Ohio: Klan Rally Permit Approved

Only found this out recently but the Klan sort of had a radio station too, which is still on the air today. WAWZ in Zarepheth New Jersey, founded by Alma Bridwell White, Bishop of the Pillar of Fire Methodist Church.


Klan gathering on August 31, 1929 in front of Assembly Hall, Zarephath, New Jersey for "Patriotic Day"
during the Pillar of Fire Church's annual Camp Meeting.[17]

Klan was very big with Methodists. Founder Simmons was an ex-Methodist minister.

Yeah, Yankee Klan don't befront me. That's 1929, I'm talking about 1870 when many black Congressmen were elected. The Klan's main purpose was to eliminate black Republican Congressmen and any supporters.

Actually it was founded as a social club along the lines of a college fraternity. Exactly along the lines actually, the fraternity being Kuklos Adelphon, whence they contrived their name. The split the Greek kuklos into two words and added "klan" with a K for alliteration.

That's why it had all those silly K-alliterations --- kleagles and klaverns and konvokations. It founded as a joke, and the alliterations were the product of the founder named ... Kennedy.

After the original six left the picture existing vigilantes outside Pulaski that were already active assumed the robes and bizarre rituals. The Klan became one of literally dozens of such groups throughout the former Confederacy including the Caucasian Club(s) (Louisiana 1869); the Constitutional Union Guard (North Carolina 1868-70); the Council of Safety; Heggie's Scouts (Mississippi); Heroes of America (South Carolina); the Knights of the Black Cross (Mississippi); the Knights of the Red Hand; the Knights of the Rising Sun (Texas 1868); the Knights of the White Camellia (Louisiana 1867-69); the Knights of the White Carnation (Alabama); Men of Justice; Native Sons of the South (Mississippi); Order of Pale Faces (Tennessee 1869 or 1867); the Order of the White Rose; Red Caps (Tennessee); Red Jackets (Tennessee); Red Strings (South Carolina); the Robertson Family (Mississippi); the Society of the White Rose (Mississippi); the Seymour Knights (Louisiana); the Southern Cross (New Orléans1865); the White Brotherhood (North Carolina 1868-70); the White League (Louisiana 1874); the White Line (Mississippi); the Yellow Jackets (Tennessee) and the '76 Association (Louisiana 1869).

Klan would have been an also-ran on this list had not "Colonel Joe" re-founded it in 1915 and hired PR to take it national to exploit the movie.

One of the above groups, the White League, was the group commemorated by a monument in New Orleans which was the first one to be taken down a couple of years ago. Like the other various Confederate monuments put up by the aforementioned UDC, a propaganda transmitter for the Lost Cause Cult. It sat at the foot of Canal Street, the literally busiest corner in the city, for decades.

No documentation for your POS copy paste. Fail!

I thought you more skills, fucker!

What part do you require "documentation" for, little one?

Sure I cut/pasted that. It's in my archives and I know where it is because you dipstick history revisionists keep bringing this crapola out expecting different results. I've got it all down.

What you don't have is references to something that's not yours.

That is called plagiarization.


Once AGAIN --- prove that.

I've got the document right here. I wrote the whole thing.
Yeah, Yankee Klan don't befront me. That's 1929, I'm talking about 1870 when many black Congressmen were elected. The Klan's main purpose was to eliminate black Republican Congressmen and any supporters.

Actually it was founded as a social club along the lines of a college fraternity. Exactly along the lines actually, the fraternity being Kuklos Adelphon, whence they contrived their name. The split the Greek kuklos into two words and added "klan" with a K for alliteration.

That's why it had all those silly K-alliterations --- kleagles and klaverns and konvokations. It founded as a joke, and the alliterations were the product of the founder named ... Kennedy.

After the original six left the picture existing vigilantes outside Pulaski that were already active assumed the robes and bizarre rituals. The Klan became one of literally dozens of such groups throughout the former Confederacy including the Caucasian Club(s) (Louisiana 1869); the Constitutional Union Guard (North Carolina 1868-70); the Council of Safety; Heggie's Scouts (Mississippi); Heroes of America (South Carolina); the Knights of the Black Cross (Mississippi); the Knights of the Red Hand; the Knights of the Rising Sun (Texas 1868); the Knights of the White Camellia (Louisiana 1867-69); the Knights of the White Carnation (Alabama); Men of Justice; Native Sons of the South (Mississippi); Order of Pale Faces (Tennessee 1869 or 1867); the Order of the White Rose; Red Caps (Tennessee); Red Jackets (Tennessee); Red Strings (South Carolina); the Robertson Family (Mississippi); the Society of the White Rose (Mississippi); the Seymour Knights (Louisiana); the Southern Cross (New Orléans1865); the White Brotherhood (North Carolina 1868-70); the White League (Louisiana 1874); the White Line (Mississippi); the Yellow Jackets (Tennessee) and the '76 Association (Louisiana 1869).

Klan would have been an also-ran on this list had not "Colonel Joe" re-founded it in 1915 and hired PR to take it national to exploit the movie.

One of the above groups, the White League, was the group commemorated by a monument in New Orleans which was the first one to be taken down a couple of years ago. Like the other various Confederate monuments put up by the aforementioned UDC, a propaganda transmitter for the Lost Cause Cult. It sat at the foot of Canal Street, the literally busiest corner in the city, for decades.

No documentation for your POS copy paste. Fail!

I thought you more skills, fucker!

What part do you require "documentation" for, little one?

Sure I cut/pasted that. It's in my archives and I know where it is because you dipstick history revisionists keep bringing this crapola out expecting different results. I've got it all down.

What you don't have is references to something that's not yours.

That is called plagiarization.


Once AGAIN --- prove that.

I've got the document right here. I wrote the whole thing.

Prove it, faggot.

Looks like a cut and paste from SPLC to me.

Ku Klux Klan: A History of Racism


Proved you're a liar, and fuck you! :1peleas:
Last edited:
Or as Trump says, "there are fine people on both sides"
That was the stupidest thing he ever said, and I’m sure he realized it as soon as he said it.
There were fine people on both sides of the DEMONSTRATION, which is what Trump was talking about.

He was not talking about Antifa or the KKK or the neoNazis. He was talking about the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the Oath Keepers who initiated the protest against removing Lees statue.

If people would look up the facts before running their pie holes they could find that out, but dont expect Bulldog to as he is just a troll.
are you sure?
Trump said: "You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides"

Paul Ryan said about this: "It sounded like a moral equivocation or at the very least moral ambiguity when we need extreme moral clarity"
I do have to chuckle that these honkies that think of themselves as the ‘master race’ likely couldn’t laid in a monkey whore house with a sack of bananas.
Actually it was founded as a social club along the lines of a college fraternity. Exactly along the lines actually, the fraternity being Kuklos Adelphon, whence they contrived their name. The split the Greek kuklos into two words and added "klan" with a K for alliteration.

That's why it had all those silly K-alliterations --- kleagles and klaverns and konvokations. It founded as a joke, and the alliterations were the product of the founder named ... Kennedy.

After the original six left the picture existing vigilantes outside Pulaski that were already active assumed the robes and bizarre rituals. The Klan became one of literally dozens of such groups throughout the former Confederacy including the Caucasian Club(s) (Louisiana 1869); the Constitutional Union Guard (North Carolina 1868-70); the Council of Safety; Heggie's Scouts (Mississippi); Heroes of America (South Carolina); the Knights of the Black Cross (Mississippi); the Knights of the Red Hand; the Knights of the Rising Sun (Texas 1868); the Knights of the White Camellia (Louisiana 1867-69); the Knights of the White Carnation (Alabama); Men of Justice; Native Sons of the South (Mississippi); Order of Pale Faces (Tennessee 1869 or 1867); the Order of the White Rose; Red Caps (Tennessee); Red Jackets (Tennessee); Red Strings (South Carolina); the Robertson Family (Mississippi); the Society of the White Rose (Mississippi); the Seymour Knights (Louisiana); the Southern Cross (New Orléans1865); the White Brotherhood (North Carolina 1868-70); the White League (Louisiana 1874); the White Line (Mississippi); the Yellow Jackets (Tennessee) and the '76 Association (Louisiana 1869).

Klan would have been an also-ran on this list had not "Colonel Joe" re-founded it in 1915 and hired PR to take it national to exploit the movie.

One of the above groups, the White League, was the group commemorated by a monument in New Orleans which was the first one to be taken down a couple of years ago. Like the other various Confederate monuments put up by the aforementioned UDC, a propaganda transmitter for the Lost Cause Cult. It sat at the foot of Canal Street, the literally busiest corner in the city, for decades.

No documentation for your POS copy paste. Fail!

I thought you more skills, fucker!

What part do you require "documentation" for, little one?

Sure I cut/pasted that. It's in my archives and I know where it is because you dipstick history revisionists keep bringing this crapola out expecting different results. I've got it all down.

What you don't have is references to something that's not yours.

That is called plagiarization.


Once AGAIN --- prove that.

I've got the document right here. I wrote the whole thing.

Prove it, faggot.

Looks like a cut and paste from SPLC to me.

Ku Klux Klan: A History of Racism


Proved you're a liar, and fuck you! :1peleas:

That's because you're illiterate, or as they say in English, bite me. Once AGAIN for the retarded --- QUOTE it or walk away with your tail between your legs, because you LOSE.

And read your own link. Not only does it corroborate what I laid down here, but read the section called "Night Patrols". Also called "Slave Patrols" also called "Regulators", these had been running since at least the eighteenth century and was the element that fueled the takeover of the Klan in 1866 as well as those 25 other groups I listed, which is ALL out of my own fucking research :fu:

Such patrols, in the daze of slavery, were a regular "civic duty" thing that the menfolk were expected to participate in. Lincoln's father was part of one when they lived in Indiana.

Whelp --- 'bout time for another Photoshop from the researcharily bereft. Go for it loser.
Last edited:
No documentation for your POS copy paste. Fail!

I thought you more skills, fucker!

What part do you require "documentation" for, little one?

Sure I cut/pasted that. It's in my archives and I know where it is because you dipstick history revisionists keep bringing this crapola out expecting different results. I've got it all down.

What you don't have is references to something that's not yours.

That is called plagiarization.


Once AGAIN --- prove that.

I've got the document right here. I wrote the whole thing.

Prove it, faggot.

Looks like a cut and paste from SPLC to me.

Ku Klux Klan: A History of Racism


Proved you're a liar, and fuck you! :1peleas:

Bite me. Once AGAIN for the retarded --- QUOTE it or walk away with your tail between your legs, because you LOSE.

Oh look! Squirrel! Go fuck yourself.
Good opportunity for local Republicans to hand out voter registrations

Tell us Dip Shit....

What party started the KKK?
Tell us dipshit, which party do they support today?


Apparently dykes are ok.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well, ain't no sense in hatin'.

Bill is a good ol boy also.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No documentation for your POS copy paste. Fail!

I thought you more skills, fucker!

What part do you require "documentation" for, little one?

Sure I cut/pasted that. It's in my archives and I know where it is because you dipstick history revisionists keep bringing this crapola out expecting different results. I've got it all down.

What you don't have is references to something that's not yours.

That is called plagiarization.


Once AGAIN --- prove that.

I've got the document right here. I wrote the whole thing.

Prove it, faggot.

Looks like a cut and paste from SPLC to me.

Ku Klux Klan: A History of Racism


Proved you're a liar, and fuck you! :1peleas:

That's because you're illiterate, or as they say in English, bite me. Once AGAIN for the retarded --- QUOTE it or walk away with your tail between your legs, because you LOSE.

And read your own link. Not only does it corroborate what I laid down here, but read the section called "Night Patrols". Also called "Slave Patrols" also called "Regulators", these had been running since at least the eighteenth century and was the element that fueled the takeover of the Klan in 1866 as well as those 25 other groups I listed, which is ALL out of my own fucking research :fu:

Such patrols, in the daze of slavery, were a regular "civic duty" thing that the menfolk were expected to participate in. Lincoln's father was part of one when they lived in Indiana.

Whelp --- 'bout time for another Photoshop from the researcharily bereft. Go for it loser.

Of course it does, because that's what you copied, dumbass!


That IS where you're coming from, the SPLC, and I know it!

You're a fucking failure.
What part do you require "documentation" for, little one?

Sure I cut/pasted that. It's in my archives and I know where it is because you dipstick history revisionists keep bringing this crapola out expecting different results. I've got it all down.

What you don't have is references to something that's not yours.

That is called plagiarization.


Once AGAIN --- prove that.

I've got the document right here. I wrote the whole thing.

Prove it, faggot.

Looks like a cut and paste from SPLC to me.

Ku Klux Klan: A History of Racism


Proved you're a liar, and fuck you! :1peleas:

That's because you're illiterate, or as they say in English, bite me. Once AGAIN for the retarded --- QUOTE it or walk away with your tail between your legs, because you LOSE.

And read your own link. Not only does it corroborate what I laid down here, but read the section called "Night Patrols". Also called "Slave Patrols" also called "Regulators", these had been running since at least the eighteenth century and was the element that fueled the takeover of the Klan in 1866 as well as those 25 other groups I listed, which is ALL out of my own fucking research :fu:

Such patrols, in the daze of slavery, were a regular "civic duty" thing that the menfolk were expected to participate in. Lincoln's father was part of one when they lived in Indiana.

Whelp --- 'bout time for another Photoshop from the researcharily bereft. Go for it loser.

Of course it does, because that's what you copied, dumbass!


That IS where you're coming from, the SPLC, and I know it!

You're a fucking failure.

QUOTE IT THEN, lying ass hat.

I have literally hundreds of sources. Anything I quote is attributed. So you and your fake history can go suck yourselves.
What you don't have is references to something that's not yours.

That is called plagiarization.


Once AGAIN --- prove that.

I've got the document right here. I wrote the whole thing.

Prove it, faggot.

Looks like a cut and paste from SPLC to me.

Ku Klux Klan: A History of Racism


Proved you're a liar, and fuck you! :1peleas:

That's because you're illiterate, or as they say in English, bite me. Once AGAIN for the retarded --- QUOTE it or walk away with your tail between your legs, because you LOSE.

And read your own link. Not only does it corroborate what I laid down here, but read the section called "Night Patrols". Also called "Slave Patrols" also called "Regulators", these had been running since at least the eighteenth century and was the element that fueled the takeover of the Klan in 1866 as well as those 25 other groups I listed, which is ALL out of my own fucking research :fu:

Such patrols, in the daze of slavery, were a regular "civic duty" thing that the menfolk were expected to participate in. Lincoln's father was part of one when they lived in Indiana.

Whelp --- 'bout time for another Photoshop from the researcharily bereft. Go for it loser.

Of course it does, because that's what you copied, dumbass!


That IS where you're coming from, the SPLC, and I know it!

You're a fucking failure.

QUOTE IT THEN, lying ass hat.

Google already figured it out for me, fuckstick.

I'm not searching 22+ links for the exact bullshit that's right in line with the SPLC crap that you spewed, faggot.

I copied your shit, and that's what came up.

If you are the original poster of that bullshit, you know what? It's still bullshit.
Once AGAIN --- prove that.

I've got the document right here. I wrote the whole thing.

Prove it, faggot.

Looks like a cut and paste from SPLC to me.

Ku Klux Klan: A History of Racism


Proved you're a liar, and fuck you! :1peleas:

That's because you're illiterate, or as they say in English, bite me. Once AGAIN for the retarded --- QUOTE it or walk away with your tail between your legs, because you LOSE.

And read your own link. Not only does it corroborate what I laid down here, but read the section called "Night Patrols". Also called "Slave Patrols" also called "Regulators", these had been running since at least the eighteenth century and was the element that fueled the takeover of the Klan in 1866 as well as those 25 other groups I listed, which is ALL out of my own fucking research :fu:

Such patrols, in the daze of slavery, were a regular "civic duty" thing that the menfolk were expected to participate in. Lincoln's father was part of one when they lived in Indiana.

Whelp --- 'bout time for another Photoshop from the researcharily bereft. Go for it loser.

Of course it does, because that's what you copied, dumbass!


That IS where you're coming from, the SPLC, and I know it!

You're a fucking failure.

QUOTE IT THEN, lying ass hat.

Google already figured it out for me, fuckstick.

I'm not searching 22+ links for the exact bullshit that's right in line with the SPLC crap that you spewed, faggot.

I copied your shit, and that's what came up.

If you are the original poster of that bullshit, you know what? It's still bullshit.

Maid Marion is just learning how to do a Google search. That's so cute.

You can search literally anything and get results on Google. WHO KNEW. But what you CAN'T do, you worthless bag of shit, is match what I post with what you find in that search unless it's got my name on it.

Prove it, faggot.

Looks like a cut and paste from SPLC to me.

Ku Klux Klan: A History of Racism


Proved you're a liar, and fuck you! :1peleas:

That's because you're illiterate, or as they say in English, bite me. Once AGAIN for the retarded --- QUOTE it or walk away with your tail between your legs, because you LOSE.

And read your own link. Not only does it corroborate what I laid down here, but read the section called "Night Patrols". Also called "Slave Patrols" also called "Regulators", these had been running since at least the eighteenth century and was the element that fueled the takeover of the Klan in 1866 as well as those 25 other groups I listed, which is ALL out of my own fucking research :fu:

Such patrols, in the daze of slavery, were a regular "civic duty" thing that the menfolk were expected to participate in. Lincoln's father was part of one when they lived in Indiana.

Whelp --- 'bout time for another Photoshop from the researcharily bereft. Go for it loser.

Of course it does, because that's what you copied, dumbass!


That IS where you're coming from, the SPLC, and I know it!

You're a fucking failure.

QUOTE IT THEN, lying ass hat.

Google already figured it out for me, fuckstick.

I'm not searching 22+ links for the exact bullshit that's right in line with the SPLC crap that you spewed, faggot.

I copied your shit, and that's what came up.

If you are the original poster of that bullshit, you know what? It's still bullshit.

Maid Marion is just learning how to do a Google search. That's so cute.

You can search literally anything and get results on Google. WHO KNEW. But what you CAN'T do, you worthless bag of shit, is match what I post with what you find in that search unless it's got my name on it.


So you can't lay claim to that copied post, correct? Because that's what I'm seeing. :rolleyes:

Prove it's actually you that first said that, bitchboy!
That's because you're illiterate, or as they say in English, bite me. Once AGAIN for the retarded --- QUOTE it or walk away with your tail between your legs, because you LOSE.

And read your own link. Not only does it corroborate what I laid down here, but read the section called "Night Patrols". Also called "Slave Patrols" also called "Regulators", these had been running since at least the eighteenth century and was the element that fueled the takeover of the Klan in 1866 as well as those 25 other groups I listed, which is ALL out of my own fucking research :fu:

Such patrols, in the daze of slavery, were a regular "civic duty" thing that the menfolk were expected to participate in. Lincoln's father was part of one when they lived in Indiana.

Whelp --- 'bout time for another Photoshop from the researcharily bereft. Go for it loser.

Of course it does, because that's what you copied, dumbass!


That IS where you're coming from, the SPLC, and I know it!

You're a fucking failure.

QUOTE IT THEN, lying ass hat.

Google already figured it out for me, fuckstick.

I'm not searching 22+ links for the exact bullshit that's right in line with the SPLC crap that you spewed, faggot.

I copied your shit, and that's what came up.

If you are the original poster of that bullshit, you know what? It's still bullshit.

Maid Marion is just learning how to do a Google search. That's so cute.

You can search literally anything and get results on Google. WHO KNEW. But what you CAN'T do, you worthless bag of shit, is match what I post with what you find in that search unless it's got my name on it.


So you can't lay claim to that copied post, correct? Because that's what I'm seeing. :rolleyes:

You're "seeing" hallucinations, fucking liar.

I said QUOTE IT. Better get busy.

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