Official Impeachment Day Thread

Putin is correct. Our potential enemies are not stupid, they see the circus coup attempt by the worthless dems.

Why is it better to be at cold war with russia than to work with them to the benefit of both countries? Why do you dems want the USA in constant wars?
Work with Putin Are you kidding me??? Work with one with less morals than Trump?
he said "russia if you are listening" It was a JOKE you fricken idiot.
And their acting just the same day was a coincidence? And what about putting a gun to Ukraines head and the Giuliani scum trying to dig up crap ??

they had hillary's 33,000 "missing" emails long before that, they thought she was going to win and would use them to blackmail her into doing whatever they wanted.

Taking political dirt from a foreign entity is not illegal. Paying for it is, and that is exactly what the Hillary campaign did through Fusion GPS and Perkins Coie.

Biden openly bragged about successfully bribing Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was looking into Burisma where his son and the sons of Pelosi, Kerry and Romney were getting paid thousands per month to sit on a board. If that is not buying influence in the US govt, what the fuck is it?

The fact that Democrats and snowflakes can declare their candidate deleting 33,000 SUBPOENAED OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS - documents that consisted of violations of both the FOIA and Federal Records Act - is in no way an attempt to OBSTRUCT Justice or is a crime...

The fact that Democrats and snowflakes say a 15-minute meeting with a Russian lawyer made possible by Obama that resulted in no information exchanging hands IS 'illegal collusion' ... but they claim paying a biased known lying foreign spy who has his own agenda and is working with the Russians for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda and using that known debunked propaganda from the known liar to intentionally engage in FISA Court Abuses is somehow NOT illegal or illegal collusion.....

is all you need to know about the Democrats, snowflakes, and what just went down.
With republicans LESS evidence is better than MORE evidence

Hmmm, and how much evidence did Schiff and Nadler allow republicans to submit? Ya got it backwards eddie, as usual.
They had no evidence All they did was bash the process and deny deny deny

Putin is correct. Our potential enemies are not stupid, they see the circus coup attempt by the worthless dems.

Why is it better to be at cold war with russia than to work with them to the benefit of both countries? Why do you dems want the USA in constant wars?

It is not the west that is attacking Russia, but rather the other way around.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime. Putin provides a safe haven for criminal hackers and cyber-criminals. In return for freedom and safety, the hackers support and participate in Putin's criminal conspiracies to undermine NATO and other western democracies, who Putin blames for destroying the Soviet Union.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime.

Makes you wonder why Obama promised more flexibility, eh?
It is not the west that is attacking Russia, but rather the other way around.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime. Putin provides a safe haven for criminal hackers and cyber-criminals. In return for freedom and safety, the hackers support and participate in Putin's criminal conspiracies to undermine NATO and other western democracies, who Putin blames for destroying the Soviet Union.

Oh, come on...

The West collectively promised in return for the USSR's support for German reunification that NATO move not one inch to the east in Europe. What they've done, quite the promise keepers, is to move NATO's reach to Poland, the Baltic, and even moved toward including Georgia and Ukraine, right up to Russia proper's border. The expectation Russia will take that lying down was imperial arrogance resulting in continent-sized stupidity. Of course they retaliate, in various ways, all intended to undermine the very alliance marching toward their borders. Please tell me you don't think that Russia is the only side deploying hackers and "cyber-criminals".

Putin is correct. Our potential enemies are not stupid, they see the circus coup attempt by the worthless dems.

Why is it better to be at cold war with russia than to work with them to the benefit of both countries? Why do you dems want the USA in constant wars?

It is not the west that is attacking Russia, but rather the other way around.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime. Putin provides a safe haven for criminal hackers and cyber-criminals. In return for freedom and safety, the hackers support and participate in Putin's criminal conspiracies to undermine NATO and other western democracies, who Putin blames for destroying the Soviet Union.

yes, all true. Do you think we have not tried to influence foreign elections? Obama vigorously opposed Netanyahu and funded his opponents. How is that different? China hacks our government and business computers every day and we do theirs. I don't understand why Russia has been made the big enemy when all countries are doing the same stuff and have been for years.

do you think we don't have hackers trying to get into Russias data bases, and China's and the UK's, and France's? of course we do, thats one of the main roles of the CIA.

the pomposity of you libs just verifies how little you know about how this world works.
It is not the west that is attacking Russia, but rather the other way around.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime. Putin provides a safe haven for criminal hackers and cyber-criminals. In return for freedom and safety, the hackers support and participate in Putin's criminal conspiracies to undermine NATO and other western democracies, who Putin blames for destroying the Soviet Union.

Oh, come on...

The West collectively promised in return for the USSR's support for German reunification that NATO move not one inch to the east in Europe. What they've done, quite the promise keepers, is to move NATO's reach to Poland, the Baltic, and even moved toward including Georgia and Ukraine, right up to Russia proper's border. The expectation Russia will take that lying down was imperial arrogance resulting in continent-sized stupidity. Of course they retaliate, in various ways, all intended to undermine the very alliance marching toward their borders. Please tell me you don't think that Russia is the only side deploying hackers and "cyber-criminals".

The West collectively promised in return for the USSR's support for German reunification that NATO move not one inch to the east in Europe.

For some reason, Eastern Europe still felt threatened, after decades of Soviet oppression.
If Russia has only peaceful intentions, why would they care where NATO expands?
All these loser emotional retards have ever wanted to do is smear Trump for his victory. They consider he and 63 million Americans as unworthy and in need of removal, Yes, all of us have got to go.
Now that they have put their silly little bogus impeachment stain on him they are at the end of their revenge rope

Stop this nonsense. If Rump would have actually behaved himself people like would have accepted him. But no, he's got go all 9 year old spoiled brat and Mob Boss. Neither should be sitting in the Whitehouse.

Putin is correct. Our potential enemies are not stupid, they see the circus coup attempt by the worthless dems.

Why is it better to be at cold war with russia than to work with them to the benefit of both countries? Why do you dems want the USA in constant wars?

It is not the west that is attacking Russia, but rather the other way around.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime. Putin provides a safe haven for criminal hackers and cyber-criminals. In return for freedom and safety, the hackers support and participate in Putin's criminal conspiracies to undermine NATO and other western democracies, who Putin blames for destroying the Soviet Union.

yes, all true. Do you think we have not tried to influence foreign elections? Obama vigorously opposed Netanyahu and funded his opponents. How is that different? China hacks our government and business computers every day and we do theirs. I don't understand why Russia has been made the big enemy when all countries are doing the same stuff and have been for years.

do you think we don't have hackers trying to get into Russias data bases, and China's and the UK's, and France's? of course we do, thats one of the main roles of the CIA.

the pomposity of you libs just verifies how little you know about how this world works.
Once more you ridicule brilliance Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent For TRUMPS BENEFIT That is impeachable except by your scum in the senate where politics rule BEFORE country
And still impeached.

COCAINE MITCH: McConnell Rips Apart Democrats’ ‘Partisan Crusade’ on the Floor of the Senate.

Mitch is as on fire as a turtle gets and he's ready to FIGHT the House's Abuse of Power!

McConnell may be setting things up for the Senate to reject the House articles for not stating an impeachable offense:

“House Democrats want to create new rules for this president because they feel uniquely enraged,” he argued. “This is by far the thinnest basis for any House-passed presidential impeachment in American history.” He condemned it as “the most rushed, least thorough, and most unfair impeachment inquiry in modern history.”​

Words are but symbols for actual things. Impeachment is a word that represents Bribery, Treason or Other High Crimes and Misdemeanors. Democrats think they can wave words around like magical spells and alter reality.

McConnell noted that Pelosi is considering not sending the articles of impeachment over to the U.S. Senate. After rushing through the process of impeachment in the House, “they’re content to sit on their hands.”​

“The Democrats’ own actions concede their allegations are unproven. The allegations are not just unproven, they’re also legally incoherent,” he said. “If the Senate blesses this historically low bar, we will invite the impeachment of every single future president.”​

McConnell dismissed both articles of impeachment — abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.​

The first article “does not even purport to allege any actual claim,” instead using “the vague phrase ‘abuse of power’ to impugn the president’s action in a general way.” He argued that this followed exactly what the Founders warned against — impeachment for maladministration.​

The second article involves Trump’s supposed obstruction by going to the courts to challenge congressional subpoenas.​

“It’s not a constitutional crisis for a House to want more information than a president wants to give up,” McConnell explained. Indeed, this kind of legal battle is “a routine occurrence.” In the case of Bill Clinton, Congress went to the courts.​

“This takes time, it’s inconvenient. That’s actually the point. Due process is not meant to maximize the convenience of the prosecutor, it’s meant to protect the accused,” the Republican leader insisted. “Fourteen months of hearings for Richard Nixon; years of investigation for Bill Clinton; twelve weeks for Donald Trump.”​

The Republican leader’s historic speech did indeed echo the Founders, who warned against impeachment based on partisan strength rather than real crimes.​

The way it’s set up, the House can impeach for whatever it chooses, but it’s up to the Senate to decide whether the House has stated an impeachable offense. And by dismissing the articles on this basis, there’s no need for a Senate trial. Trump would like a trial to get his side out, but it’s not as if the Senate is the only place he can do that. And part of the Dems’ strategy is to make it harder for Trump to fill a Supreme Court seat if (when?) one opens up before January 2021. And we know McConnell is focused on judicial appointments.
Aww, poor Moscow Mitch. The poor little snowflake doesn't like it when other play by his rules.


Putin is correct. Our potential enemies are not stupid, they see the circus coup attempt by the worthless dems.

Why is it better to be at cold war with russia than to work with them to the benefit of both countries? Why do you dems want the USA in constant wars?

It is not the west that is attacking Russia, but rather the other way around.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime. Putin provides a safe haven for criminal hackers and cyber-criminals. In return for freedom and safety, the hackers support and participate in Putin's criminal conspiracies to undermine NATO and other western democracies, who Putin blames for destroying the Soviet Union.

yes, all true. Do you think we have not tried to influence foreign elections? Obama vigorously opposed Netanyahu and funded his opponents. How is that different? China hacks our government and business computers every day and we do theirs. I don't understand why Russia has been made the big enemy when all countries are doing the same stuff and have been for years.

do you think we don't have hackers trying to get into Russias data bases, and China's and the UK's, and France's? of course we do, thats one of the main roles of the CIA.

the pomposity of you libs just verifies how little you know about how this world works.
Once more you ridicule brilliance Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent For TRUMPS BENEFIT That is impeachable except by your scum in the senate where politics rule BEFORE country

Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent

Biden's corruption must remain hidden, especially if he may be Trump's opponent.

Putin is correct. Our potential enemies are not stupid, they see the circus coup attempt by the worthless dems.

Why is it better to be at cold war with russia than to work with them to the benefit of both countries? Why do you dems want the USA in constant wars?

It is not the west that is attacking Russia, but rather the other way around.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime. Putin provides a safe haven for criminal hackers and cyber-criminals. In return for freedom and safety, the hackers support and participate in Putin's criminal conspiracies to undermine NATO and other western democracies, who Putin blames for destroying the Soviet Union.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime.

Makes you wonder why Obama promised more flexibility, eh?
More flexibility in what?? Trade?? BFD

Putin is correct. Our potential enemies are not stupid, they see the circus coup attempt by the worthless dems.

Why is it better to be at cold war with russia than to work with them to the benefit of both countries? Why do you dems want the USA in constant wars?

It is not the west that is attacking Russia, but rather the other way around.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime. Putin provides a safe haven for criminal hackers and cyber-criminals. In return for freedom and safety, the hackers support and participate in Putin's criminal conspiracies to undermine NATO and other western democracies, who Putin blames for destroying the Soviet Union.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime.

Makes you wonder why Obama promised more flexibility, eh?
More flexibility in what?? Trade?? BFD

Missile defense. Yes, BFD.

Putin is correct. Our potential enemies are not stupid, they see the circus coup attempt by the worthless dems.

Why is it better to be at cold war with russia than to work with them to the benefit of both countries? Why do you dems want the USA in constant wars?

It is not the west that is attacking Russia, but rather the other way around.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime. Putin provides a safe haven for criminal hackers and cyber-criminals. In return for freedom and safety, the hackers support and participate in Putin's criminal conspiracies to undermine NATO and other western democracies, who Putin blames for destroying the Soviet Union.

yes, all true. Do you think we have not tried to influence foreign elections? Obama vigorously opposed Netanyahu and funded his opponents. How is that different? China hacks our government and business computers every day and we do theirs. I don't understand why Russia has been made the big enemy when all countries are doing the same stuff and have been for years.

do you think we don't have hackers trying to get into Russias data bases, and China's and the UK's, and France's? of course we do, thats one of the main roles of the CIA.

the pomposity of you libs just verifies how little you know about how this world works.
Once more you ridicule brilliance Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent For TRUMPS BENEFIT That is impeachable except by your scum in the senate where politics rule BEFORE country

Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent

Biden's corruption must remain hidden, especially if he may be Trump's opponent.
Hopefully he will and you'll see an honest man destroy your crud
Putin is correct. Our potential enemies are not stupid, they see the circus coup attempt by the worthless dems.

Why is it better to be at cold war with russia than to work with them to the benefit of both countries? Why do you dems want the USA in constant wars?

It is not the west that is attacking Russia, but rather the other way around.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime. Putin provides a safe haven for criminal hackers and cyber-criminals. In return for freedom and safety, the hackers support and participate in Putin's criminal conspiracies to undermine NATO and other western democracies, who Putin blames for destroying the Soviet Union.

yes, all true. Do you think we have not tried to influence foreign elections? Obama vigorously opposed Netanyahu and funded his opponents. How is that different? China hacks our government and business computers every day and we do theirs. I don't understand why Russia has been made the big enemy when all countries are doing the same stuff and have been for years.

do you think we don't have hackers trying to get into Russias data bases, and China's and the UK's, and France's? of course we do, thats one of the main roles of the CIA.

the pomposity of you libs just verifies how little you know about how this world works.
Once more you ridicule brilliance Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent For TRUMPS BENEFIT That is impeachable except by your scum in the senate where politics rule BEFORE country

Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent

Biden's corruption must remain hidden, especially if he may be Trump's opponent.
Hopefully he will and you'll see an honest man destroy your crud

I understand why you fear the exposure of Biden's corruption.

I loved his speeches in the 1988 primary.

Putin is correct. Our potential enemies are not stupid, they see the circus coup attempt by the worthless dems.

Why is it better to be at cold war with russia than to work with them to the benefit of both countries? Why do you dems want the USA in constant wars?

It is not the west that is attacking Russia, but rather the other way around.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime. Putin provides a safe haven for criminal hackers and cyber-criminals. In return for freedom and safety, the hackers support and participate in Putin's criminal conspiracies to undermine NATO and other western democracies, who Putin blames for destroying the Soviet Union.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime.

Makes you wonder why Obama promised more flexibility, eh?
More flexibility in what?? Trade?? BFD

Missile defense. Yes, BFD.
Obama was quoted the following day saying he wasn’t trying to “hide the ball,” and would carry through with negotiations with Russia. In May 2016, after nearly a decade of planning (and over the continued objections of Russia), the NATO missile defense system in Europe was finally launched.

Fast-forwarding to December 2016, it is unclear precisely what equivalence, if any, is supposed to exist between Obama’s 2012 vow of “flexibility” and claims that Russia took Trump’s side in the presidential election, but sources such as emphasized Obama’s persistent criticism of Trump’s alleged closeness to Vladimir Putin:

While campaigning for Hillary Clinton in October, Obama criticized Republican Donald Trump’s “continued flattery of Mr. Putin and the degree to which he appears to model many of his policies and approaches” after those of Putin.
To avoid removal, Trump needs senators representing only 7 percent of the country to support him

In the Senate, where that vote on removal will take place, the picture is very different. There hasn’t been a vote on impeachment yet, and in fact most senators haven’t even stated a position on the issue. (Many, but not all, are declining to offer a position, acting under the theory that they are jurors in Trump’s impeachment trial.)

If we assume a party-line vote (which is essentially what happened in the House), 53 percent of senators would oppose impeachment — but more than half the country would live in states whose senators favored impeachment. (For these calculations, we assigned half of the state’s population to each senator to account for states with split-party senators. Independents were presumed to support removal.)


(Philip Bump/The Washington Post)

That opposition to impeachment also means that a party-line Senate vote would even less accurately reflect public polling. The difference between our theoretical Senate vote margin and the Post poll is nine points; for the House it was a bit under five points.


(Philip Bump/The Washington Post)

Isn’t this just a way to say that “the Senate isn’t representative of the population?” Sure. But that manifests in interesting ways on this particular issue.

Consider, for example, that it requires 67 votes in the Senate to oust Trump from office. That means that 34 votes are needed to preserve his position. Even if he were deeply unpopular, if Trump maintained support from senators in 17 states, he could keep his job. Meaning, in the most extreme scenario, that he could be impeached but not removed from office if senators from the 17 least-populous states — representing about 7 percent of the population — decided to stand by him.


(Philip Bump/The Washington Post)

In the House, representatives’ votes on impeachment probably didn’t frustrate that many people. About 66 percent of people who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 live in districts whose representatives supported impeachment; about 60 percent of Trump voters live in districts whose representatives opposed it.
What a longwinded way to say "We Don't have a chance in hell of removing Trump!"

You'll be lucky to get 45 votes, all partisan Democrats with a bipartisan vote exonerating and vindicating The President.

You would need 50% more than 45 to get a meaningful outcome. Maybe now that Dems have fired their final shot and missed they will finally honor the outcome of the 2016 election.
It is not the west that is attacking Russia, but rather the other way around.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime. Putin provides a safe haven for criminal hackers and cyber-criminals. In return for freedom and safety, the hackers support and participate in Putin's criminal conspiracies to undermine NATO and other western democracies, who Putin blames for destroying the Soviet Union.

yes, all true. Do you think we have not tried to influence foreign elections? Obama vigorously opposed Netanyahu and funded his opponents. How is that different? China hacks our government and business computers every day and we do theirs. I don't understand why Russia has been made the big enemy when all countries are doing the same stuff and have been for years.

do you think we don't have hackers trying to get into Russias data bases, and China's and the UK's, and France's? of course we do, thats one of the main roles of the CIA.

the pomposity of you libs just verifies how little you know about how this world works.
Once more you ridicule brilliance Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent For TRUMPS BENEFIT That is impeachable except by your scum in the senate where politics rule BEFORE country

Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent

Biden's corruption must remain hidden, especially if he may be Trump's opponent.
Hopefully he will and you'll see an honest man destroy your crud

I understand why you fear the exposure of Biden's corruption.

I loved his speeches in the 1988 primary.
BIDEN showed his tax returns Trump the mafia boss of the Repub party wouldn't dare
yes, all true. Do you think we have not tried to influence foreign elections? Obama vigorously opposed Netanyahu and funded his opponents. How is that different? China hacks our government and business computers every day and we do theirs. I don't understand why Russia has been made the big enemy when all countries are doing the same stuff and have been for years.

do you think we don't have hackers trying to get into Russias data bases, and China's and the UK's, and France's? of course we do, thats one of the main roles of the CIA.

the pomposity of you libs just verifies how little you know about how this world works.
Once more you ridicule brilliance Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent For TRUMPS BENEFIT That is impeachable except by your scum in the senate where politics rule BEFORE country

Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent

Biden's corruption must remain hidden, especially if he may be Trump's opponent.
Hopefully he will and you'll see an honest man destroy your crud

I understand why you fear the exposure of Biden's corruption.

I loved his speeches in the 1988 primary.
BIDEN showed his tax returns Trump the mafia boss of the Repub party wouldn't dare

sorry, but the Republican Party is dead. We need to have it's wake. It's been creamated. Meanwhile, the Prty of the Rump sometimes gets confused for the GOP.
Putin is correct. Our potential enemies are not stupid, they see the circus coup attempt by the worthless dems.

Why is it better to be at cold war with russia than to work with them to the benefit of both countries? Why do you dems want the USA in constant wars?

It is not the west that is attacking Russia, but rather the other way around.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime. Putin provides a safe haven for criminal hackers and cyber-criminals. In return for freedom and safety, the hackers support and participate in Putin's criminal conspiracies to undermine NATO and other western democracies, who Putin blames for destroying the Soviet Union.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime.

Makes you wonder why Obama promised more flexibility, eh?
More flexibility in what?? Trade?? BFD

Missile defense. Yes, BFD.
Obama was quoted the following day saying he wasn’t trying to “hide the ball,” and would carry through with negotiations with Russia. In May 2016, after nearly a decade of planning (and over the continued objections of Russia), the NATO missile defense system in Europe was finally launched.

Fast-forwarding to December 2016, it is unclear precisely what equivalence, if any, is supposed to exist between Obama’s 2012 vow of “flexibility” and claims that Russia took Trump’s side in the presidential election, but sources such as emphasized Obama’s persistent criticism of Trump’s alleged closeness to Vladimir Putin:
yes, all true. Do you think we have not tried to influence foreign elections? Obama vigorously opposed Netanyahu and funded his opponents. How is that different? China hacks our government and business computers every day and we do theirs. I don't understand why Russia has been made the big enemy when all countries are doing the same stuff and have been for years.

do you think we don't have hackers trying to get into Russias data bases, and China's and the UK's, and France's? of course we do, thats one of the main roles of the CIA.

the pomposity of you libs just verifies how little you know about how this world works.
Once more you ridicule brilliance Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent For TRUMPS BENEFIT That is impeachable except by your scum in the senate where politics rule BEFORE country

Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent

Biden's corruption must remain hidden, especially if he may be Trump's opponent.
Hopefully he will and you'll see an honest man destroy your crud

I understand why you fear the exposure of Biden's corruption.

I loved his speeches in the 1988 primary.
BIDEN showed his tax returns Trump the mafia boss of the Repub party wouldn't dare

BIDEN showed his tax returns

Did those show payments to the guy he plagiarized?
While campaigning for Hillary Clinton in October, Obama criticized Republican Donald Trump’s “continued flattery of Mr. Putin and the degree to which he appears to model many of his policies and approaches” after those of Putin.

Obama was quoted the following day saying he wasn’t trying to “hide the ball,”

He also wasn't trying to defend our allies from Russian missiles.

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