Oklahoma approves largest single-day commutation in US history


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
How about that? This is but one small step in what should be a nation-side effort--minor drug offenses and non-violent crimes need not bring harsh multi-year sentences---save prisons for the violent and the repeat offenders..and save us, the taxpayers, millions!

Oklahoma approves largest single-day commutation in U.S. history

"In a flurry of signatures Friday afternoon, Oklahoma moved one step closer to shucking its distinction as the state with the highest incarceration rate in the United States. On Monday afternoon, 527 people serving low-level drug and nonviolent offenses will go free in what Oklahoma lawmakers are calling the largest single-day commutation in both state and U.S. history.
The commutation is a success for criminal justice reform efforts in a state that has a long history of harsh sentencing practices and high incarceration rates. It’s also evidence of the Republican-dominated legislature’s willingness to move closer in line with the majority of voters who favor a less punitive approach. The historic commutations come amid nationwide efforts to reduce punishment of low-level crimes and move the U.S. prison system in a more rehabilitative — or at least less punitive — direction."
Prison is not rehabilitative. Criminals only learn better skills. Prisons need to be run as punitive institutions, albeit in compliance with the laws to do so in a humane (as much as possible) and safe manner.
Drugs should be legal
What people put in their body is their own problem. There is no reasonable objection to it.
If I were an Oklahoma resident I’d be sitting outside these prisons with a high powered rifle, a scope, and as much semi as I could carry; just pooping balloons as each one comes out the front door on release day.
Drugs should be legal
What people put in their body is their own problem. There is no reasonable objection to it.
Actually, no, it isn’t just their own problem unless they are wealthy enough to retire to their homes, keep up with bills, and veg in their homes, absent of a spouse or kids, never to emerge. Otherwise the minute they interact with either of those, or the outside world, it then involves others.
Drugs should be legal
What people put in their body is their own problem. There is no reasonable objection to it.
Actually, no, it isn’t just their own problem unless they are wealthy enough to retire to their homes, keep up with bills, and veg in their homes, absent of a spouse or kids, never to emerge. Otherwise the minute they interact with either of those, or the outside world, it then involves others.
I'm not advocating for people shooting up in the streets.
Drugs should be legal
What people put in their body is their own problem. There is no reasonable objection to it.
Actually, no, it isn’t just their own problem unless they are wealthy enough to retire to their homes, keep up with bills, and veg in their homes, absent of a spouse or kids, never to emerge. Otherwise the minute they interact with either of those, or the outside world, it then involves others.
I'm not advocating for people shooting up in the streets.
Maybe instead of making drugs legal, we should just stop throwing addicts in jail. It is poor man's rehab around here and let me tell ya, it doesn't work. Drug Court works a lot better but it's expensive.
Drugs should be legal
What people put in their body is their own problem. There is no reasonable objection to it.
Actually, no, it isn’t just their own problem unless they are wealthy enough to retire to their homes, keep up with bills, and veg in their homes, absent of a spouse or kids, never to emerge. Otherwise the minute they interact with either of those, or the outside world, it then involves others.
I'm not advocating for people shooting up in the streets.
Maybe instead of making drugs legal, we should just stop throwing addicts in jail. It is poor man's rehab around here and let me tell ya, it doesn't work. Drug Court works a lot better but it's expensive.
The addicts get thrown in jail because of public intoxication or possession.
So if drugs are still illegal, most would still be thrown in jail.
Drugs should be legal
What people put in their body is their own problem. There is no reasonable objection to it.
Actually, no, it isn’t just their own problem unless they are wealthy enough to retire to their homes, keep up with bills, and veg in their homes, absent of a spouse or kids, never to emerge. Otherwise the minute they interact with either of those, or the outside world, it then involves others.
I'm not advocating for people shooting up in the streets.
And your imagined legislation would insure they don’t, how? Do you suggest locking them into their homes, alone? Home delivery for the drugs when they need them again?
Drugs should be legal
What people put in their body is their own problem. There is no reasonable objection to it.
Actually, no, it isn’t just their own problem unless they are wealthy enough to retire to their homes, keep up with bills, and veg in their homes, absent of a spouse or kids, never to emerge. Otherwise the minute they interact with either of those, or the outside world, it then involves others.
I'm not advocating for people shooting up in the streets.
And your imagined legislation would insure they don’t, how? Do you suggest locking them into their homes, alone? Home delivery for the drugs when they need them again?
Umm no. Just legalize it and regulate it.
If they go off the deep end, it's their own fault. Just like with alcohol..
We legalized alcohol and alcohol related offenses and addicts shot down. Something to consider.
Forcing people to do certain things with their own bodies is the ultimate form of totalitarianism.
Like forcing a Christian to bake queer wedding cakes.
Our corrupt and perverse elite should control what we do to ourselves! They know best!
Drugs should be legal
What people put in their body is their own problem. There is no reasonable objection to it.
Actually, no, it isn’t just their own problem unless they are wealthy enough to retire to their homes, keep up with bills, and veg in their homes, absent of a spouse or kids, never to emerge. Otherwise the minute they interact with either of those, or the outside world, it then involves others.
I'm not advocating for people shooting up in the streets.
Maybe instead of making drugs legal, we should just stop throwing addicts in jail. It is poor man's rehab around here and let me tell ya, it doesn't work. Drug Court works a lot better but it's expensive.
The addicts get thrown in jail because of public intoxication or possession.
So if drugs are still illegal, most would still be thrown in jail.
No, the way it works is, rather than jail if an addict is arrested (and often it's for theft so they can buy drugs) the Court sentences them to a strictly monitored and intensive drug rehab program and if they misstep they spend a weekend in jail; if they misstep twice they're in jail to serve their sentence. We have quite a large community in recovery around here that has struggled through drug court, stayed out of jail and kicked their addiction all at the same time. It's good to see.
How does that sound?
Drugs should be legal
What people put in their body is their own problem. There is no reasonable objection to it.
Actually, no, it isn’t just their own problem unless they are wealthy enough to retire to their homes, keep up with bills, and veg in their homes, absent of a spouse or kids, never to emerge. Otherwise the minute they interact with either of those, or the outside world, it then involves others.
I'm not advocating for people shooting up in the streets.
And your imagined legislation would insure they don’t, how? Do you suggest locking them into their homes, alone? Home delivery for the drugs when they need them again?
Umm no. Just legalize it and regulate it.
If they go off the deep end, it's their own fault. Just like with alcohol..
We legalized alcohol and alcohol related offenses and addicts shot down. Something to consider.
And if regulated, there will still be a black market out there for it, so they can get around regulations, along with the taxes hat would eventually ensue.
Drugs should be legal
What people put in their body is their own problem. There is no reasonable objection to it.
Actually, no, it isn’t just their own problem unless they are wealthy enough to retire to their homes, keep up with bills, and veg in their homes, absent of a spouse or kids, never to emerge. Otherwise the minute they interact with either of those, or the outside world, it then involves others.
I'm not advocating for people shooting up in the streets.
Maybe instead of making drugs legal, we should just stop throwing addicts in jail. It is poor man's rehab around here and let me tell ya, it doesn't work. Drug Court works a lot better but it's expensive.
The addicts get thrown in jail because of public intoxication or possession.
So if drugs are still illegal, most would still be thrown in jail.
No, the way it works is, rather than jail if an addict is arrested (and often it's for theft so they can buy drugs) the Court sentences them to a strictly monitored and intensive drug rehab program and if they misstep they spend a weekend in jail; if they misstep twice they're in jail to serve their sentence. We have quite a large community in recovery around here that has struggled through drug court, stayed out of jail and kicked their addiction all at the same time. It's good to see.
How does that sound?
Sounds fine but I still think drugs should be legal.
Do you have a link that shows most addicts get arrested for stealing?
Drugs should be legal
What people put in their body is their own problem. There is no reasonable objection to it.
Actually, no, it isn’t just their own problem unless they are wealthy enough to retire to their homes, keep up with bills, and veg in their homes, absent of a spouse or kids, never to emerge. Otherwise the minute they interact with either of those, or the outside world, it then involves others.
I'm not advocating for people shooting up in the streets.
And your imagined legislation would insure they don’t, how? Do you suggest locking them into their homes, alone? Home delivery for the drugs when they need them again?
Umm no. Just legalize it and regulate it.
If they go off the deep end, it's their own fault. Just like with alcohol..
We legalized alcohol and alcohol related offenses and addicts shot down. Something to consider.
And if regulated, there will still be a black market out there for it, so they can get around regulations, along with the taxes hat would eventually ensue.
Yes, just like moonshine.
But if taxes stayed down low enough and made the prices competitive, the black market would cease. Or at least slow way down.
Keeping them illegal keeps them cheap. And keeps them cut so people OD easier.
Actually, no, it isn’t just their own problem unless they are wealthy enough to retire to their homes, keep up with bills, and veg in their homes, absent of a spouse or kids, never to emerge. Otherwise the minute they interact with either of those, or the outside world, it then involves others.
I'm not advocating for people shooting up in the streets.
Maybe instead of making drugs legal, we should just stop throwing addicts in jail. It is poor man's rehab around here and let me tell ya, it doesn't work. Drug Court works a lot better but it's expensive.
The addicts get thrown in jail because of public intoxication or possession.
So if drugs are still illegal, most would still be thrown in jail.
No, the way it works is, rather than jail if an addict is arrested (and often it's for theft so they can buy drugs) the Court sentences them to a strictly monitored and intensive drug rehab program and if they misstep they spend a weekend in jail; if they misstep twice they're in jail to serve their sentence. We have quite a large community in recovery around here that has struggled through drug court, stayed out of jail and kicked their addiction all at the same time. It's good to see.
How does that sound?
Sounds fine but I still think drugs should be legal.
Do you have a link that shows most addicts get arrested for stealing?
No (and I said often not most) but I inadvertently ended up working with a shitload of them when I was in Child Protective and then I worked at the local prison and now I teach at the jail once a week and when someone tells me their arrests were for theft I ask and 99% of the time, it was to pay for drugs. Often, not most.
Actually, no, it isn’t just their own problem unless they are wealthy enough to retire to their homes, keep up with bills, and veg in their homes, absent of a spouse or kids, never to emerge. Otherwise the minute they interact with either of those, or the outside world, it then involves others.
I'm not advocating for people shooting up in the streets.
And your imagined legislation would insure they don’t, how? Do you suggest locking them into their homes, alone? Home delivery for the drugs when they need them again?
Umm no. Just legalize it and regulate it.
If they go off the deep end, it's their own fault. Just like with alcohol..
We legalized alcohol and alcohol related offenses and addicts shot down. Something to consider.
And if regulated, there will still be a black market out there for it, so they can get around regulations, along with the taxes hat would eventually ensue.
Yes, just like moonshine.
But if taxes stayed down low enough and made the prices competitive, the black market would cease. Or at least slow way down.
Keeping them illegal keeps them cheap. And keeps them cut so people OD easier.
Regulation would keep them from feeding their habit as they psychologically or physiologically need. Just as there is still a black market for weed, opiates, and moonshine, there would still be one for other drugs.
Drugs should be legal
What people put in their body is their own problem. There is no reasonable objection to it.
Actually, no, it isn’t just their own problem unless they are wealthy enough to retire to their homes, keep up with bills, and veg in their homes, absent of a spouse or kids, never to emerge. Otherwise the minute they interact with either of those, or the outside world, it then involves others.
I'm not advocating for people shooting up in the streets.
Maybe instead of making drugs legal, we should just stop throwing addicts in jail. It is poor man's rehab around here and let me tell ya, it doesn't work. Drug Court works a lot better but it's expensive.
The addicts get thrown in jail because of public intoxication or possession.
So if drugs are still illegal, most would still be thrown in jail.
No, the way it works is, rather than jail if an addict is arrested (and often it's for theft so they can buy drugs) the Court sentences them to a strictly monitored and intensive drug rehab program and if they misstep they spend a weekend in jail; if they misstep twice they're in jail to serve their sentence. We have quite a large community in recovery around here that has struggled through drug court, stayed out of jail and kicked their addiction all at the same time. It's good to see.
How does that sound?
I would imagine you have heard of many that followed in their parents footsteps. And of their parents usage, how it affected them.
Drugs should be legal
What people put in their body is their own problem. There is no reasonable objection to it.
Actually, no, it isn’t just their own problem unless they are wealthy enough to retire to their homes, keep up with bills, and veg in their homes, absent of a spouse or kids, never to emerge. Otherwise the minute they interact with either of those, or the outside world, it then involves others.
I'm not advocating for people shooting up in the streets.
And your imagined legislation would insure they don’t, how? Do you suggest locking them into their homes, alone? Home delivery for the drugs when they need them again?
Umm no. Just legalize it and regulate it.
If they go off the deep end, it's their own fault. Just like with alcohol..
We legalized alcohol and alcohol related offenses and addicts shot down. Something to consider.
Making it difficult to get is one way of limiting the number of addicts, TN. I don't advocate being able to walk into Rite Aid and buy heroin the way I can Budweiser.

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