Oil Prices: Another Glaring Example of Liberal Hypocrisy


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
Oil Prices: Another Glaring Example of Liberal Hypocrisy

Oil prices top $104 a barrel, highest since 2008

NEW YORK — Oil prices rose past $104 a barrel to end the week at a 29-month high, as fighting in Libya intensified and the world's largest petroleum consumer, the U.S., reported that employers added nearly 200,000 new jobs in February.


when this happened under bush....you couldn't turn the channel or surf the net without hearing how this was all bush's fault. be it his ties to the oil companies or the undeclared wars in iraq and afghanistan (probably more iraq)....now....a dem president

i don't see or hear any blame thrown obama's way. the left was in an uproar the last time this happened. why the silence now? why does obama get a pass?
Oil Prices: Another Glaring Example of Liberal Hypocrisy

Oil prices top $104 a barrel, highest since 2008

NEW YORK — Oil prices rose past $104 a barrel to end the week at a 29-month high, as fighting in Libya intensified and the world's largest petroleum consumer, the U.S., reported that employers added nearly 200,000 new jobs in February.


when this happened under bush....you couldn't turn the channel or surf the net without hearing how this was all bush's fault. be it his ties to the oil companies or the undeclared wars in iraq and afghanistan (probably more iraq)....now....a dem president

i don't see or hear any blame thrown obama's way. the left was in an uproar the last time this happened. why the silence now? why does obama get a pass?

It's always "different" somehow.
Oil Prices: Another Glaring Example of Liberal Hypocrisy

Oil prices top $104 a barrel, highest since 2008

NEW YORK — Oil prices rose past $104 a barrel to end the week at a 29-month high, as fighting in Libya intensified and the world's largest petroleum consumer, the U.S., reported that employers added nearly 200,000 new jobs in February.


when this happened under bush....you couldn't turn the channel or surf the net without hearing how this was all bush's fault. be it his ties to the oil companies or the undeclared wars in iraq and afghanistan (probably more iraq)....now....a dem president

i don't see or hear any blame thrown obama's way. the left was in an uproar the last time this happened. why the silence now? why does obama get a pass?

It's always "different" somehow.

Hmm, it could not be the same, so it must be different.:lol:
Oil Prices: Another Glaring Example of Liberal Hypocrisy

Oil prices top $104 a barrel, highest since 2008

NEW YORK — Oil prices rose past $104 a barrel to end the week at a 29-month high, as fighting in Libya intensified and the world's largest petroleum consumer, the U.S., reported that employers added nearly 200,000 new jobs in February.


when this happened under bush....you couldn't turn the channel or surf the net without hearing how this was all bush's fault. be it his ties to the oil companies or the undeclared wars in iraq and afghanistan (probably more iraq)....now....a dem president

i don't see or hear any blame thrown obama's way. the left was in an uproar the last time this happened. why the silence now? why does obama get a pass?


Don't tell me Obama has invaded Libya!
Oil Prices: Another Glaring Example of Liberal Hypocrisy

Oil prices top $104 a barrel, highest since 2008

NEW YORK — Oil prices rose past $104 a barrel to end the week at a 29-month high, as fighting in Libya intensified and the world's largest petroleum consumer, the U.S., reported that employers added nearly 200,000 new jobs in February.


when this happened under bush....you couldn't turn the channel or surf the net without hearing how this was all bush's fault. be it his ties to the oil companies or the undeclared wars in iraq and afghanistan (probably more iraq)....now....a dem president

i don't see or hear any blame thrown obama's way. the left was in an uproar the last time this happened. why the silence now? why does obama get a pass?

That's because it was Bush's fault. He invaded 2 separate countries and iniated some of the longest military actions in this nation's history.

And nothing President Obama has done caused oil prices to spike.
Oil Prices: Another Glaring Example of Liberal Hypocrisy

Oil prices top $104 a barrel, highest since 2008

NEW YORK — Oil prices rose past $104 a barrel to end the week at a 29-month high, as fighting in Libya intensified and the world's largest petroleum consumer, the U.S., reported that employers added nearly 200,000 new jobs in February.


when this happened under bush....you couldn't turn the channel or surf the net without hearing how this was all bush's fault. be it his ties to the oil companies or the undeclared wars in iraq and afghanistan (probably more iraq)....now....a dem president

i don't see or hear any blame thrown obama's way. the left was in an uproar the last time this happened. why the silence now? why does obama get a pass?

That's because it was Bush's fault. He invaded 2 separate countries and iniated some of the longest military actions in this nation's history.

And nothing President Obama has done caused oil prices to spike.


The Iraq/Afgan wars are now the longest in American history and there appears to be no end in sight.

We are a stupid bunch!!!!!!
Oil Prices: Another Glaring Example of Liberal Hypocrisy

Oil prices top $104 a barrel, highest since 2008

NEW YORK — Oil prices rose past $104 a barrel to end the week at a 29-month high, as fighting in Libya intensified and the world's largest petroleum consumer, the U.S., reported that employers added nearly 200,000 new jobs in February.


when this happened under bush....you couldn't turn the channel or surf the net without hearing how this was all bush's fault. be it his ties to the oil companies or the undeclared wars in iraq and afghanistan (probably more iraq)....now....a dem president

i don't see or hear any blame thrown obama's way. the left was in an uproar the last time this happened. why the silence now? why does obama get a pass?

Well, seeing as Obama does not have ties to the oil industry, nor did he launch an invasion of Iraq, it would certainly be difficult to argue those things as being Obama's "fault."
Oil Prices: Another Glaring Example of Liberal Hypocrisy

Oil prices top $104 a barrel, highest since 2008

NEW YORK — Oil prices rose past $104 a barrel to end the week at a 29-month high, as fighting in Libya intensified and the world's largest petroleum consumer, the U.S., reported that employers added nearly 200,000 new jobs in February.


when this happened under bush....you couldn't turn the channel or surf the net without hearing how this was all bush's fault. be it his ties to the oil companies or the undeclared wars in iraq and afghanistan (probably more iraq)....now....a dem president

i don't see or hear any blame thrown obama's way. the left was in an uproar the last time this happened. why the silence now? why does obama get a pass?

That's because it was Bush's fault. He invaded 2 separate countries and iniated some of the longest military actions in this nation's history.

And nothing President Obama has done caused oil prices to spike.


The Iraq/Afgan wars are now the longest in American history and there appears to be no end in sight.

We are a stupid bunch!!!!!!

No end in sight?

Wow! That's way different than what Obama said when he promised he'd end the wars.
rdean has the answer...

I thought I had the answer.:eusa_hand:
Indeed, you did have an answer. My apologies. Altho the dean did recently make comment in another thread that would apply (with equal absurditiy as his previous post).
Oil Prices: Another Glaring Example of Liberal Hypocrisy

Oil prices top $104 a barrel, highest since 2008

NEW YORK — Oil prices rose past $104 a barrel to end the week at a 29-month high, as fighting in Libya intensified and the world's largest petroleum consumer, the U.S., reported that employers added nearly 200,000 new jobs in February.


when this happened under bush....you couldn't turn the channel or surf the net without hearing how this was all bush's fault. be it his ties to the oil companies or the undeclared wars in iraq and afghanistan (probably more iraq)....now....a dem president

i don't see or hear any blame thrown obama's way. the left was in an uproar the last time this happened. why the silence now? why does obama get a pass?

Well, seeing as Obama does not have ties to the oil industry, nor did he launch an invasion of Iraq, it would certainly be difficult to argue those things as being Obama's "fault."

After oil recently hit $140/barrel, it plummeted to around $30 in a matter of months. We were still in Iraq and Afghanistan, so what gives?

It's a bit silly to argue an administration's effect on long-term oil prices, but its effect on domestic supply is another issue. Obama is attempting to set the stage to collapse the domestic oil and gas industry's ability to find hydrocarbons in this country. Up to $90 billion in new taxes is on the table, hydraulic fracturing is under attack, and the Gulf is still in limbo.
Oil Prices: Another Glaring Example of Liberal Hypocrisy

Oil prices top $104 a barrel, highest since 2008

NEW YORK — Oil prices rose past $104 a barrel to end the week at a 29-month high, as fighting in Libya intensified and the world's largest petroleum consumer, the U.S., reported that employers added nearly 200,000 new jobs in February.


when this happened under bush....you couldn't turn the channel or surf the net without hearing how this was all bush's fault. be it his ties to the oil companies or the undeclared wars in iraq and afghanistan (probably more iraq)....now....a dem president

i don't see or hear any blame thrown obama's way. the left was in an uproar the last time this happened. why the silence now? why does obama get a pass?

Is the current rise in oil due to the USA invading an oil producing nation?


Was the rise in oil prices due to the USA invading an oil produging nation back then?

Yes , in part.

See how that works?

Apparently not.
Just as we failed miserably to recognize the reality that Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabians had more involvement in 9/11 than bin Laden. Apparently we fail to recognize that we have very little to do with making the rules for the Oil Tag Game. No doubt this is partially due to our position of always being IT. And as if that weren't problem enough, along comes that damned inconvenient character flaw of ours - the one where we routinely under-estimate everyone else in the world while all too often erroneously over-estimating ourselves.

We prove George Santayana's philosophical pronouncement that (t)hose who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

Oil Prices: Another Glaring Example of Liberal Hypocrisy

Oil prices top $104 a barrel, highest since 2008

NEW YORK — Oil prices rose past $104 a barrel to end the week at a 29-month high, as fighting in Libya intensified and the world's largest petroleum consumer, the U.S., reported that employers added nearly 200,000 new jobs in February.


when this happened under bush....you couldn't turn the channel or surf the net without hearing how this was all bush's fault. be it his ties to the oil companies or the undeclared wars in iraq and afghanistan (probably more iraq)....now....a dem president

i don't see or hear any blame thrown obama's way. the left was in an uproar the last time this happened. why the silence now? why does obama get a pass?

That's because it was Bush's fault. He invaded 2 separate countries and iniated some of the longest military actions in this nation's history.

And nothing President Obama has done caused oil prices to spike.

You're right. Bush did nothing to cause most of the crap they threw at him. The question is not iwhether or not Bush deserved the blame. The question is why did Bush get the Blame while Obama does not.

Compare the Katrina and the Deep water drilling disaster. Not the actual events, but the way they were reported and the slant taken by the reporting. Try the statements of the opposition party's elite.

Finally, with the current crisis in oil pricing, please explain which party has done the most to restrict drilling and homeland oil production.
Oil Prices: Another Glaring Example of Liberal Hypocrisy

Oil prices top $104 a barrel, highest since 2008

NEW YORK — Oil prices rose past $104 a barrel to end the week at a 29-month high, as fighting in Libya intensified and the world's largest petroleum consumer, the U.S., reported that employers added nearly 200,000 new jobs in February.


when this happened under bush....you couldn't turn the channel or surf the net without hearing how this was all bush's fault. be it his ties to the oil companies or the undeclared wars in iraq and afghanistan (probably more iraq)....now....a dem president

i don't see or hear any blame thrown obama's way. the left was in an uproar the last time this happened. why the silence now? why does obama get a pass?

That's because it was Bush's fault. He invaded 2 separate countries and iniated some of the longest military actions in this nation's history.

And nothing President Obama has done caused oil prices to spike.


The Iraq/Afgan wars are now the longest in American history and there appears to be no end in sight.

We are a stupid bunch!!!!!!

There are revolutions springing up all over the middle east. The resulting governments or lack of governments, will be the gauge with which to measure a bunch of things.

When the Iraq War was exposed to be an invasion without a plan, I said on a different board that the only way to actually judge what the success or failure of the thing was would be to check back in 50 years.

Bush said that he hoped that setting up a functioning democracy in the Middle east among Arabs and Muslims would be a guide for others to do the same. Of course, he had a vision of the way that free men should live. The Big O has a vision only of how to more completely Federalize the USA.

Bush had a vision without a plan. The Big 0 is just a shell without a clue.

Sadly, it appears that the only way to avoid societal carnage in the whole region will be to impose military rule everywhere as is happening in Egypt. Will it be a well reasoned move to democracy as happened in the USA, a bloody Reign of Terror as in France or a decent into lawlessness as is happening in Somolia?

50 years to find the answer.
Oil Prices: Another Glaring Example of Liberal Hypocrisy

Oil prices top $104 a barrel, highest since 2008

NEW YORK — Oil prices rose past $104 a barrel to end the week at a 29-month high, as fighting in Libya intensified and the world's largest petroleum consumer, the U.S., reported that employers added nearly 200,000 new jobs in February.


when this happened under bush....you couldn't turn the channel or surf the net without hearing how this was all bush's fault. be it his ties to the oil companies or the undeclared wars in iraq and afghanistan (probably more iraq)....now....a dem president

i don't see or hear any blame thrown obama's way. the left was in an uproar the last time this happened. why the silence now? why does obama get a pass?

Well, seeing as Obama does not have ties to the oil industry, nor did he launch an invasion of Iraq, it would certainly be difficult to argue those things as being Obama's "fault."

Who stopped the drilling in the Gulf?
That's because it was Bush's fault. He invaded 2 separate countries and iniated some of the longest military actions in this nation's history.

And nothing President Obama has done caused oil prices to spike.


The Iraq/Afgan wars are now the longest in American history and there appears to be no end in sight.

We are a stupid bunch!!!!!!

No end in sight?

Wow! That's way different than what Obama said when he promised he'd end the wars.


Well, that's interesting. Are you saying that the Big claimed to have a plan, but now it's obvious that he has no clue?

Why haven't I read about this in the papers?

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