New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Uh oh.....looks like the secret won't be secret much longer..If the SCOTUS agrees with the lower court...

New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

"President Donald Trump's longtime accounting firm must hand over eight years of his tax returns to New York prosecutors, a U.S. appeals court ruled Monday in the latest setback for Trump in his tenacious efforts to keep his finances secret.
The ruling by the New York-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals backed the ability of prosecutors to enforce a subpoena for the returns against accounting firm Mazars LLP. With the Republican president set to appeal, the ruling sets the stage for an expected showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court, whose 5-4 conservative majority includes two justices appointed by Trump."
I think this is a partisan ruse, and I resent them taking up court's time rusing more and more and more and more.

They're drilling where there ain't no oil. Idiots, all.
Trump is a genius but you can't see his grades
Trump is healthy but you can't see his medical report
Trump is rich but you can't see his tax returns
Trump is innocent but you can't see the unedited transcript
Trump is honest but you can't question the White House lawyers
Uh oh.....looks like the secret won't be secret much longer..If the SCOTUS agrees with the lower court...

New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

"President Donald Trump's longtime accounting firm must hand over eight years of his tax returns to New York prosecutors, a U.S. appeals court ruled Monday in the latest setback for Trump in his tenacious efforts to keep his finances secret.
The ruling by the New York-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals backed the ability of prosecutors to enforce a subpoena for the returns against accounting firm Mazars LLP. With the Republican president set to appeal, the ruling sets the stage for an expected showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court, whose 5-4 conservative majority includes two justices appointed by Trump."

It begins.

'Bout fucking time too.
Trump is a genius but you can't see his grades
Trump is healthy but you can't see his medical report
Trump is rich but you can't see his tax returns
Trump is innocent but you can't see the unedited transcript
Trump is honest but you can't question the White House lawyers

What's more he can see a very wonderful place in Germany from The Bronx.
And he's a meteorologist but you can't see a pre-Sharpie hurricane map.
He's an electoral vote historian but you can't see where he got more than anyone since Reagan
He has the best words but you can't see a dictionary where would means wouldn't
I think this is a partisan ruse, and I resent them taking up court's time rusing more and more and more and more.

They're drilling where there ain't no oil. Idiots, all.

Then why would Rump be so frantically trying to hide them for so long?

Why indeed.
Notwithstanding the naive post #2 above, the court of appeal simply did what trump promised.

No doubt the trump team of lawyers will petition the supreme court to overrule this decision.

One of three things will happen:

  1. The Court will not take up the appeal (and the taxes will be released);
  2. The Court will set a later date for a hearing (stall);
  3. The Court will expedite a hearing, and then vote - 5-4 to overrule the court of appeal.
Uh oh.....looks like the secret won't be secret much longer..If the SCOTUS agrees with the lower court...

New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

"President Donald Trump's longtime accounting firm must hand over eight years of his tax returns to New York prosecutors, a U.S. appeals court ruled Monday in the latest setback for Trump in his tenacious efforts to keep his finances secret.
The ruling by the New York-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals backed the ability of prosecutors to enforce a subpoena for the returns against accounting firm Mazars LLP. With the Republican president set to appeal, the ruling sets the stage for an expected showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court, whose 5-4 conservative majority includes two justices appointed by Trump."

Good. It doesn't look likely that trump will win this even at the Supreme Court.

The court can choose to not even take the case. Which would be the best outcome since it's nothing but a waste of time.
Trump is a genius but you can't see his grades
Trump is healthy but you can't see his medical report
Trump is rich but you can't see his tax returns
Trump is innocent but you can't see the unedited transcript
Trump is honest but you can't question the White House lawyers
Just for you, dear Synthaholic...
Here's a Lilly-of-the-Valley hanky to sweeten your pain and dry your tears...

Uh oh.....looks like the secret won't be secret much longer..If the SCOTUS agrees with the lower court...

New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

"President Donald Trump's longtime accounting firm must hand over eight years of his tax returns to New York prosecutors, a U.S. appeals court ruled Monday in the latest setback for Trump in his tenacious efforts to keep his finances secret.
The ruling by the New York-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals backed the ability of prosecutors to enforce a subpoena for the returns against accounting firm Mazars LLP. With the Republican president set to appeal, the ruling sets the stage for an expected showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court, whose 5-4 conservative majority includes two justices appointed by Trump."

What "secret"? Are you privy to some information everyone else isn't?
Uh oh.....looks like the secret won't be secret much longer..If the SCOTUS agrees with the lower court...

New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

"President Donald Trump's longtime accounting firm must hand over eight years of his tax returns to New York prosecutors, a U.S. appeals court ruled Monday in the latest setback for Trump in his tenacious efforts to keep his finances secret.
The ruling by the New York-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals backed the ability of prosecutors to enforce a subpoena for the returns against accounting firm Mazars LLP. With the Republican president set to appeal, the ruling sets the stage for an expected showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court, whose 5-4 conservative majority includes two justices appointed by Trump."
Not surprisingly you failed to read the link you posted which clearly states President Trump is set to appeal and it will go to the SCOTUS. Case closed try again.
Uh oh.....looks like the secret won't be secret much longer..If the SCOTUS agrees with the lower court...

New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

"President Donald Trump's longtime accounting firm must hand over eight years of his tax returns to New York prosecutors, a U.S. appeals court ruled Monday in the latest setback for Trump in his tenacious efforts to keep his finances secret.
The ruling by the New York-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals backed the ability of prosecutors to enforce a subpoena for the returns against accounting firm Mazars LLP. With the Republican president set to appeal, the ruling sets the stage for an expected showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court, whose 5-4 conservative majority includes two justices appointed by Trump."
Good. It doesn't look likely that trump will win this even at the Supreme Court.
The court can choose to not even take the case. Which would be the best outcome since it's nothing but a waste of time.
What's really good, is that in America, a man is considered innocent until proven guilty. If there is an error of any kind, and likely there will not be, it's a matter of credentials of the good people President Trump hired to honestly report his earnings to the federal government, just like millions of Americans do every day.

What isn't good about this is the Democrats carrying on a never-ending campaign against someone who beat them in the Presidential election, and I think that the American people need to fire the criminal and overbearing intentions of the liars of the left whose goal was to communize American through the it-takes-a-Village spyroom candidate who through spies in several foreign countries, went to endless attempts to soil her rival in the last election, which she lost and deserved to lose due to her criminal activities including orders to obstruct justice through lying and through using those 900 files she claimed she knew nothing about to damage her husband's rivals back in the 1990s. She's a liar and makes victims out of innocent people. Her crimes are far worse than Al Capone's. She's using theories to decimate freedoms of the American people, and works like a snake to poison and take out rivals, a Lady MacBeth of today's world. I do not wish her schemes success, because she's bad for this nation's Constitutional rights for citizens, and she hopes to herald in anarchy so she can grab power and kill her enemies when she writes a new governance that allows her to more expediently eliminate her enemies with poisons that will eradicate individual merit and freedom off the face of the earth.
Uh oh.....looks like the secret won't be secret much longer..If the SCOTUS agrees with the lower court...

New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

"President Donald Trump's longtime accounting firm must hand over eight years of his tax returns to New York prosecutors, a U.S. appeals court ruled Monday in the latest setback for Trump in his tenacious efforts to keep his finances secret.
The ruling by the New York-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals backed the ability of prosecutors to enforce a subpoena for the returns against accounting firm Mazars LLP. With the Republican president set to appeal, the ruling sets the stage for an expected showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court, whose 5-4 conservative majority includes two justices appointed by Trump."

What "secret"? Are you privy to some information everyone else isn't?
because they dont like him, they make up stories to tell...
Even if these yahoos ever get a hold of the President’s tax returns, it will be a big nothing burger yet again.

These morons are so easily played by the President.
I wonder if that same idiot Libtard New York court would rule that Obama has to release his college records so that we can find out if he enrolled as a foreign student or was only passed because of affirmative action?
Trump is a genius but you can't see his grades
Trump is healthy but you can't see his medical report
Trump is rich but you can't see his tax returns
Trump is innocent but you can't see the unedited transcript
Trump is honest but you can't question the White House lawyers

Obama is a citizen but you can't see his real birth certificate.
Obama is a college grad but you can't see his transcript.
Michelle is a woman but you can't see her undressed because her big black shlong would fall out.

Want to keep going?
Uh oh.....looks like the secret won't be secret much longer..If the SCOTUS agrees with the lower court...

New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

"President Donald Trump's longtime accounting firm must hand over eight years of his tax returns to New York prosecutors, a U.S. appeals court ruled Monday in the latest setback for Trump in his tenacious efforts to keep his finances secret.
The ruling by the New York-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals backed the ability of prosecutors to enforce a subpoena for the returns against accounting firm Mazars LLP. With the Republican president set to appeal, the ruling sets the stage for an expected showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court, whose 5-4 conservative majority includes two justices appointed by Trump."

It begins.

'Bout fucking time too.
And how much more will this cost than the $45 million we spent on the Mueller's Report? The government costs enough to win without poring over wht honest Certified Public Accountants with the best of reputations claimed about President Trump's above-the-table ALWAYS fiscal dealings. And, in addition, he is innocent until proven guilty, which is likely not to happen. Your leaders know it, they're just to arrogant to admit it, dear man. So I wouldn't get to excited about gutting the fish in the near future. That's not how President Donald Trump rolls. Yes, he's annoying to lazy people and those who aren't doing their jobs right. Yes, he points the finger at people who aren't doing right. Yes, he bludgeons those who would bludgeon the American way of life, and it ain't pretty to see someone getting their just deserts when you like them as persons. But President Trump keeps his nose clean in dollars and cents, because he learned wisdom of doing the right thing through the years. But I know, he's a dose, and people don't like to face their demons when the President of the United States points them out so clearly.

Hillary spent millions on her super win party after the election, but it was dead in the water before the first toast was made, and she ran away, leaving her celebrants to sort it out on their own. She ran away, because she did some bad things, but her advocates couldn't let go of the loss and will be her ticket to prison when they should have just accepted defeat and moved on. They may not have known that Hillary ordered her minions to write the nekkid Trump salacious lie and the even more salacious lie that Trump colluded, when actually, she did. It just doesn't pay to go after innocent people who make honesty their bi-law for living in a material world.

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