Official USMB What is a Wall? Why a Wall?

In a series of tweets, Mr. Trump quoted Mr. Obama in 2005 saying, “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked.”

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

Trump says Democrats are 'the party of crime.' We fact checked his campaign-trail claims.

Attack Ads Against Some Democrats Try to Portray Them as Terrorists :bs1:

Dems are merely demonstrating concern for *gasp* upholding our constitutional principles.

pity dumbo donny and his sycophant parrots never understood the US Constitution past their precious 2nd.
/----/ Illegals stopped at the border and turned away were classified as deported by Obozo.
Same with Trump... No different.
Why are Democrats (Liberal/Progressives) against Border Security, a Wall, and allowing unvetted, illegal aliens to come here unabated?

let me be clear...........

your narrative is FAKE NEWS fit to line your parrot cage :eusa_clap:
Myth: Most undocumented immigrants got here by sneaking across the Mexican border.

Fact: Most undocumented immigrants came here legally at air and land ports.
Myth: Immigrants take jobs away from American workers.

Fact: Immigrants, legal and undocumented, create jobs and boost our economy.
Debunking the myths about immigration in the age of Trump

Myth: Undocumented immigrants could come legally if they went home and waited in line.

Fact: There is no line.

Myth: Immigrants bring crime.

Fact: Immigrants help reduce crime.

Immigrants commit crimes. No question about it. U.S. citizens commit crimes, too. Whites, African-Americans, Latinos, Asians, young people, old people - some of them commit crimes. The relevant question is whether immigration increases crime in the U.S.

Like with the job-displacement issue, you can find a study proving your side is right. However, the most respected studies show that immigration is linked to decreases in violent crime.
Myth: Immigrants don't pay taxes

Fact: Immigrants pay billions in taxes. A bonus is that they contribute billions to the Social Security Retirement System.

If Congress acts on the myth, watch out for your schools, your roads, and your retirement benefits.

Myth: Undocumented immigrants could come legally if they went home and waited in line.

Fact: There is no line.

To get a green card, you need USCIS to approve a petition for you in one of about a dozen categories. But if you don't have a qualifying relative or a needed or extraordinary talent or skill, you are out of luck.

There is a green card lottery every year, but many countries, such as Mexico, are excluded.

Trump keeps making it harder for people to seek asylum legally

It’s legal to seek asylum at an official border crossing. But border agents are blocking people from getting that far.

Trump keeps making it harder for people to seek asylum legally
To objectively address the thread's title, we need to review Trump's campaign mantra.....

Trump promised his loyal base a wall (never mind the moronic assertion that Mexico would pay for it; THAT was just demagoguery.)

Trump also knows that if a wall is NOT built, his chances of re-election are about as probable as Jill Stein's in 2016

Then we have the made-up DOJ policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted until he or she is out of office and Trump well knows that there are a ton of legal quagmires awaiting him AND his family in 2021 were he out of office.

Finally, the only viable defense that Trump may have in facing these legal issues, is to rely on the statutes of limitation to save his hide.

Sooooooo, the real reason why Trump NEEDS a wall to be built, is NOT because of a made-up "national crisis"........but simply, to keep his fat ass out of bankruptcies, shame and even possibly out of prison.
100000 crimes
30,000 sexual assaults
and 4000 homicides not enough for ya ehhh.

Always love it when the natzi talks down his nose at us.
One of Trump's strong points is that he keeps his campaign promises. Agreed that winning in 2020 solves most of his potential legal issues too via the statute of limitations.
However, if Trump imposes a remittances fee on money transfers out of the US to fund the wall that builds the wall using Mexican and other foreign country funds. Its a way to keep his campaign promise regarding the wall:
The Remittance Fee in Oklahoma, Georgia, and in the U.S. Congress
no different that AA's demanding slave reparations.
the only ones WINNING with dumbo donny's dangerous and divisive rhetoric are the terrorists.
our so-called president has taken advantage of America's terrorist PTSD

and America's true snowflakes fell for his IGNORANT fear mongering

tyrants and terrorists are pleased, BELIEVE ME!!!
Donald Trump called for a "total and complete shutdown" of the entry of Muslims to the United States "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

^ he said, as he completely ignored ALL informed advice and claimed to KNOW MORE THAN our federal intelligence agencies.

mister bone spurs even knows more than the generals! BELIEVE ME!!!
our so-called president has taken advantage of America's terrorist PTSD

and America's true snowflakes fell for his IGNORANT fear mongering

tyrants and terrorists are pleased, BELIEVE ME!!!
you know and I know bedlam and chaos is consuming the entire world
UV light waves are only the beginning we won't even have an inch of top soil left
There's sexually transmitted deceases, deforestation, irreversibly progressive, depletion of the global gene pool. It all adds up to oblivion pal. Governments will fall, anarchy will reign. It's a brave new world
One of Trump's strong points is that he keeps his campaign promises. Agreed that winning in 2020 solves most of his potential legal issues too via the statute of limitations.
However, if Trump imposes a remittances fee on money transfers out of the US to fund the wall that builds the wall using Mexican and other foreign country funds. Its a way to keep his campaign promise regarding the wall:
The Remittance Fee in Oklahoma, Georgia, and in the U.S. Congress
I don’t think taxing people who are sending money to poor people in Mexico is going to fly as a good excuse for Mexico paying for the wall.
It's not an excuse, it's a how they pay.
That’s a pretty shitty deal. Tax poor people?!

I’d think most would take Trumps message of Mexico paying for the wall as the Mexican government, not the poor. Of course I think he was full of shit when he said Mexico would pay for it
Actually what you have their is your biased speculation on why Trump is trying to keep his campaign promise to his base.

NOT a look at the actual issue.

Trump's pwn administration is openly stating that there is NO fucking crisis........The "crisis" is all in the orange demagogue's half brain.....
Nahh, the Left will just invent more crimes to charge Trump and his family with when he's out of office.

Tell THAT to Manafort, Flynn, Gates, Cohen and a bunch more of Trump's entourage......LOL
My bet is on Mueller' s report,

News is just coming out he is trying to have his illigitimate AG block it from being released... it must have Bad News on him and his campaign....

The wall and shut down is a side show deflect from what is behind the curtain.

Blocking the report......with the House in democrats' now a futile pipe
100000 crimes
30,000 sexual assaults
and 4000 homicides not enough for ya ehhh.

Don't forget to wie, flush and wash your hands after "spewing: those data.....but, I agree, Hannity is happy that you can parrot his
So despite the fact that we have needed and been working for a wall since at least the bush administration, the only reason we need it is to keep Trump out of jail?

The right seriously has a lot of foresight if we could see that we needed this plan decades before Trump even got into politics
Sooooooo, the real reason why Trump NEEDS a wall to be built, is NOT because of a made-up "national crisis"........but simply, to keep his fat ass out of bankruptcies, shame and even possibly out of prison.

Epic moment when that yellow haired tanning salon fraud and that faux model with the 'I don't care, do you! shirt while heading to the Mexican border' finally hit the massive Mueller investigation support documentation mountain.

It's heading there at breakneck speed and he knows it. Tonight at 9 PM EST will be the ultimate tipping point and I expect a surprise.

If I were him.... instead of declaring a NATIONAL EMERGENCY to get funding for a stupid border wall. I'd immediately resign after negotiating a future pardon from Mike Pence.

Right now you have about a million federal workers suffering with no paycheck as a trading chip for wall funds that were supposed to come from MEXICO. You can't make this stuff up. So damn twisted it's straight out of a scenario written by a poor soul that managed to escape from a sanitarium.

Like ... wow !.... and WTF LOL

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