Oh WOW! Trump just found a whole new Minority to insult. Go Trump!



Donald Trump mocks Asians with broken English in speech

Now Donald Trump mocks the way Asians speak after calling for an end to birthright citizenship,” Margaret Fung of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund told the Daily News Wednesday.

An Open Letter to the Woman Who Told My Family to Go Back to China

But, afterward, my 7-year-old, who witnessed the whole thing, kept asking my wife, “Why did she say, ‘Go back to China?’ We’re not from China.”

Trump, Fox and the entire GOP once again attacking a minority. What hateful people. We just can't have a slimeball like Trump as president. He is hated the world over except by extreme right wing confederate Republicans.
Asians don't care about racial insults, they are like White folks
Donald Trump mocks Asians with broken English in speech

Now Donald Trump mocks the way Asians speak after calling for an end to birthright citizenship,” Margaret Fung of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund told the Daily News Wednesday.

An Open Letter to the Woman Who Told My Family to Go Back to China

But, afterward, my 7-year-old, who witnessed the whole thing, kept asking my wife, “Why did she say, ‘Go back to China?’ We’re not from China.”

Trump, Fox and the entire GOP once again attacking a minority. What hateful people. We just can't have a slimeball like Trump as president. He is hated the world over except by extreme right wing confederate Republicans.

:lol: "I'm from Queens!" Love those interviews.
Donald Trump mocks Asians with broken English in speech

Now Donald Trump mocks the way Asians speak after calling for an end to birthright citizenship,” Margaret Fung of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund told the Daily News Wednesday.

An Open Letter to the Woman Who Told My Family to Go Back to China

But, afterward, my 7-year-old, who witnessed the whole thing, kept asking my wife, “Why did she say, ‘Go back to China?’ We’re not from China.”

Trump, Fox and the entire GOP once again attacking a minority. What hateful people. We just can't have a slimeball like Trump as president. He is hated the world over except by extreme right wing confederate Republicans.

title should read: democrats find a new term/catagory for separating people.

what about hillary and the retarded kid, let's talk about that.
Donald Trump mocks Asians with broken English in speech

Now Donald Trump mocks the way Asians speak after calling for an end to birthright citizenship,” Margaret Fung of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund told the Daily News Wednesday.

An Open Letter to the Woman Who Told My Family to Go Back to China

But, afterward, my 7-year-old, who witnessed the whole thing, kept asking my wife, “Why did she say, ‘Go back to China?’ We’re not from China.”

Trump, Fox and the entire GOP once again attacking a minority. What hateful people. We just can't have a slimeball like Trump as president. He is hated the world over except by extreme right wing confederate Republicans.

title should read: democrats find a new term/catagory for separating people.

what about hillary and the retarded kid, let's talk about that.

Yea, go ahead, talk about it.

Because mocking the disabled is Trump's specialty.

Donald Trump Called Deaf Apprentice Marlee Matlin ‘Retarded,’ Three Staffers Say


Donald Trump mocks Asians with broken English in speech

Now Donald Trump mocks the way Asians speak after calling for an end to birthright citizenship,” Margaret Fung of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund told the Daily News Wednesday.

An Open Letter to the Woman Who Told My Family to Go Back to China

But, afterward, my 7-year-old, who witnessed the whole thing, kept asking my wife, “Why did she say, ‘Go back to China?’ We’re not from China.”

Trump, Fox and the entire GOP once again attacking a minority. What hateful people. We just can't have a slimeball like Trump as president. He is hated the world over except by extreme right wing confederate Republicans.

title should read: democrats find a new term/catagory for separating people.

what about hillary and the retarded kid, let's talk about that.

Why is the media and Hollywood making fun of a fruit who wears red sweaters???

WHAT is wrong with this guy? Is there any group he hasn't insulted? If so, wait a bit. He will get to all of them.

And his sheeples will defend his racism, misogyny and stark raving terror of pretty much the whole world - except Russia and her spies.
WHAT is wrong with this guy? Is there any group he hasn't insulted? If so, wait a bit. He will get to all of them.

And his sheeples will defend his racism, misogyny and stark raving terror of pretty much the whole world - except Russia and her spies.
Because they are the "We want our country back" crowd. Hint, it was never theirs alone.
Why do Republicans insist they want the country back when they only want to give it away to Billionaires?
Republicans better figure something out quick. They are running out of minorities.

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