Ohio lawmakers open up college campuses to concealed carry

If you really want to reduce crime you should mandate students all across america arm themselves. But not the
profs 'cause they're all "liberals".

From my nephews FB page

From my nephews FB page

Except we have psycho gun states hand guns out of vending machines . Why should another state deal with their shitty vetting ?

Is there a state that gives out drivers licenses without a driver test?

From my nephews FB page

Except we have psycho gun states hand guns out of vending machines . Why should another state deal with their shitty vetting ?

Is there a state that gives out drivers licenses without a driver test?
Except we have psycho gun states hand guns out of vending machines .

Which states are you talking about?

Most of the red ones .

Name one state you can buy a firearm from a vending machine

From my nephews FB page

Except we have psycho gun states hand guns out of vending machines . Why should another state deal with their shitty vetting ?

Is there a state that gives out drivers licenses without a driver test?
Except we have psycho gun states hand guns out of vending machines .

Which states are you talking about?

Most of the red ones .

Name one state you can buy a firearm from a vending machine

Name one state you can buy a firearm from a vending machine

Bueller, Bueller?

All you do is talk about what assholes college kids are . Now you want those assholes armed !?

hey dipshit, youre mind cant process it. People tend to not fuck around if people are armed. Why don't gun shows get hit with mass murdering shooters? Oh people have an know how to use weapons and they'd be dead in seconds.

All you do is talk about what assholes college kids are . Now you want those assholes armed !?
They need to protect themselves from you liberal shooters....

No gun nuts are liberals ! ?!

The crazy liberals get mad (because they are never allowed to fail or hear a different opinion) and when they get mad they get a gun and shoot up a school.

First arm people so you cant just blow away 30 kids before the cops arrive.
Second de-pussify people by letting them hear the truth:
if you are 5'5 and weight 300 lbs, your fucking fat
if you cant get an 18 on the ACT, you're fucking stupid

once they know that, then they can accept it or prevent it(improve).

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