Of Rats and Ships


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
With less than a year remaining for The Obama Regime there are continue to be Americans who prefer to vote with their feet.

Like rats leaving a sinking ship. They know it's going down and time may be short so they're avoiding the rush:

Record Numbers of U.S. Citizens Handing Back Passports

More U.S. citizens than at any time before are handing back their U.S. passports in favor of one from another country.

The number of U.S. citizens as well as long-term permanent residents cutting official ties with the U.S. jumped over 20% in 2015 to 4,279 said an analysis done last week by an online news service.

This trend of late has been increasing with many Americans living overseas who do not like to deal with the complicated paperwork of taxes, a headache that worsened since new U.S. regulations went into effect.

Eighteen times the number of Americans renounced citizenship or permanent residency during 2015 as compared to 2008. Last year was the third consecutive record breaking year.

THREE years of people giving up hope that liberty might one day be restored. I'd love to see a poll as to whether the departees think there's be a continuation of the current regime's rape and pillage of anyone who made anything of themselves!

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