are thin on the ground with any specifics here.
You Leftards would be conservative if you weren’t so damn ignorant of the world around you.

Rep. Ilhan Omar asks judge for compassion in ISIS recruit sentencing

3 days after 150 missiles were fired at civilians in Israel:

Already listed she supported known terrorists on at least 3 occasions and she supports AOC and her communist ideas. What you can't read?
Quote me her support of terrorists.
Don't you mean support of "someones"? That is what she calls terrorists. She obviously hates America.
Already listed she supported known terrorists on at least 3 occasions and she supports AOC and her communist ideas. What you can't read?
Quote me her support of terrorists.
And her she is saying that Muslims should not be blamed for 9/11. Rep. Ilhan Omar's 9/11 Comments in Context -

They shouldn’t be. Just like Christians shouldn’t be blamed for abortion clinic bombings. Terrorists are to blame.
Just like Christians shouldn’t be blamed for abortion clinic bombings.

No, it is not just like Christians. Christianity does not endorse violence, Islam does. Islam is to blame.

You do know Christianity's background don't you. I mean they fight each other

That has 0 to do with Islam and what it says.
What terrorist has she supported? Did I miss the link?

"some people did something....."
Ah.....yes, I did hear that. She was defending good Muslims, as opposed to the terrorists who attacked the Twin Towers. To me, that comment by itself sounded as if she was downplaying the 9/11 attacks. Then I read her speech. I think she was being defensive, but the whole speech is in defense of Muslims and how they are not treated fairly here. She's a pistol. I'll link you to her full remarks.
Far too long, we have lived with the discomfort of being a second-class citizen, and frankly, I’m tired of it, and every single Muslim in this country should be tired of it. CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.
See For Yourself: Read Transcript Of Omar Speech That Made The Right Hysterical
I know nothing about the woman's politics and if she's a progressive, I probably disagree with at least half of it, but this is absolutely fucking ridiculous bullying behavior that has no basis in reality.

As far as the anti-Semitic stuff, maybe, but no one will give me specific things she said that were anti-Israel, either. No one will do anything except continue accusing her of something so stupid that I can't believe you've managed to get up a full head of steam on it.

This is outrageous facistic bullshit. That is what I disapprove of. Your outrageous behavior is what is pushing me into her corner, and I don't even know what that corner is. I just know y'all are way out of line and probably at least some of you are smart enough to know it.
Good lord take responsibility for your own thoughts and actions instead of whining about other people pushing you into a corner and causing your thoughts and actions.
Oh go fuck yourself. If the shoe fits, wear it. Bullies never take responsibility for their actions.
When emoting lib loons get bested in a discussion and have no rebuttal they ALWAYS resort to profanity and name calling. Very reminiscent of a mentally undeveloped 4 years old lashing out over their frustrations.
I'm not bested. Ya wanna go a couple rounds, you self righteous prig?
Stop publicly soiling your diaper.
No, huh? Just gonna insult me some more?
Who's got the diaper on, again?
What terrorist has she supported? Did I miss the link?

"some people did something....."
Ah.....yes, I did hear that. She was defending good Muslims, as opposed to the terrorists who attacked the Twin Towers. To me, that comment by itself sounded as if she was downplaying the 9/11 attacks. Then I read her speech. I think she was being defensive, but the whole speech is in defense of Muslims and how they are not treated fairly here. She's a pistol. I'll link you to her full remarks.
Far too long, we have lived with the discomfort of being a second-class citizen, and frankly, I’m tired of it, and every single Muslim in this country should be tired of it. CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.
See For Yourself: Read Transcript Of Omar Speech That Made The Right Hysterical
Some people did something.

There you go.
Ah.....yes, I did hear that. She was defending good Muslims, as opposed to the terrorists who attacked the Twin Towers. To me, that comment by itself sounded as if she was downplaying the 9/11 attacks. Then I read her speech. I think she was being defensive, but the whole speech is in defense of Muslims and how they are not treated fairly here. She's a pistol. I'll link you to her full remarks.
Far too long, we have lived with the discomfort of being a second-class citizen, and frankly, I’m tired of it, and every single Muslim in this country should be tired of it. CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.
See For Yourself: Read Transcript Of Omar Speech That Made The Right Hysterical

She didn't bother knowing CAIR was founded before 9/11 and she meant to make 9/11 not about muslim jihad which is one of many lies she's told. I always thought you were more American than democrat but I'm starting to wonder.
Where is Trump's condemnation of the attack? Mitch McConnell's? Any others?
Just asking but I'd love an answer.
Since you'd 'love to know', do some research, and then provide to us a link to any article / interview where any of THEM were asked by a reporter directly if they condemned Antifa's terrorist attack and refused to do so, as Omar did....
Why not? Why her and not them?
What is happening here is truly revolting.

Republicans aren't able to speak out unless asked by the lying MSM? Seems kinda weird.
You keep trying to distract from the fact that Omar is a proven terrorist supporter who refused to condemn terrorist Antifa's attack on a US Law Enforcement facility, supported by multiple links, by attempting to accuse the President and GOP of doing the same thing. It only have YOUR OWN OPINION / SAY-SO to back it up....

What terrorist has she supported? Did I miss the link?
As a State representative she voted to pay terrorists life insurance if killed committing terror attacks. As a US representative she petitioned to keep a known terror supporter out of jail. She called the 19 terrorists that attacked us on 9/11 some people that did something.
You will get it...right after you post the link supporting your accusation / insinuation that the President somehow supports the Leftist Democrat-supported terrorist Antifa and their attack on a US Law Enforcement facility...
I'm not bested. Ya wanna go a couple rounds, you self righteous prig?
You got your ass handed to you and have continued posting useless word Games and spin, unable to substantiate anything you have said in defense of an ungrateful rescued African Refugee anti-American anti-Semite terrorist supporter.

'nuff said.

Was the marriage between her and her brother a strictly professional relationship or something more than that?

There is absolutely no evidence that Omar married her brother, and much evidence that this is just another example of conservative slanders of this woman:

Did U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar Marry Her Brother?

But lying and slander is all you have.

Keep showing blacks and people of colour how much fear you have of these women. Keep showing minorities how powerful they are and how frightened of them you are. Nothing will bring out the minority vote like seeing faces like theirs frightening assholes like you.
Was the marriage between her and her brother a strictly professional relationship or something more than that?

There is absolutely no evidence that Omar married her brother, and much evidence that this is just another example of conservative slanders of this woman:

Did U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar Marry Her Brother?

But lying and slander is all you have.

Keep showing blacks and people of colour how much fear you have of these women. Keep showing minorities how powerful they are and how frightened of them you are. Nothing will bring out the minority vote like seeing faces like theirs frightening assholes like you.
New documents revisit questions about Rep. Ilhan Omar's marriage history
Keep showing blacks and people of colour how much fear you have of these women.

Sorry, automatic forfeit....pulling the 'Race card' in a debate about something that has nothing to do with 'race' is an admission that the person who pulls the card has nothing else. It's a desperation, last-ditch-effort move.

You lose!
There is absolutely no evidence that Omar married her brother, and much evidence that this is just another example of conservative slanders of this woman:

Did U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar Marry Her Brother?

But lying and slander is all you have.

Keep showing blacks and people of colour how much fear you have of these women. Keep showing minorities how powerful they are and how frightened of them you are. Nothing will bring out the minority vote like seeing faces like theirs frightening assholes like you.

You think minorities are going to give up their new JOBS to support you slave-owners? They can finally see their way out of the prisons/projects LBJ and his successors put them've lost that voting bloc, bitch....wave bye bye.
She refused to condemn the recent Antifa attack on an ICE detention center that resulted in 1 of the terrorists being killed...
Who did condemn it? I don't see tv anymore.

The more important question is who would NOT condemn this TERRORIST attack by Antifa, one of 3 groups proven to have taken cash from Russia to spread racial division and violence?! The answer to that question, at least in part, is D-OMAR. Omar, as has already been proven to openly support terrorists and has attended fund raisers for terrorists.

WATCH: Ilhan Omar refuses to answer reporter asking if she condemns antifa firebomb attack

...and you don't need tv - I see you still have internet, which means access to Google...

'Washington ICE detention center attacker Willem Van Spronsen wrote 'I am Antifa' manifesto before assault'

'The 69-year-old armed man killed by Washington state police as he attacked a local Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention center Saturday sent a manifesto to friends the day before the assault in which he wrote "I am Antifa," and was being lionized by members of the leftwing group as a "martyr."

'Left-Wing Group'? They're TERRORISTS who were proven to have sold out their country to help Russia divide this country!

Washington ICE detention center attacker Willem Van Spronsen wrote 'I am Antifa' manifesto before assault

Hey there Willie Van Sprocket or whatthefuckeveryournameis: You're probably in Hell by now, sucking on the devil's dick. Tell me: How did those police officer's 9mm rounds feel ripping through your worthless carcass?

I hope it hurt like hell, ya iggernant scumbag. Sucks being dead, don't it?

"I will not dignify that with an answer,"

the few may intercept it has tap dancing but its really they don't care what she says because they believe otherwise

but when a woman says that she is "insulted to have been asked that question." Most guys don't get it because they can't understand how insulting the question is and why she even have to answer such a question

If Trump was asked the same question "are u a communist and do u support AQ, he would be insulted to have to answer such a question but then again he does like to hear himself talk and probably have something to make cookie-cutter answers

I would suspect that even if she said No that it still would be taken the wrong way by those on the right

She gave the proper response and if the cameras were not around she might have added a finger to the comment
Um, no. If you choose to put yourself into the public service and represent a portion of this country then you can answer questions about your allegiance to the country. For crying out loud sports players are required to talk to the media, you can answer a simple question if you're a representative of this government.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

All members of congress say this at the start of each new Congress

That should be enough and since this is a democracy which is founded on freedom of speech. She said what she wanted to say.
"I will not dignify that with an answer,"

the few may intercept it has tap dancing but its really they don't care what she says because they believe otherwise

but when a woman says that she is "insulted to have been asked that question." Most guys don't get it because they can't understand how insulting the question is and why she even have to answer such a question

If Trump was asked the same question "are u a communist and do u support AQ, he would be insulted to have to answer such a question but then again he does like to hear himself talk and probably have something to make cookie-cutter answers

I would suspect that even if she said No that it still would be taken the wrong way by those on the right

She gave the proper response and if the cameras were not around she might have added a finger to the comment
Um, no. If you choose to put yourself into the public service and represent a portion of this country then you can answer questions about your allegiance to the country. For crying out loud sports players are required to talk to the media, you can answer a simple question if you're a representative of this government.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

All members of congress say this at the start of each new Congress

That should be enough and since this is a democracy which is founded on freedom of speech. She said what she wanted to say.
Ya cause after all Muslims never lie right? It is allowed under Islam to lie to further Islam's goals.

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