Officer lied in search warrant that lead to death of 2 innocent civilians

Houston officer lied in search warrant leading to drug raid that left 2 people dead, 5 officers hurt, affidavit says - CNN

He should be charged with murder and attempted murder for the deaths and wounds of those that were killed and were wounded.

Tampering with evidence is a felony, Thus if the officer falsified info on warrants he tampered with Evidence. Depriving a citizen of their civil rights is also a Felony. When someone dies during the commission of a Felony, ie: robbed a store and Knocked down an old lady on the way out which resulted in her death, It is considered Felony Murder this dirty ass cop should be in prison for the rest of his life for double murder. Anyone convicted as a result of evidence he presented to the court should be freed immediately. Better 10 guilty men go free than one man being falsely convicted
Houston officer lied in search warrant leading to drug raid that left 2 people dead, 5 officers hurt, affidavit says - CNN

He should be charged with murder and attempted murder for the deaths and wounds of those that were killed and were wounded.

It's a big deal here in Houston.
The dickhead should be put up against a wall and shot.

NAH send this crooked dirty as Cop to Prison he will be the center of attention which is obviously what he desires. He'll have a bullseye on his Bung hole!:smartass:
It is one of those routine lies that cops tell all the time. The only difference here is that it came out, because the Cop had to name his informants to the investigators. If none of the cops had been hurt or killed, then that would never have come out, because nobody wants to see a cop busted, even when they know he is lying.

That’s the double edged sword of media for the cops. They get to go out and pretend that the officers who were shot were heroic and valiant defenders of whatever. Then when the truth comes out, we find that the cops were breaking as many laws as the baddies they were after. The end result will be as usual. The Legislature will probably pass a law saying that the cops really don’t need informants or direct evidence of a crime for a warrant.
It is one of those routine lies that cops tell all the time. The only difference here is that it came out, because the Cop had to name his informants to the investigators. If none of the cops had been hurt or killed, then that would never have come out, because nobody wants to see a cop busted, even when they know he is lying.

That’s the double edged sword of media for the cops. They get to go out and pretend that the officers who were shot were heroic and valiant defenders of whatever. Then when the truth comes out, we find that the cops were breaking as many laws as the baddies they were after. The end result will be as usual. The Legislature will probably pass a law saying that the cops really don’t need informants or direct evidence of a crime for a warrant.

The Problem is systemic. This Cop was probably issued so many felony search warrants in the past, That didn't turn out so badly everyone couldn't lie about, That the judge who signed it probably never asked a question about the PC being presented. " The judge took his word". Judges are Immune ya know! He's lied before, it's a guarantee some innocent people are in jail because of those lies. What a shame and stain on Houston PD.

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