Okl lege has a few Republicans acting like The Onion

Looked at the members site and groups.............Not that many people there, but I am looking at some of their issues.............

Posted one....................

Churches can lose their Tax Free Status by supporting or not supporting a Politician...................If they do then they can get taxed by the IRS...............They state that for nearly 200 years Churches could speak for or against a candidate and that in 1954 they were told no.

Now Union GROUPS and other Groups can support Candidates, so why couldn't a Church speak it's mind under our Constitution.

On this one, I believe they have a case.................and I learned this from their site.
My opinion is that if an entity is tax-exempt, it should be completely non-political.

So end all tax-exempt statuses. End all tax deductions and exemptions for businesses, churches, and unions.
Another poster who refuses to address the question...........cite the problems before 1954.........
Left wing loon's version of American History can be taught with these two words.

"America sucks". or in the words of Reverend Wright "Goddamn America".
And these two words "American exceptionalism" is horse shit as well.

Fool. What America is and always will be is exceptional. I'll never forget standing at the base of the Statue of Liberty for the first time and looking up at her. It was an overwhelming experience. Part of the problem with you left wing nutbars is you've never travelled outside of your home town to experience the sheer wonder that is America.

I've been coast to coast. Blessed in my life that way.Very few states I haven't been to.

America is just fabulously unreal.
My son lives in London, has traveled all over Europe, Asia and Australia.

The best place to live by what he has seen is the United States. He is trying to transfer in his job back to the states. He wants to settle down and marry. He doesn't want to marry anyone but an American. The World has a distorted sense of freedom.
It is not just Oklahoma challenging the new text books and tests via the AP Advanced History Course for students. Georgia, Texas, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Colorado are also challenging the new History Book and tests.....................All pretty much saying the same thing.

Why Oklahoma Lawmakers Want to Ban AP US History -- NYMag

Earlier this month, the Georgia state Senate introduced a resolution that rejects a new version of the AP U.S. History course for presenting a "radically revisionist view of American history" and minimizing "discussion of America’s Founding Fathers, the principles of the Declaration of Independence, [and] the religious influences on our nation’s history." It says that if the College Board does not revise the test, Georgia will cut funding for the course. The exam has also sparked controversy in Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Colorado, where students in Jefferson County protested last fall when a school-board member said the course should be modified to promote "patriotism" and discourage "civil disorder, social strife, or disregard of the law."

The conservative lawmakers' issues with the course, which was taken by 344,938 students in 2013, can be traced back to retired high-school history teacher Larry S. Krieger. Two years ago, the College Board released a revised framework for the exam, which took effect this fall. Krieger was incensed by the changes. "As I read through the document, I saw a consistently negative view of American history that highlights oppressors and exploiters," he said during a conference call in August, according to Newsweek.
Bill Information

The audio of the meeting in Oklahoma can be reached from their site to know exactly what they were saying about it.

David Coleman education - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

David Coleman (born 1969) is the ninth president of the College Board, a not-for-profit corporation that is best known for designing the SAT exam and the Advanced Placement (AP) test.[1] He is frequently described in the media as "the architect" of the Common Core State Standards Initiative.

Who was president of the College Board implementing the NEW COMMON CORE STANDARDS for the Nation, and helping to write the NEW TEXT BOOKS.

They rewrote the books that will teach HISTORY to our students.................and it is the RIGHT, and OBLIGATION of STATES to ENSURE their children are BEING TAUGHT CORRECTLY................

Oklahoma and other states are standing against the REWRITE OF OUR HISTORY...............

Left wing loon's version of American History can be taught with these two words.

"America sucks". or in the words of Reverend Wright "Goddamn America".
And these two words "American exceptionalism" is horse shit as well.

Fool. What America is and always will be is exceptional. I'll never forget standing at the base of the Statue of Liberty for the first time and looking up at her. It was an overwhelming experience. Part of the problem with you left wing nutbars is you've never travelled outside of your home town to experience the sheer wonder that is America.

I've been coast to coast. Blessed in my life that way.Very few states I haven't been to.

America is just fabulously unreal.
You like that statue, made in France?

Oh certainly. I love that statue that symbolizes America's heart and soul.

My father you see loved history. While other kids went off to camp and got to do cool things like learning how to canoe, my dad bless his soul dragged me around historical monuments and battlefields.

My "how I spent my summer vacation" included brutal descriptions of the medic tent at Gettysburg or how my dad climbed the Washington Needle with me. I had an interesting childhood.

That's awesome!

He was one cool dad. My mom and my Baba were huge Kennedy fans. Me too. Bobby was my hero. I know, I know I started off in life as a huge lib like many of us. :)

Every year, Arlington to pay tribute. Eternal flame. You get to feel America. Sadly over the years I watched Arlington grow with the Vietnam war. It was breathtaking in its transformation. Such a sad history.

Washington well to this day takes my breath away. Haven't been in a bit. But first visit to the White House my mother got scolded for wearing a pant suit and we weren't allowed on the tour. We had to go back for her to get into a dress.

When you go to the heart of it all and you crawl through Washington, when you stand with your Mom and your Dad and your Baba at the end of THAT reflecting pool and scream with others who are visiting as well,

"I have a dream" you realize the sheer greatness of this country called America.Touching Lincoln.His statue. My father cried. The greatness of the man.

I don't get Americans who hate America. Now I'm dual and I don't think I have a unique perspective but maybe I do.

I just don't understand anyone hating their own country.
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To the OP.................

Mr. Fakey................

Do you agree with COMMON CORE?

Do you agree with REVISIONIST HISTORY being taught in our schools?

House Version of the bill to the floor.
http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/cf_pdf/2015-16 FLR/HFLR/HB1380 HFLR.PDF

COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE An Act relating to schools; directing the State Board of Education to adopt a certain United States History program and assessment; requiring United States History courses to include the study of certain documents; allowing teachers options for teaching the documents and including other documents, readings and materials; listing the documents; describing manner of teaching of certain documents; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.703, which relates to financial incentives awarded to schools under the Oklahoma Advanced Placement Incentive Program; prohibiting the awarding of grants or expenditure of money for any Advanced Placement United States History course until certain conditions are met; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.
Left wing loon's version of American History can be taught with these two words.

"America sucks". or in the words of Reverend Wright "Goddamn America".
And these two words "American exceptionalism" is horse shit as well.

Fool. What America is and always will be is exceptional. I'll never forget standing at the base of the Statue of Liberty for the first time and looking up at her. It was an overwhelming experience. Part of the problem with you left wing nutbars is you've never travelled outside of your home town to experience the sheer wonder that is America.

I've been coast to coast. Blessed in my life that way.Very few states I haven't been to.

America is just fabulously unreal.
My son lives in London, has traveled all over Europe, Asia and Australia.

The best place to live by what he has seen is the United States. He is trying to transfer in his job back to the states. He wants to settle down and marry. He doesn't want to marry anyone but an American. The World has a distorted sense of freedom.

Hey thanks for that. Interesting. My eldest just moved back from Sweden. She still can't believe how bigoted they are. Tanya is a teacher and was completely flipped out at their education system as well. Tanya went there eyes wide open getting ready to love and embrace Europe and is coming home with fire in her belly realizing how good we have it here in Canada and the US.

More expats need to speak out.
Whatever happened to providing the facts and letting the student decide for themselves.
Whatever happened to providing the facts and letting the student decide for themselves.
Which FACTS needed to be changed that were wrong with the old history books not associated with the New Common Core Agenda..............

That is the question............We need to see the actual changes.
Whatever happened to providing the facts and letting the student decide for themselves.

But one has to give the facts first. Agreed. I was sitting in a grade 12 History Class when my history teacher explained Henry the VIII in brutal detail.

I sat thru that lecture and went OMG that's how we became Anglican? I'm Anglican because a fat old man wanted a freaking divorce and he was sick of the thought of beheading a wife?

History is brutal. It is real. It hurts some time to think of how horrible we've been in the past and swear that we will not do certain shit again.

But I will not tolerate history being revised. None of us can. No matter our faiths nor our political persuasions.

We lose truth in history, we lose ourselves.
Whatever happened to providing the facts and letting the student decide for themselves.
Which FACTS needed to be changed that were wrong with the old history books not associated with the New Common Core Agenda..............

That is the question............We need to see the actual changes.

I agree...but it is also the perogative of a teacher in how they use these books. I remember AP History...a long time ago...teachers rarely used the books and the course was more about the student interpreting historical facts. You can't omit the negative or push something as positive. Facts are facts...and I agree, what facts are being misrepresented, changed or perverted.

For example...the US treatment of Native Americans...it shouldn't be editorialized one way or another. Certain events happened. It is up to the student to justify what was right or wrong.
Whatever happened to providing the facts and letting the student decide for themselves.

But one has to give the facts first. Agreed. I was sitting in a grade 12 History Class when my history teacher explained Henry the VIII in brutal detail.

I sat thru that lecture and went OMG that's how we became Anglican? I'm Anglican because a fat old man wanted a freaking divorce and he was sick of the thought of beheading a wife?

History is brutal. It is real. It hurts some time to think of how horrible we've been in the past and swear that we will not do certain shit again.

But I will not tolerate history being revised. None of us can. No matter our faiths nor our political persuasions.

We lose truth in history, we lose ourselves.
I agree...but negative history shouldn't be changed to promote American exceptionalism. nor should it be changed to promote any ideology. Was the civil war about slavery...well what are the facts that led up to the civil war? No need for a history book to say yes or no...the student can decide f t were about states' rights or slavery.
5 Facts About American History That Oklahoma Wants to Ban - Mic

5 Facts About American History That Oklahoma Wants to Ban

In a move straight out of an Onion article, the Oklahoma state legislature has moved to ban history. At least, the accurate study of it.

House Bill 1380, written by Republican state legislator Dan Fisher, prohibits "the expenditure of funds on the Advanced Placement United States history course" in Oklahoma public schools. Fisher is a member of the dominionist Black Robe Regiment, which argues that a "false wall of separation of church and state has been constructed" by secular progressives who aim to stamp out religious faith in the United States. This might explain his motivation for the bill: That Advanced Placement U.S. history courses only teach "what is bad about America" and fail to emphasize "American exceptionalism."

· Some of Fisher's peers feel that even this egregious politicization of Oklahoma's curriculum doesn't go far enough. Rep. Sally "Gays Are Worse Than Terrorists" Kern has claimed that "AP courses violate the legislation approved last year that repealed Common Core" and "could be construed as an attempt to impose a national curriculum on American schools."

· Oklahoma's not the first state to declare the AP U.S. history course "un-American." In January, the Georgia legislature introduced a resolution that rejects a new version of the course for teaching a "radically revisionist view of American history" and neglecting to sufficiently lionize "America's Founding Fathers, the principles of the Declaration of Independence [and] the religious influences on our nation's history."


Far right wing reactionaries are to blame for this anti-educational insanity.

The idiots claim that “Manifest Destiny, American military tactics in World War II and the immigration booms of the late 19th century are all ‘maligned in the new framework, according to Krieger — and he's made it his life's mission to change the AP U.S. history course back to the more "pro-American" version”.

Among the more common false teachings “in American classrooms to unsuspecting students” are — a list of truths that, if Oklahoma gets its way, students may never hear." Examples are:

· “Lie: The Civil War had little to do with slavery.
Truth: The Civil War had everything to do with slavery”

· Lie: America was founded on religious freedom.
Truth: America was founded on religious persecution.

· Lie: America was founded as a Christian nation.
Truth: America passed a treaty saying it's not.
Don't forget wiping out the Native Americans and stealing their land. ;)
In short...I disagree with the bill and I disagree with common core (if in fact it is perverting history).
Wait Until You See How a High School Textbook Summarizes the Rights Guaranteed in the Second Amendment TheBlaze.com

The amendment as ratified by the U.S. reads [emphasis added]: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Based on the book’s interpretation, citizens only retain the right to bear arms in a “state militia,” a case where citizens are called upon during emergencies to protect the state. Not surprisingly, many would take issue with that interpretation.

Denton Texas

In the texts version the summary changed from the original summary of the 2nd Amendment.

Was this done to save space..............
Why didn't the text just give the text as it originally was stated.........
It saved HALF A SMALL SENTENCE.....................

WTF is up with that change................Not needed.

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