Oh man. Trump no longer had a safe space on Fox!


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
The fox host asked why Trump feels the need to keep whining about McCain and instead of reacting like an adult, Trump in his whiny little bitchness, snapped at the host bringing up and then - get this - said Fox was “fake news sometimes”.

Do Trumpsters even understand what this phrase even means anymore when it comes to Trump? What was “fake” about asking about McCain? Nothing, but because Trump is a toddler he thinks any criticism of him is fake news. It really has become a catch phrase.

The fox host asked why Trump feels the need to keep whining about McCain and instead of reacting like an adult, Trump in his whiny little bitchness, snapped at the host bringing up and then - get this - said Fox was “fake news sometimes”.

Do Trumpsters even understand what this phrase even means anymore when it comes to Trump? What was “fake” about asking about McCain? Nothing, but because Trump is a toddler he thinks any criticism of him is fake news. It really has become a catch phrase.


CNN curious --

fox news got tossed into the cnn camp by those of us paying attention when black face Megan Kelly came out swinging for bitch establishment jeb
So does that mean MSNBC is now in the conservative camp once they hired Joe Scarborough who routinely criticized Obama?
The fox host asked why Trump feels the need to keep whining about McCain and instead of reacting like an adult, Trump in his whiny little bitchness, snapped at the host bringing up and then - get this - said Fox was “fake news sometimes”.

Do Trumpsters even understand what this phrase even means anymore when it comes to Trump? What was “fake” about asking about McCain? Nothing, but because Trump is a toddler he thinks any criticism of him is fake news. It really has become a catch phrase.


Who is “The Fox host”?There is only one?
The fox host asked why Trump feels the need to keep whining about McCain and instead of reacting like an adult, Trump in his whiny little bitchness, snapped at the host bringing up and then - get this - said Fox was “fake news sometimes”.

Do Trumpsters even understand what this phrase even means anymore when it comes to Trump? What was “fake” about asking about McCain? Nothing, but because Trump is a toddler he thinks any criticism of him is fake news. It really has become a catch phrase.


Fox has plenty of liberal filth working for them.
fox news got tossed into the cnn camp by those of us paying attention when black face Megan Kelly came out swinging for bitch establishment jeb
So does that mean MSNBC is now in the conservative camp once they hired Joe Scarborough who routinely criticized Obama?
same camp ..corporate media ..most of it is unwatchable
never seen the show ...only video clips from him and that dopey broad he hosts with
I do watch my favorite MSnbclsd anchor when i wanna laugh

i might be gay he is one handsome fella
The fox host asked why Trump feels the need to keep whining about McCain and instead of reacting like an adult, Trump in his whiny little bitchness, snapped at the host bringing up and then - get this - said Fox was “fake news sometimes”.

Do Trumpsters even understand what this phrase even means anymore when it comes to Trump? What was “fake” about asking about McCain? Nothing, but because Trump is a toddler he thinks any criticism of him is fake news. It really has become a catch phrase.


Fawning coverage and unquestioned loyalty = Trump says it's true.

Actually calling him out for stuff he's done that is not presidential = Fake News.
fox news got tossed into the cnn camp by those of us paying attention when black face Megan Kelly came out swinging for bitch establishment jeb
So does that mean MSNBC is now in the conservative camp once they hired Joe Scarborough who routinely criticized Obama?
same camp ..corporate media ..most of it is unwatchable
never seen the show ...only video clips from him and that dopey broad he hosts with
I do watch my favorite MSnbclsd anchor when i wanna laugh

i might be gay he is one handsome fella
It’s interesting to me how you cons are always so obsessed with what liberal women look like. It seems to be the only thing that matters about a female public figure because the rest of your judgement is based on that. If Ivanka was 300 lbs and looked like her dad, you dumbasses would never even bother talking about her lol. It’s not like anyone is going to correct you and say Maddow is attractive, but anyone with eyes can basically tell Trump is 5x uglier. His looks of course don’t matter to you because he’s a male, so you just pretend that is a non issue.
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It's funny watching the Trumptards now bash Fox because their boy was asked a question about McCain which caused him to wet his pants.

Was Pence around to wipe the seat?

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