Older Judges and Vacant Seats Give Trump Huge Power to Shape American Courts


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
There are 870 Article III federal court judgeships, the vast majority on district courts or appeals courts like the one that recently upheld a halt on Mr. Trump’s immigration ban. These judges are appointed by the president and serve a lifetime term. (A few federal judges are appointed for limited terms.)

12% are vacant and 24% of the judges are 62 or older. It'll be interesting to see who and how many the president nominates and how the Senate responds.

More @ https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/02/14/upshot/trump-poised-to-transform-american-courts.html
You aren't a Russian troll are you? You remind me of people who think talking over someone answers the question or solves the issue. Constant BS threads to distract from any intelligent conversation is a tactic of propagandists and Trump sycophants. Trump is a draft dodger and a con artist, a man so trivial he argues crowd size and illegal voting as well as suit color. America has elected a real dummy this time.

"Anyone who was still expecting a heretofore hidden inner statesman to emerge from the bombastic, crude, talkative candidate was harboring illusions. After the election, we had new evidence that Donald Trump wasn’t up to the position; during the transition that reality crept out of the cracks in the defensive wall thrown around him by protective advisers. An article in the New York Post on January 15 said that Trump was showing far more interest in trivialities about the inauguration planning than in preparing to govern. Tom Barrack, chair of the Presidential Inaugural Committee, told the Post, “He’s into every detail of everything. I beg him all the time to go back to running the free world and let me focus on setting the tables.”" Elizabeth Drew Terrifying Trump

"Sean Hannity of Fox News represents the low-brow, anti-intellectual and reactionary wing of the Republican party and the conservative movement. His arguments, to use a boxing metaphor, are like sucker punches thrown below the belt and after the bell." With Trump Slumping, Fox Sycophant Sean Hannity Gets Kicked From All Angles
Well we have seen havoc the wacko judges in Wash State and in the CA-9 in San Francisco being left wing hippies can do.

So there is no need to question the GOP's delay tactics over the past decade in approving DEM-nominated candidates for the bench.

The oldest and ugliest of these is Ginsberg herself.

She is already studdering and drooling. Pretty soon she will collapse in her seat, sh!t and pee in her girlie boxer shorts, and croak. Can't wait for this to happen.
You aren't a Russian troll are you? You remind me of people who think talking over someone answers the question or solves the issue. Constant BS threads to distract from any intelligent conversation is a tactic of propagandists and Trump sycophants. Trump is a draft dodger and a con artist, a man so trivial he argues crowd size and illegal voting as well as suit color. America has elected a real dummy this time.

"Anyone who was still expecting a heretofore hidden inner statesman to emerge from the bombastic, crude, talkative candidate was harboring illusions. After the election, we had new evidence that Donald Trump wasn’t up to the position; during the transition that reality crept out of the cracks in the defensive wall thrown around him by protective advisers. An article in the New York Post on January 15 said that Trump was showing far more interest in trivialities about the inauguration planning than in preparing to govern. Tom Barrack, chair of the Presidential Inaugural Committee, told the Post, “He’s into every detail of everything. I beg him all the time to go back to running the free world and let me focus on setting the tables.”" Elizabeth Drew Terrifying Trump

"Sean Hannity of Fox News represents the low-brow, anti-intellectual and reactionary wing of the Republican party and the conservative movement. His arguments, to use a boxing metaphor, are like sucker punches thrown below the belt and after the bell." With Trump Slumping, Fox Sycophant Sean Hannity Gets Kicked From All Angles

Can you ever remain on topic?

He posted an actual topic, and you responded with "fuh fuh fuh, trump sucks, fuh fuh fuh, Sean Hannity, drool drool drool"


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