Oh, great. Russia takes over Venezuela’s oil industry


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

The oil workers have quit and Maduro’s military can’t take up the slack. The once oil-rich country is near bankruptcy and Cuba is too poor to help more.

So, who steps in?

Why Russia, of course.

We already learned that Russia was sending bombers to Venezuela for military exercises and supporting the country’s imploding economy. What could Vladimir Putin have wanted in exchange? We’re probably seeing the answer come into focus as Russia moves in to “help” Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro as we head into the new year. Putin is going to bail out Maduro’s failing government with some cash in exchange for establishing some measure of control over that nation’s vast crude oil reserves that are currently lying mostly dormant.

Do you think Putin will also step in to the argument between Venezuela and Guyana? I wouldn’t be surprised.

@ Oh, great. Russia takes over Venezuela's oil industry

The oil workers have quit and Maduro’s military can’t take up the slack. The once oil-rich country is near bankruptcy and Cuba is too poor to help more.

So, who steps in?

Why Russia, of course.

We already learned that Russia was sending bombers to Venezuela for military exercises and supporting the country’s imploding economy. What could Vladimir Putin have wanted in exchange? We’re probably seeing the answer come into focus as Russia moves in to “help” Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro as we head into the new year. Putin is going to bail out Maduro’s failing government with some cash in exchange for establishing some measure of control over that nation’s vast crude oil reserves that are currently lying mostly dormant.

Do you think Putin will also step in to the argument between Venezuela and Guyana? I wouldn’t be surprised.

@ Oh, great. Russia takes over Venezuela's oil industry

Russiya knows a lot about how oil works.

Know who taught them? Fred Koch.

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