Of all things in the world, Germans fear the US regime the most

... We were wrong to leave Germany a nation at all. We should have annexed it between, say, Poland, Austria and France and left Germany with nothing. I stand by every single word I just typed.

I hope my very own children do not live to regret that we left Germany standing.

So Germans never did do the USA anything bad in history but the USA destroyed Germany two times. And now you like to erase all Germans from this planet, because most Germans say Trump is an idiot and the politics of the USA is in many ways wrong. How mad are you and your nation? Totally mad or absolutelly totally mad?

You mistake me. I didn't say I wanted to "erase all Germans from the planet"--I'm not an actual Nazi German, see. I said after the war was lost we should have eradicated GERMANY, not its people.

In Bavaria for example live sometimes Germans whose ancestors had lived here much more than 10,000 years ago in the same village. Your nation eradicated not only Bohemia, where it was once the same for example. In Prague lived Germans a long time before the first Czech arrived there. Now show me the German who lives anywhere in Bohemia 'since ever' any longer, Nazi, US-American one.

Oh by the way: Putin made clear that the USA will not go out of a nuclear conflict, which it tries to produce with nuclear middle-range missiles in Europe, without coming on its own under Russian nuclear fire in its own country. This means: Russia is now the guarantee in Europe that no one will start a nuclear war here. Your president Trump, who had destroyed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty in February 1st 2019, is an unbelievable idiot. "Make the USA great again" - by making the USA unimportant for everyone in the world.

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Best greetings and saludo.
How nice :)

And a Spaniard too. This is called today "multi-culti" and was called in former times "normal". And I don't understand why you are interested in world war 2 in this context.
No. I don´t have Spanish nationality, only German. The WWII context: You claimed people try to become German by wearing a brown shirt.

Who cares about nationality, except idiots?

First of all is "German" not a national identity. My national identity is (1) Bavarian (2) European (3) German ... For me is for example the mentality in Switzerland much more important than every nonsense the Prussians ever made. And I understand the mentality of Friesians much more easy than the Hessians in Bankfurt.
At least the Prussians offered freedom.

What a nonsense. The Prussians were an army which owned a state. They had conquered one by next German country and made them to their colonies. They excluded Austria from Germany. They forced even our beloved Bavarian king to betray Bavaria and "to agree" with them. In the end they tried to make out of everyone in Germany a "Hanswurst" (=Clown), who fullfilled orders, independent how stupid this orders were - and the Prussians prepared in this way the way for the worst clown the world ever had seen: Adolf Hitler.

Nobody told you what to think, what to believe, ect.

"Fake News" from the time after the holy empire had died. The Prussians made for example a culture fight against Catholics - not very tolerant, isn't it? And it It was by the way the Prussian Catholic Joachim Fest who was the first man, who was able to paint a realistic historical picture of the person Adolf Hitler. His father said about Hitler during the time of Hitler: "Hitler is such a damned good liar, so that even the opposite of his lies are lies again."

My identity remains German.

:lol: I did not see this identity. Now I see a poor guy, who has big problems with his identity.

The real, my, German identity includes the German nations as a unity.


When you argue like you do, all nations would fall apart.

So what?

Second: A German is a Catholic - like your father - or a Protestant - like your mother. (By the way: The Spaniards did forbid in Wuppertal from 1625-1627 a protestant church service. Funny, isn't it?) And Germans today are also sometimes Orthodox, what I love very much. So if a German is a Christian then he is a Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox. And a German of this confessions is in the German language a "deutscher Christ" (a Christian from Germany) but never a "Deutscher Christ" (a German Christian). The German Christians were a Nazi-organisation, which tried to overtake the Protestants in Germany. They tried to eliminate the Old Testament and all Jews in the New Testament. And out of one of the minor characters of the New Testament - the Jew Jesus the Christ - they tried to make a son of a German soldier, who fought with a sword in the hands against his own people. Dietrich Bonhoefer and other Protestants founded as a reaction to this organized Nazi-movement the "Bekennende Kirche" - the "Confessing Church" - and excluded all "German Christians" ("Deutsche Christen" not "deutsche Christen"!) from the Christian Community. So to say "I am a German Christian" means to say "I am an enemy of all Christians in the world, independent from any confession of this Christians".
You cannot claim to know the religion of my parents. Not even I know it.

Ask them.

I came to a foster family at the age of 8 months.

Good grief. So why do you think your biological parents were important for you? You are a child of god as everyone is a child of god. And your social parents overtook the responsiblity in the eyes of god to educate you. Did you love your social parents? Did they teach you well?

Germans can be baptists too, by the way.

Baptists are Protestanst are the same in our view of the world after world war 2. The way how Hitler tried to overtake the Protestants - what has still today negative effects for the Protestants and all Christians in the whole world - was a warning for all Christians in Germany not to let reduce the christian religion to powder.

But we didn´t go to church but to a private Free Church.

I guess now I understand why you are so crazy. "Private free chuch" - and you are an atheist, isn't it?

When I say I was raised German-Christian, it means German and Christian.

You have the ability not to hear what others - in this case I - say to you. This is typical for the Anglo-American world. So let me tell you: I love it to be a Catholic. In my eyes the Christian religion is the best of all possible religions - but I am also used to think in alternatives. The alternative for the catholic church (and the orthodox church, what are the same for me) I see in Buddhism.

In Germany existed a Nazi-government: Fascism and Nazism are not the same. Hitler used fascistic ideas - but the fascism in Italy or Spain was for example not antisemitic and the Spanish or Italian fascists made not death camps in industrial dimensions as the Nazis did - nor did this people continue a war for years while they knew they were wrong and lost.
It doesn´t change what I mean. If you are interested how the political mood in the Wehrmacht was in general, I can recommend you this excellent read:
Die unsichtbare Flagge – Wikipedia

A doctor in world war 2? No. I don't read it. The last time when I read what an army surgeon wrote about war - it was 1618-1648 AD in the 30 years war - I wasted to much time to feed the sharks afterwards.

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Who cares about nationality, except idiots?
People living in reality.

What a nonsense. The Prussians were an army which owned a state. They had conquered one by next German country and made them to their colonies. They excluded Austria from Germany. They forced even our beloved Bavarian king to betray Bavaria and "to agree" with them. In the end they tried to make out of everyone in Germany a "Hanswurst" (=Clown), who fullfilled orders, independent how stupid this orders were - and the Prussians prepared in this way the way for the worst clown the world ever had seen: Adolf Hitler.
Stay with the facts. The Bundestag made the Prussian King the German Emperor.

:lol: I did not see this identity. Now I see a poor guy, who has big problems with his identity.
This guy is you, the "you ain´t german guy".

You like war? Dark age?
...Stay with the facts. The Bundestag made the Prussian King the German Emperor.

The Prussian king made himselve to the emperor from gods grace over Germany. The military power of Prussia allowed him to do so. He did do so in Versailles, because he liked to see in himselve an absolutistic sovereign. This was totally antiquated - and not a good politics for the modern 19th century. In case about 20 years earlier in 1849 the Prussian idiots had accepted to become "German emperor of the peoples grace" then perhaps we would today be a kind of monarchy as it is in England and perhaps we would also miss a stupid war against France and two world wars in our history - but this we would not know now.

...Stay with the facts. The Bundestag made the Prussian King the German Emperor.

The Prussian king made himselve to the emperor from gods grace over Germany. The military power of Prussia allowed him to do so. He did do so in Versailles, because he liked to see in himselve an absolutistic sovereign. This was totally antiquated - and not a good politics for the modern 19th century. In case about 20 years earlier in 1849 the Prussian idiots had accepted to become "German emperor of the peoples grace" then perhaps we would today be a kind of monarchy as it is in England and perhaps we would also miss a stupid war against France and two world wars in our history - but this we would not know now.

The same offer was made to his father Friedrich but he reject the crown as "Reif aus Lehm und Dreck".
You see, you have no idea about history.
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Who cares about nationality, except idiots?
People living in reality.

What a nonsense. The Prussians were an army which owned a state. They had conquered one by next German country and made them to their colonies. They excluded Austria from Germany. They forced even our beloved Bavarian king to betray Bavaria and "to agree" with them. In the end they tried to make out of everyone in Germany a "Hanswurst" (=Clown), who fullfilled orders, independent how stupid this orders were - and the Prussians prepared in this way the way for the worst clown the world ever had seen: Adolf Hitler.
Stay with the facts. The Bundestag made the Prussian King the German Emperor.

:lol: I did not see this identity. Now I see a poor guy, who has big problems with his identity.
This guy is you, the "you ain´t german guy".

You like war? Dark age?

Okay. You was succesful in hoaxing me. You have not any real idea about Germans and Germany. Why for heavens sake do you do such stupid things? Do you think it's without any importance what you are doing and saying? Life is a joke? Are all US-Americans meanwhile such freaks like you and Donald Trump? By the way. North Korea suffers hunger. It would had been better your president never had spoken with the tryant of North Korea.
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... The same offer was made to his father Friedrich but he reject the crown as "Reif aus Lehm und Dreck".
You see, you have no idea about history.

Fridericus Rex defined in this way the Germans (he never spoke German, he spoke Polish and French), who had offered him the crown of Germany, as muck and mud. Germans were only good enough to die for him and his dogs on his battlefields

... The same offer was made to his father Friedrich but he reject the crown as "Reif aus Lehm und Dreck".
You see, you have no idea about history.

Fridericus Rex defined in this way the Germans (he never spoke German, he spoke Polish and French), who had offered him the crown of Germany, as muck and mud. Germans were only good enough to die for him and his dogs on his battlefields


Listen, the North-South conflict is over. No need to fling shit at anyone.
When you visit my town you can ask any of the Jungenbumser and they will start singing an alleluia on the US but the reality looks different. The new annual security report by Allensbach includes many factors like economic development, crime, terrorism, cataclysm, ect. But it is astonishing that all this threats are dwarfed by the fear of the US government.
Trump is fueling this fear but he is not the actual catalyst in my opinion. With Trump, the government has just dropped all pretense, that´s all.

"The security report 2019 shows clearly: For the German citizens there is one central instability factor that terrifies them. And that is the USA under Trump."

Sicherheitsreport 2019 | Sicherheitsreport - Centrum für Strategie und Höhere Führung

You should be afraid. We have to keep an eye on the Germans. Their stupid ideas started two world wars, and their current brand of stupidity is leading Europe to another world war. We’ll be there to correct your wrongs again. Of course it will end up costing the Germans millions of lives.

No way. I don't want to be there to correct their wrongs. To save who? England? Nope. Spain? Nope. Who? Maybe Poland or Hungary, true allies. The rest of Europe can go hang as far as I'm concerned.
When you visit my town you can ask any of the Jungenbumser and they will start singing an alleluia on the US but the reality looks different. The new annual security report by Allensbach includes many factors like economic development, crime, terrorism, cataclysm, ect. But it is astonishing that all this threats are dwarfed by the fear of the US government.
Trump is fueling this fear but he is not the actual catalyst in my opinion. With Trump, the government has just dropped all pretense, that´s all.

"The security report 2019 shows clearly: For the German citizens there is one central instability factor that terrifies them. And that is the USA under Trump."

Sicherheitsreport 2019 | Sicherheitsreport - Centrum für Strategie und Höhere Führung

You should be afraid. We have to keep an eye on the Germans. Their stupid ideas started two world wars, and their current brand of stupidity is leading Europe to another world war. We’ll be there to correct your wrongs again. Of course it will end up costing the Germans millions of lives.

No way. I don't want to be there to correct their wrongs. To save who? England? Nope. Spain? Nope. Who? Maybe Poland or Hungary, true allies. The rest of Europe can go hang as far as I'm concerned.
You voted, you go.
When you visit my town you can ask any of the Jungenbumser and they will start singing an alleluia on the US but the reality looks different. The new annual security report by Allensbach includes many factors like economic development, crime, terrorism, cataclysm, ect. But it is astonishing that all this threats are dwarfed by the fear of the US government.
Trump is fueling this fear but he is not the actual catalyst in my opinion. With Trump, the government has just dropped all pretense, that´s all.

"The security report 2019 shows clearly: For the German citizens there is one central instability factor that terrifies them. And that is the USA under Trump."

Sicherheitsreport 2019 | Sicherheitsreport - Centrum für Strategie und Höhere Führung

You should be afraid. We have to keep an eye on the Germans. Their stupid ideas started two world wars, and their current brand of stupidity is leading Europe to another world war. We’ll be there to correct your wrongs again. Of course it will end up costing the Germans millions of lives.

No way. I don't want to be there to correct their wrongs. To save who? England? Nope. Spain? Nope. Who? Maybe Poland or Hungary, true allies. The rest of Europe can go hang as far as I'm concerned.
You voted, you go.

What on earth are you talking about? I have no obligation to anyone in Europe, and neither do you. We have enough work to do here. If you feel obligated to save Europe for pity's sake, then YOU go.
When you visit my town you can ask any of the Jungenbumser and they will start singing an alleluia on the US but the reality looks different. The new annual security report by Allensbach includes many factors like economic development, crime, terrorism, cataclysm, ect. But it is astonishing that all this threats are dwarfed by the fear of the US government.
Trump is fueling this fear but he is not the actual catalyst in my opinion. With Trump, the government has just dropped all pretense, that´s all.

"The security report 2019 shows clearly: For the German citizens there is one central instability factor that terrifies them. And that is the USA under Trump."

Sicherheitsreport 2019 | Sicherheitsreport - Centrum für Strategie und Höhere Führung

You should be afraid. We have to keep an eye on the Germans. Their stupid ideas started two world wars, and their current brand of stupidity is leading Europe to another world war. We’ll be there to correct your wrongs again. Of course it will end up costing the Germans millions of lives.

No way. I don't want to be there to correct their wrongs. To save who? England? Nope. Spain? Nope. Who? Maybe Poland or Hungary, true allies. The rest of Europe can go hang as far as I'm concerned.
You voted, you go.

What on earth are you talking about? I have no obligation to anyone in Europe, and neither do you. We have enough work to do here. If you feel obligated to save Europe for pity's sake, then YOU go.
I am already there.
... The same offer was made to his father Friedrich but he reject the crown as "Reif aus Lehm und Dreck".
You see, you have no idea about history.

Fridericus Rex defined in this way the Germans (he never spoke German, he spoke Polish and French), who had offered him the crown of Germany, as muck and mud. Germans were only good enough to die for him and his dogs on his battlefields


Listen, the North-South conflict is over. No need to fling shit at anyone.

Which North-South conflict? The last Prussian emperor over Germany William II was a Brit (and German), who was educated from his grandma Queen Victoria in England. He destroyed Germany with his extraordinary brutal and cruel character, which he showed very good in his hun speech, where he supported practically the right of the British nobles to be drug dealers in China, what was the deeper reason for the conflicts in China. And in his speech he made not any difference between soldiers and criminal murderers. William II supported by the way also Lothar von Trotha. Leading Germans in Namibia asked the emperor more than only one time to replace the incompetent idiot Lothar von Trotha. But the emperor was in his mind as brutal and cruel as Lothar von Trotha was. Both were without a great respect of life. Both were personally responsible for the Herero massacre - the first genocide in the 20th century.

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... No way. I don't want to be there to correct their wrongs. To save who? England? Nope. Spain? Nope. Who? Maybe Poland or Hungary, true allies. The rest of Europe can go hang as far as I'm concerned.

Do you know what it means for Europe and your own country USA to install intermediate range nuclear forces in Poland, Hungaria and the Ukraine? Besides the nucelar waste of Europe also the end of your own country.

We - all mankind - has by the way a much more bigger problem than the US-American dream of a dead Europe and the US-American paralytic delusions in context the problem climate change. The insects are dying out! Insects are the base of the eco-systems of the planet. This catastrophe will be able to kill the biopsphere where from we are all a part on our own. What is your nation doing to fight against this most important problem in the world? Not to speak about? Not to notice anything, because it makes no one happy to see the results of the own wrongness?

Here's some information about the problem: Scientists warn insects could be extinct 'within a century' | Daily Mail Online

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New poll:

... No way. I don't want to be there to correct their wrongs. To save who? England? Nope. Spain? Nope. Who? Maybe Poland or Hungary, true allies. The rest of Europe can go hang as far as I'm concerned.

Do you know what it means for Europe and your own country USA to install intermediate range nuclear forces in Poland, Hungaria and the Ukraine? Besides the nucelar waste of Europe also the end of your own country.

We - all mankind - has by the way a much more bigger problem than the US-American dream of a dead Europe and the US-American paralytic delusions in context the problem climate change. The insects are dying out! Insects are the base of the eco-systems of the planet. This catastrophe will be able to kill the biopsphere where from we are all a part on our own. What is your nation doing to fight against this most important problem in the world? Not to speak about? Not to notice anything, because it makes no one happy to see the results of the own wrongness?

Here's some information about the problem: Scientists warn insects could be extinct 'within a century' | Daily Mail Online

/—/ We don’t have a dream of ax dead Europe. If we did, we wouldn’t have saved their sorry azzes twice during the last century and would have let the USSR roll over them. What a stupid Strawman argument.

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