OK Democrats, lets let your impeachment to go forward!


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2012
Ok democrats I want your impeachment to go forward too. I want the president to cross examine your witnesses,and I want him to challenge your evidence. I want to see you put up or shut up. But not behind closed doors in some basement where no one can see, or hear, America deserves better than that! . Do it in broad daylight for all to see. Then when you lose I want to see all your resignations, and all of you phony bastards put in jail for all your lies!
Ok democrats I want your impeachment to go forward too.
So do I.


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Both Shokin and Assange said they would testify about what they know about The Democrat Party’s attempts to rig the 2016 Election and what went down in The Ukraine and other issues surrounding the 2016 Election.

So can’t wait to hear that, and hear the Whistleblower get shredded.

Ok democrats I want your impeachment to go forward too. I want the president to cross examine your witnesses,and I want him to challenge your evidence. I want to see you put up or shut up. But not behind closed doors in some basement where no one can see, or hear, America deserves better than that! . Do it in broad daylight for all to see. Then when you lose I want to see all your resignations, and all of you phony bastards put in jail for all your lies!
Ok democrats I want your impeachment to go forward too. I want the president to cross examine your witnesses,and I want him to challenge your evidence. I want to see you put up or shut up. But not behind closed doors in some basement where no one can see, or hear, America deserves better than that! . Do it in broad daylight for all to see. Then when you lose I want to see all your resignations, and all of you phony bastards put in jail for all your lies!

You are going to get sticky stuff on your screen if you keep furiously masturbating like that.

Here's the reality.

The Democrats have made their case for Bribery, abuse of power and obstruction of justice.

But since impeachment is a political process, the Republicans have already sold their soul, and dammit, they aren't getting it back now.

Here's the real problem your side has. Trump's behavior won't get better, and he'll probably take most of you down with him.
But not behind closed doors in some basement where no one can see, or hear,

um, i assure you that the senate trial will be completely open to the american public. that is ridiculous to think otherwise. equally ridiculous is the bullshit lies about the inquiry all being behind doors & the (R)s were shut out. many who 'stormed' the inquiry were supposta be there because they are on the committees that investigated. & not only that, you silly little poorly educated basket dweller, but them thar rules to have depositions w/ Q&As done behind closed doors dates back to 2015 with john boehner as the (R) speaker, & a (R) majority in the house.
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Ok democrats I want your impeachment to go forward too.
So do I.


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^^^ sore loser who has no respect for the US Constitution or American voters.


“The President, Vice President and all Civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article II, section 4


Impeachment comes from British constitutional history. The process evolved from the 14th century as a way for parliament to hold the king’s ministers accountable for their public actions. Impeachment, as Alexander Hamilton of New York explained in Federalist 65, varies from civil or criminal courts in that it strictly involves the “misconduct of public men, or in other words from the abuse or violation of some public trust.” Individual state constitutions had provided for impeachment for “maladministration” or “corruption” before the U.S. Constitution was written. And the founders, fearing the potential for abuse of executive power, considered impeachment so important that they made it part of the Constitution even before they defined the contours of the presidency.


Ok democrats I want your impeachment to go forward too. I want the president to cross examine your witnesses,and I want him to challenge your evidence. I want to see you put up or shut up. But not behind closed doors in some basement where no one can see, or hear, America deserves better than that! . Do it in broad daylight for all to see. Then when you lose I want to see all your resignations, and all of you phony bastards put in jail for all your lies!
I agree. In addition, I'll personally give $100 to anyone who can make Schifty's eyes explode under questioning.
ox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano has claimed that evidence presented against President Donald Trump in the impeachment inquiry is "overwhelming."

Napolitano made the remarks during a video interview taped Thursday with Reason's Nick Gillespie, which was uploaded the following day to the libertarian media outlet's ReasonTV channel on YouTube. In the interview, Napolitano said Democrats had produced "overwhelming" evidence of Trump's "impeachable behavior."

"The Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee have unearthed enough evidence, in my opinion, to justify about three or four articles of impeachment against the president," said Napolitano. "We have to start this conversation by underscoring the fact that impeachment is not legal, it is political. Its only constitutional base is treason, bribery, or other hard crimes and misdemeanors."

Napolitano added that the impeachment process House Democrats are engaging in is being done entirely within legal bounds, as congress is explicitly given the "sole power of impeachment" by the U.S. Constitution. The judge also said the constitution demands "each house to write its own rules," and Democrats are operating under rules written by Republicans, who drafted the rules when they controlled congress in 2015.
Ok democrats I want your impeachment to go forward too. I want the president to cross examine your witnesses,and I want him to challenge your evidence. I want to see you put up or shut up. But not behind closed doors in some basement where no one can see, or hear, America deserves better than that! . Do it in broad daylight for all to see. Then when you lose I want to see all your resignations, and all of you phony bastards put in jail for all your lies!
I agree. In addition, I'll personally give $100 to anyone who can make Schifty's eyes explode under questioning.
Trump will be in a rubber room before that happens,,,,Oh wait rubber room for Trump is a possibility
Ok democrats I want your impeachment to go forward too. I want the president to cross examine your witnesses,and I want him to challenge your evidence. I want to see you put up or shut up. But not behind closed doors in some basement where no one can see, or hear, America deserves better than that! . Do it in broad daylight for all to see. Then when you lose I want to see all your resignations, and all of you phony bastards put in jail for all your lies!
Removing Trump from office is perfectly legal, warranted, and Constitutional – Article II, Section 4 was written with the likes of Trump in mind.

The problem is blind partisan Republicans in the Senate who refuse to acknowledge the fact that Trump is unfit to be president and should be removed from office accordingly.

Indeed, Republicans, conservatives, and others on the right are so blind and partisan that they fail to realize the benefit of removing Trump via the impeachment process – removing Trump from office benefits not only the nation but Republicans as well, to rid themselves of an albatross in accordance with the Constitution.
Ok democrats I want your impeachment to go forward too.
So do I.


I love it when the Libs think this way! The more they keep trying to impeach, the greater the opposition to it grows. Keep it up and we’ll eventually have 100% against it!
It really shows the frustration of the left, doesn’t it?

I think the Democrat Party needs their own mascot...



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