The Rumpian Twitter Effect


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2012
What Happens When Rump Attacks a Private Citizen on Twitter

>> About a year ago, 18-year-old college student Lauren Batchelder stood up at a political forum in New Hampshire and told Donald Trump that she didn’t think he was “a friend to women.”

The next morning, Trump fired back on Twitter — calling Batchelder an “arrogant young woman” and accusing her of being a “plant” from a rival campaign. Her phone began ringing with callers leaving threatening messages that were often sexual in nature. Her Facebook and email inboxes filled with similar messages. As her addresses circulated on social media and her photo flashed on the news, she fled home to hide.

“I didn’t really know what anyone was going to do,” said Batchelder, now 19, who has never discussed her experience with a reporter until now. “He was only going to tweet about it and that was it, but I didn’t really know what his supporters were going to do, and that to me was the scariest part.”

... Five days before the election, she received a Facebook message that read: “Wishing I could f---ing punch you in the face. id then proceed to stomp your head on the curb and urinate in your bloodied mouth and i know where you live, so watch your f---ing back punk.”

... Logic doesn’t matter to online trolls, who rated Batchelder’s physical appearance, threatened to rape or otherwise hurt her and called her vulgar names. A photoshopped picture popped up online depicting her face covered in semen.

“I love social media, but I also saw the terrible side of social media,” she said. “I definitely tried to focus on something else because when you’re seeing your life being played out in front of you and people are judging it and people are making assumptions about you, you kind of just want to stay away.” <<​

This speaks volumes about (a) the distortionary and polarizing power of the cybersphere, and (b) the judgment of this classic Narcissist who's addicted to Twitter 24 hours a day to give his eggshell-fragile ego a safe space, and his blatant abuse (to be charitable one could say recklessness) in using it to step on other people simply so that his own tiny-fingered self-image might be continually wanked.

.>> ... With one tweet, Trump can change headlines on cable news, move financial markets or cause world leaders to worry. With one tweet last week, Trump inflamed a conflict with China. With another tweet on Tuesday, Trump caused Boeing stock to plummet. With a third on Wednesday night, Trump prompted a series of threatening calls to the home of a union leader who had called him a liar. <<
It's reminiscent of his assaulting protesters by proxy -- not by of course taking any swings himself but by inciting robotic followers to do it.

What I don't get is why anybody in the world gives this Narcissistic asshole the time of day in the first place.

This is Lauren Batchelder. Her body language speaks for me and should speak for all of us.


"Speak Truth to Power"​
Anyone who can stop the growing epidemic of domestic violence and poverty towards women is a friend to women. Not those who encourage and enable harmful lives of iniquity.
Aww did a snowflake get buuthurt? Get over it already

:desk:ooh! I got one! "She was askin' for it"! Amirite?

Actually the butthurt orange snowflake would be Donald Rump, so threatened by an 18-year-old girl that he runs to the bathroom safe space, opens the never-closed Twitter account and whines like a toddler that he was challenged. :gay:

This patriot had the character to speak truth to power about his attitudes toward women. A topic which I have no doubt completely mystifies you. Best to let the 18-year-old adults handle this.

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