Ohio gunman described himself as pro Satan 'leftist' supported Liz Warren

After having taken money from Russia to spread racial division and violence...

After bussing thugs into Baltimore to escalate violence...after initiating violence in Charlottesville...

After attacking a federal detention facility...

After its violent 'Militancy Training Tour' and calling for members to lay seige to El Paso...

After THIS attack...


I can't wait for Antifa to invade Sun City. But Gov. Abbot will send a Texas Ranger down there and spoil all my fun.
Hell yea he will! The Texas Rangers are badass!
For the last several days all we've heard is "racist white shooter." - "This Trump's fault!"
Leftist lies, talking points that they got together with their Media whores to create that narrative..

Ohio gunman described himself as pro-Satan ‘leftist’ who supported Elizabeth Warren

This LEFTIST freak was a pathetic Lizzy Fakeass Indian supporter..

You Commies ALWAYS overplay your hand..
All the msm attention will be about the "White nationalist" who was inspired by "trumps hate and wacism "....till we puke
I read about this earlier on Breitbart.. The picture released of the so called El Paso ANTIFA killer - why is he wearing cargo pants in one picture and khakis in the other? Secondly, why did he drive 600 miles to shoot up a Walmart?? EL PASO had been threatened by ANTIFA-

SGTreport on Twitter
The faggot killed his own sister and her friend.

He was a cowardly piece of shit, glad the cops put him down within a minute.

Leftwing lunatics need to be put on a watch list, or better yet locked up in a mental hospital.
I read about this earlier on Breitbart.. The picture released of the so called El Paso ANTIFA killer - why is he wearing cargo pants in one picture and khakis in the other? Secondly, why did he drive 600 miles to shoot up a Walmart?? EL PASO had been threatened by ANTIFA-

SGTreport on Twitter
Read that entire thread on Twitter... some very interesting posts about Vegas type discrepancies with pictures of the shooter in shorts on the ground, but long pants in other shots-
Lizzy tweeted this 8 hrs ago:
lizabeth Warren


Just like the hateful terrorism of Al Qaeda & ISIS, domestic right-wing terrorism & white nationalism is completely incompatible with our American values. It is a threat to American safety & security, & we must not tolerate it in the United States.

Will Lizzy Warren take responsibility for the shooting now that we know the Gunman voted for her, supported her , followed her every word??
Dayton shooter reportedly supported gun control, Elizabeth Warren, and socialism
by Julio Rosas
| August 04, 2019 08:00 PM

Dayton shooter reportedly supported gun control, Elizabeth Warren, and socialism
This shooter killed his own sister.
Was this shooter politically motivated?

The Twitter biography reads, “he/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / i’m going to hell and i’m not coming back.” Tweets include praising Satan and "F--- John McCain" after late Arizona Sen. John McCain died.

Didnt the left support Mccain, after his Trump positions?
Ohhhhhh shittttt Well lookie lookie...

The Ohio gunman described himself on social media as a pro-Satan “leftist” who wanted Joe Biden’s generation to die off, hated President Trump and law enforcement, and hoped to vote for Sen. Elizabeth Warren for president.
To be fair righties kill a lot more, they are also encouraged by the presidents rethoric.
Ohhhhhh shittttt Well lookie lookie...

The Ohio gunman described himself on social media as a pro-Satan “leftist” who wanted Joe Biden’s generation to die off, hated President Trump and law enforcement, and hoped to vote for Sen. Elizabeth Warren for president.
To be fair righties kill a lot more, they are also encouraged by the presidents rethoric.
To be fair - you are incorrect.
Ohhhhhh shittttt Well lookie lookie...

The Ohio gunman described himself on social media as a pro-Satan “leftist” who wanted Joe Biden’s generation to die off, hated President Trump and law enforcement, and hoped to vote for Sen. Elizabeth Warren for president.
To be fair righties kill a lot more, they are also encouraged by the presidents rethoric.
Lefties kill far more, just 1 or 2 at a time. This happens daily, but nobody says shit until a bunch of people get shot by one gunman. Are the bodies piling up in Chicago, Philly, Camden East St Louis, Baltimore and DC less important? Or do we just not talk about them because we know the gunmen are Democrats?

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