Oklahoma ERs packed with ivermectin overdose victims

They are willing to take a drug that removes worms in livestock, that is not recommended by the CDC, that isn't proven to work and can have serious side effects. All without a doctor's prescription and monitoring.

Yet they won't take a fully approved CDC vaccine that is proven to be effective and is recommended by doctors.

Ok. That's about the level of stupidity I expect from trump people.

View attachment 534480
It is not even recommended by the company that makes it.

Horowitz: CDC endorsed use of ivermectin … for Afghan refugees!​

"But that is for parasitic infection, not viral infection!" shouts the chorus of ignorant fools who have ignored the past 18 months of ivermectin saving countless lives.

How stupid can some people get.

Too funny!!
Yes, The US used Ivermectin on the refugees--for its intended purpose...to combat parasitic infections!

Indeed, how stupid can some people get?
Yeah....Turns out that Ivermectin dosed for human consumption has both anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties....Both useful in treating the FauxiFlu.

But don't dare share this link with the vax cultists...It'll make their heads essplode!

Really amazing the large body of research showing the efficacy of Ivermectin yet the Left try to dodge and suppress its use because Trump mentioned it as a possible adjunct to the vaccine!
Really amazing the large body of research showing the efficacy of Ivermectin yet the Left try to dodge and suppress its use because Trump mentioned it as a possible adjunct to the vaccine!
Don't you mean hydoxychloroquine. The drug that Trump took before he came down with COVID.
Really amazing the large body of research showing the efficacy of Ivermectin yet the Left try to dodge and suppress its use because Trump mentioned it as a possible adjunct to the vaccine!
Hmm..still looking for that 'large body of research' that is focused on the Covid virus and the efficacy of Ivermectin--specifically.

For the record..I give a shit what Trump said..or didn't. He's well in the rear-view mirror--I would LOVE to have a new tool against Covid. Trouble is, almost all the evidence is anecdotal....ya know..'Joe Rogan says'..sort of shit. When a definitive, peer-reviewed, comprehensive study comes out--then we'll see.
The story is about stupid people taking unprescribed veterinary medications, not about the FauxiFlu per se.

But you doomsaying scaremongers will never let an opportunity go by the boards, to disparage those who don't want to come to heel over your moronic and contradictory CDC Kabuki dances.

You should be embarrassed, were it that y'all hadn't completely dissociated yourselves from the emotion.
This thread is about idiot right wingers getting scammed by idiot right wing radio hosts and nearly dying. I am all for it ! Drive on!
Just like Clorox did not recommend injecting it's product, but did recommend using it as intended.
I don't think people were really injecting Clorox, but they really are taking animal strength Ivermectin. I suspect it is a bunch of the same anit-vaxx people that said they would not take the vaccine because it was not approved. Idiots do stupid crap every day. Up until now, we could not even count on a Darwin effect, as the people taking stupid crap were generally too old to be having many kids. Now, with the Delta Variant, the age of the people being infected has dropped significantly. This mean a potential for the Darwin effect, of people removing themselves from the gene pool, prior to spawning offspring as stupid as they are. You probably have the rabid stupid giving it to their kids, also preventing the transmission of the "terminally stupid" gene.
At least they may die worm free.:auiqs.jpg:
They didn't recommend it by name. But like other disinfectants, Trump suggested they experiment with injecting it into people.
Fucking liar....He asked if something with the disinfecting properties of ultraviolet light could be made into an injectable form.

But I wouldn't expect a cement headed schmendrick like you tro be able to figure that out.
There is a nice representation of what happens when ivermectin docks to SARS-CoV-2 RBD-ACE2 complex, Fig. 3, here:

Ivermectin Docks to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Receptor Binding Domain Attached to ACE2
’Fig. 3. Ivermectin molecule docked with SARS-CoV-2 spike....Vero-hSLAM cell assays used by Caly et al might not be entirely relevant to human SARS-CoV-2 infection. Vero-hSLAM is an African green monkey kidney epithelial cell line that does not express human ACE2. Therefore, Caly et al had to use high concentrations.’
Fucking liar....He asked if something with the disinfecting properties of ultraviolet light could be made into an injectable form.
Injectable light? Why did he ask doctors to do it, and not experimental physicists, who would be the only ones that could transform light, into chemical form.

Why are you being such an idiot? Trump asked doctors to inject disinfectant into people.
Hmm..still looking for that 'large body of research' that is focused on the Covid virus and the efficacy of Ivermectin--specifically.

For the record..I give a shit what Trump said..or didn't. He's well in the rear-view mirror--I would LOVE to have a new tool against Covid. Trouble is, almost all the evidence is anecdotal....ya know..'Joe Rogan says'..sort of shit. When a definitive, peer-reviewed, comprehensive study comes out--then we'll see.

Problem is that all of the definitive, peer-reviewed, comprehensive studies being done now are admittedly being done by leftwing leaning groups all interested in advancing the government agenda.
If people who have been shot are backing up the hospital response time then the obvious solution is 'gun control'!
Problem is that all of the definitive, peer-reviewed, comprehensive studies being done now are admittedly being done by leftwing leaning groups all interested in advancing the government agenda.
The government agenda is to save lives.

If any of these things worked, as shown by peer reviewed single/double blind studies like were used for the covid vaccines, the government would be pushing it.

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