"Oh, Yeah???? Sez You!!!!'


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
There can never be any sort of compromise between the Left and the Right, largely because the supporters of the former are either oblivious about what their side has done, and/or about what it stands for.

I thought I'd provide, in the thread title, the only possible response our Leftists/Liberals/Democrats will be able to offer to the truths about them as revealed below:

1. Their hearts run cold. They don't give to charity despite their 'oh-so-caring ' claims.

2) They elected a perfectly unqualified President because he had better foreign policy judgement than Hillary. Then, that President appointed Hillary as his Secretary of Foreign Policy.

3) They created a huge world wide financial crisis, the mortgage meltdown, with their 'caring for the poor', that extended loans to the poor for homes they could not pay for.

4) With their unions, they have driven 30 million badly needed jobs overseas.
With their immigration policy, they have taken 20 million more jobs from Americans.

5) They are essentially violent monopolists who want to force higher and higher taxes on all Americans so money earned voluntarily will be taken away, via coercion, and spent the way they imagine it should be spent.

6) They lack the comprehension to understand that welfare, in all its Democratic forms, will create the need, more often than not, for more welfare, not less, and so continue to reduce the ability, well-being, and self-respect of each recipient more and more until our country's psychological health and productivity is, in the end, Cuban.

7) Their schools are among the worst in the industrialized world because Democratic unions won't 1) compel attendance, 2) concentrate on the 3R's, 3) fired bad teachers, and 4) base pay on merit or vouchers.

8) They have increased the crime rate by promoting an entitlement, victimhood mentality among the poor and within the criminal justice system.

9) They have diminished love and the American family with their encouragement of abortion, birth control , divorce, and gay rights.

10) They have bankrupted the American gov't with their always expanding tax and spend policy that serves no purpose except to buy votes and diminish most of those on whom the money is spent.

The above from ---The Intellectual Republican---
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