Oklahoma ERs packed with ivermectin overdose victims

There is a nice representation of what happens when ivermectin docks to SARS-CoV-2 RBD-ACE2 complex, Fig. 3, here:

Ivermectin Docks to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Receptor Binding Domain Attached to ACE2
’Fig. 3. Ivermectin molecule docked with SARS-CoV-2 spike....Vero-hSLAM cell assays used by Caly et al might not be entirely relevant to human SARS-CoV-2 infection. Vero-hSLAM is an African green monkey kidney epithelial cell line that does not express human ACE2. Therefore, Caly et al had to use high concentrations.’
Cogent..if a bit high-brow for some.

Thus...high doses (concentration) were used..the binding was observed..but the relevance, if any, is not known, at this time. Given that the subject was a Green Monkey--a kidney cell----that would go without saying, eh?
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I heard Huffing Lysol kills Covid-19. Do it every time someone gets within 6'ft of you. You will feel GREAT!

No. It doesn't. Taken in the doses that are meant for animals...it can result in a number of really bad things. It can be used to treat parasitic infestations in humans....in very small doses.
It doesn't work wonders. It's meant to de-worm LIVESTOCK.

Poor Jack. Just born on the wrong side of the bed of life, born wrong and will die wrong.

I need more than anecdotal evidence before i take some meds designed to deworm my horse? Please feel free to post those studies showing hard evidence that ivermectin helps...materially.
go to any search engine and type "ivermectin studies 2021" (without the quotes) And you will see plenty of results, some like

New Study of Ivermectin: Reduces Risk of Death - Covid.us.org

Study: Pasteur Institute shows Ivermectin is an effective

Use of Ivermectin Is Associated With Lower Mortality in ...

Now if we can keep the bone-head liber-natzi media from turning new ideas like this into political weapons, maybe we will survive.
Poor Jack. Just born on the wrong side of the bed of life, born wrong and will die wrong.

Thanks for the link...whatever its use..Ivermectin can be dangerous...blood thinners like Warfarin or Plavix---contraindicated for sure!
these folks that are going the Petmed way..I wonder if they know that?
go to any search engine and type "ivermectin studies 2021" (without the quotes) And you will see plenty of results, some like

New Study of Ivermectin: Reduces Risk of Death - Covid.us.org

Study: Pasteur Institute shows Ivermectin is an effective

Use of Ivermectin Is Associated With Lower Mortality in ...

Now if we can keep the bone-head liber-natzi media from turning new ideas like this into political weapons, maybe we will survive.
I looked up the Pasteur study from your list.

July 19, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Ivermectin (IVM) attenuates COVID-19 inflammation and other clinical symptoms in animals infected with SARS-CoV-2, according to a recent study by the French Pasteur Institute.

Did you know the Pasteur study was in ANIMALS, and not in PEOPLE?
Thanks for the link...whatever its use..Ivermectin can be dangerous...blood thinners like Warfarin or Plavix---contraindicated for sure!
these folks that are going the Petmed way..I wonder if they know that?
The Pasteur study says it's effective in animals.
go to any search engine and type "ivermectin studies 2021" (without the quotes) And you will see plenty of results, some like

New Study of Ivermectin: Reduces Risk of Death - Covid.us.org

Study: Pasteur Institute shows Ivermectin is an effective

Use of Ivermectin Is Associated With Lower Mortality in ...

Now if we can keep the bone-head liber-natzi media from turning new ideas like this into political weapons, maybe we will survive.
Just...no. These are all preliminary studies...some done on hamsters--not humans. their results are 'suggestive'.
That's a far cry from 'definitive'.
The mortality study is best of the bunch...but, at best, it's saying is the drug might be a positive factor life/death patients who were close to dying....so as a last-ditch attempt it works a bit. Cool...if true. the study concludes...need more studies~

If your Dr. says take it....take it. But peeps doing Petmeds...are just asking for trouble.
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Thanks for the link...whatever its use..Ivermectin can be dangerous...

Well, even food and sex can be dangerous if taken wrongly or in excess. I'd be loathe to take veterinary Ivermectin myself, even if I calculated the dose ratio between the body weight of a horse to a human as there might be other things in it not meant for human consumption, and besides, who knows the right dosage to treat a virus?

If I was really gung ho on trying it, I'd hook up with a clinical study somewhere trying to do research on it.
"In some other way"...................LOL!!! The absolute pinnacle of Trump's presidency.
I love that his supporters always maintain he didn't say any of this.

No one denies that Trump said right there he was told these were some things that might be looked into! Just what do YOU think you hear, Jack, when you play that? Do you have little fairies talking into your ears?

And isn't it interesting that with the POTUS giving a talk on Covid, that somewhere a camera fixed on this obscure lady sitting in a chair THE WHOLE TIME in a dark corner of the room, and what did she do? She looked at Trump for a while then fixed her gaze somewhere else in the room.

Meantime, you idiots and assholes talk like Trump said these were HIS ideas and that she made some kind of funny face, shook her head no, or leaped up denouncing Trump! :auiqs.jpg:

Apparently you tards have eyes and ears, yet see things and hear things that were never there and never happened! Wow.
No one denies that Trump said right there he was told these were some things that might be looked into! Just what do YOU think you hear, Jack, when you play that? Do you have little fairies talking into your ears?

And isn't it interesting that with the POTUS giving a talk on Covid, that somewhere a camera fixed on this obscure lady sitting in a chair THE WHOLE TIME in a dark corner of the room, and what did she do? She looked at Trump for a while then fixed her gaze somewhere else in the room.

Meantime, you idiots and assholes talk like Trump said these were HIS ideas and that she made some kind of funny face, shook her head no, or leaped up denouncing Trump! :auiqs.jpg:

Apparently you tards have eyes and ears, yet see things and hear things that were never there and never happened! Wow.
What Dr Birx did was the equivalent of wanting to blend into a wall and not be seen as being addressed by the incompetent bag of gas asking her a fucking stupid question and riffing on like he was at one of his pep rallies. She was embarrassed...like, wanting to run and hide embarrassed. This is the PRESIDENT of the United States. HIS ideas??? Jesus, what press conference were you watching? Those words came out of HIS mouth.

You see, unlike your constant voter fraud claims of which, NONE can be backed up with facts...this little episode?..is on film and recorded down in the White House archives.

Sorry bud, no matter how much Trump love you have...this happened. Your man was/is a fucking moron. The fact that you voted for and supported him..says more about you
than it does him.

Live with that. :)
What Dr Birx did was the equivalent of wanting to blend into a wall and not be seen as being addressed by the incompetent bag of gas
Oh, I see, Jack. We are supposed to believe that you have psychically interpreted the video now and read into the mind of this lady! She didn't even want to sit there, she was trying to HIDE on the stage to avoid a bag of hot air! Well, why didn't she just go sit with YOU, then, Jack? :shok: :71:

She was embarrassed...like, wanting to run and hide embarrassed.
I see. And how was that boil on her ass doing? Healing well?

unlike your constant voter fraud claims of which, NONE can be backed up with facts...
How many facts would you like, Jack, 50? 100? 150? Your constant denial of them does not change the fact that they are all undeniably there, as illustrated and detailed here repeatedly numerous times for months by many people here in uncounted threads still ongoing to this day proving no way did Joe Biden actually win that election.

Sorry bud, no matter how much Trump love you have...this happened.
Yep. What happened in the video happened. That is plainly evident. But apparently you're too stupid or shameless a liar that you can't even tell the difference between your own delusions and black & white.

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