Oh My: Ted Nugent Posts Picture Of Cecil The Lion's Great Grandfather He Killed Years Ago In Africa

Millions of people hunt. even those folks who lives in Africa. Mainly...... for food. you little pansies just go on to your grocery store and buy your hyped up meat with gawd knows what's in it. and don't worry your wee little heads over people who do hunt. they laugh at your all overdramtics

There is a profound difference between hunting for sustenance (meat for the table) and trophy hunting (heads for the wall). One is justifiably natural while the other is a glaring perversion of Nature. There is absolutely nothing sporting about stalking an animal which is essentially defenseless against a .475 Winchester and killing the creature for nothing more than the fun of doing it.

He was hunting for a good reason

He wanted to chop off the lion's head and mount it on his wall.
It's funny how these lion hunts are licensed by the governments in Africa, and there are always African guides willing to help do the tracking.

No outrage about the big business that big game hunting brings to Africans.

Just for the record, I find hunting/killing lions disgusting, but it is legal as they are not an "endangered" species. I think laws should be changed (in Africa), but calling for the lynching of this one man is ridiculous.

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