Ocean Acidification - The LIE EXPOSED


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Ocean Acidification - The LIE EXPOSED..

Not only is it not happening but Dr Feely OMITTED CRUCIAL DATA WHICH DISPROVES HIS FINDINGS... It seems' Dr Feely used a MODEL and not empirical evidence to obtain his conclusions and then OMITTED that fact in his work. When empirical evidence is used there is no acidification noted except that which follows the ENSO. ADO. and PDO oscillations. Natural CYCLE!

“…it’s possible that Dr. Feely also WAS partially responsive to my request. Yet again, this could not be possible unless the measurement data used to define 20th century ocean pH for their curve, came exclusively from 1989 and later (thereby omitting 80 previous years of ocean pH 20th century measurement data, which is the very data I’m hoping to find).

Sabine writes: “Your statements in italics are essentially correct.” He adds: “The rest of the curve you are trying to reproduce is from a modeling study that Dr. Feely has already provided and referenced in the publication.”

Just like Climategate the hiding of data, method, and lack of ethics is stunning...

Why the misplaced focus on "acidification" when there are tons of radioactive debris from Japan floating in the Pacific? Or tons of plastic shit?

Or the depleted and deadened Gulf of Mexico poisoned by the American "God Made A" farmer?
USGS Release Unprecedented Rate and Scale of Ocean Acidification Found in the Arctic 9 11 2013 5 30 00 PM

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Acidification of the Arctic Ocean is occurring faster than projected according to new findings published in the journal PLOS ONE. The increase in rate is being blamed on rapidly melting sea ice, a process that may have important consequences for health of the Arctic ecosystem.

Ocean acidification is the process by which pH levels of seawater decrease due to greater amounts of carbon dioxide being absorbed by the oceans from the atmosphere. Currently oceans absorb about one-fourth of the greenhouse gas. Lower pH levels make water more acidic and lab studies have shown that more acidic water decrease calcification rates in many calcifying organisms, reducing their ability to build shells or skeletons. These changes, in species ranging from corals to shrimp, have the potential to impact species up and down the food web.

The team of federal and university researchers found that the decline of sea ice in the Arctic summer has important consequences for the surface layer of the Arctic Ocean. As sea ice cover recedes to record lows, as it did late in the summer of 2012, the seawater beneath is exposed to carbon dioxide, which is the main driver of ocean acidification.

In addition, the freshwater melted from sea ice dilutes the seawater, lowering pH levels and reducing the concentrations of calcium and carbonate, which are the constituents, or building blocks, of the mineral aragonite. Aragonite and other carbonate minerals make up the hard part of many marine micro-organisms’ skeletons and shells. The lowering of calcium and carbonate concentrations may impact the growth of organisms that many species rely on for food.

The new research shows that acidification in surface waters of the Arctic Ocean is rapidly expanding into areas that were previously isolated from contact with the atmosphere due to the former widespread ice cover.

"A remarkable 20 percent of the Canadian Basin has become more corrosive to carbonate minerals in an unprecedented short period of time. Nowhere on Earth have we documented such large scale, rapid ocean acidification" according to lead researcher and ocean acidification project chief, U.S. Geological Survey oceanographer Lisa Robbins.

Once again, ol' Billy Boob lies.
USGS Release Unprecedented Rate and Scale of Ocean Acidification Found in the Arctic 9 11 2013 5 30 00 PM

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Acidification of the Arctic Ocean is occurring faster than projected according to new findings published in the journal PLOS ONE. The increase in rate is being blamed on rapidly melting sea ice, a process that may have important consequences for health of the Arctic ecosystem.

Ocean acidification is the process by which pH levels of seawater decrease due to greater amounts of carbon dioxide being absorbed by the oceans from the atmosphere. Currently oceans absorb about one-fourth of the greenhouse gas. Lower pH levels make water more acidic and lab studies have shown that more acidic water decrease calcification rates in many calcifying organisms, reducing their ability to build shells or skeletons. These changes, in species ranging from corals to shrimp, have the potential to impact species up and down the food web.

The team of federal and university researchers found that the decline of sea ice in the Arctic summer has important consequences for the surface layer of the Arctic Ocean. As sea ice cover recedes to record lows, as it did late in the summer of 2012, the seawater beneath is exposed to carbon dioxide, which is the main driver of ocean acidification.

In addition, the freshwater melted from sea ice dilutes the seawater, lowering pH levels and reducing the concentrations of calcium and carbonate, which are the constituents, or building blocks, of the mineral aragonite. Aragonite and other carbonate minerals make up the hard part of many marine micro-organisms’ skeletons and shells. The lowering of calcium and carbonate concentrations may impact the growth of organisms that many species rely on for food.

The new research shows that acidification in surface waters of the Arctic Ocean is rapidly expanding into areas that were previously isolated from contact with the atmosphere due to the former widespread ice cover.

"A remarkable 20 percent of the Canadian Basin has become more corrosive to carbonate minerals in an unprecedented short period of time. Nowhere on Earth have we documented such large scale, rapid ocean acidification" according to lead researcher and ocean acidification project chief, U.S. Geological Survey oceanographer Lisa Robbins.

Once again, ol' Billy Boob lies.

Once again Old Fuck cant engage his brain to save his ass.. Dr Feely is the source of their data which he faked....


Research findings of the past decade have led to mounting concern that rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations will cause changes in the ocean’s carbonate chemistry system, and that those changes will affect some of the most fundamental biological and geochemical processes of the sea. Thanks to the efforts of large-scale physical and biogeochemical ocean programs such as WOCE, JGOFS, and OACES, ocean-wide changes in the carbonate system are now well documented. Since 1980 ocean uptake of the excess CO2 released by anthropogenic activities is significant; about a third has been stored in the oceans. The rate of atmospheric CO2 increase, however, far exceeds the rate at which natural feedbacks can restore the system
to normal conditions. Oceanic uptake of CO2 drives the carbonate system to lower pH and lower saturation states of the carbonate minerals calcite, aragonite, and high-magnesium calcite, the materials used to form supporting skeletal structures in many major groups of marine organisms.

A variety of evidence indicates that calcification rates will decrease, and carbonate dissolution rates increase, as CaCO3 saturation state decreases. This evidence comes from principles of thermodynamics, the geologic record, and the evolutionary pathways of
CaCO3 secreting organisms. Further evidence, from controlled experiments of biocalcification under increased CO2 conditions, confirms that calcification rates of many organisms decrease with decreasing CaCO3 saturation state. Extrapolation of these results to the real world suggests that calcification rates will decrease up to 60% within the 21st century. We know that such extrapolations are oversimplified and do notfully consider other environmental and biological effects (e.g., rising water temperature, biological adaptation); nor do they address effects on organism fitness, community structure, and ecosystem functioning. Any of these factors could increase or decrease
the laboratory-based estimates, but it is certain that net production of CaCO3 will decrease in the future.

Real scientists looking at the problem.
Everyone wants to be politically correct when these people are lying to all of us to further their socialist agenda.. Its way past time to call these liars what they are... LIARS!

Research findings of the past decade have led to mounting concern that rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations will cause changes in the ocean’s carbonate chemistry system, and that those changes will affect some of the most fundamental biological and geochemical processes of the sea. Thanks to the efforts of large-scale physical and biogeochemical ocean programs such as WOCE, JGOFS, and OACES, ocean-wide changes in the carbonate system are now well documented. Since 1980 ocean uptake of the excess CO2 released by anthropogenic activities is significant; about a third has been stored in the oceans. The rate of atmospheric CO2 increase, however, far exceeds the rate at which natural feedbacks can restore the system
to normal conditions. Oceanic uptake of CO2 drives the carbonate system to lower pH and lower saturation states of the carbonate minerals calcite, aragonite, and high-magnesium calcite, the materials used to form supporting skeletal structures in many major groups of marine organisms.

A variety of evidence indicates that calcification rates will decrease, and carbonate dissolution rates increase, as CaCO3 saturation state decreases. This evidence comes from principles of thermodynamics, the geologic record, and the evolutionary pathways of
CaCO3 secreting organisms. Further evidence, from controlled experiments of biocalcification under increased CO2 conditions, confirms that calcification rates of many organisms decrease with decreasing CaCO3 saturation state. Extrapolation of these results to the real world suggests that calcification rates will decrease up to 60% within the 21st century. We know that such extrapolations are oversimplified and do notfully consider other environmental and biological effects (e.g., rising water temperature, biological adaptation); nor do they address effects on organism fitness, community structure, and ecosystem functioning. Any of these factors could increase or decrease
the laboratory-based estimates, but it is certain that net production of CaCO3 will decrease in the future.

Real scientists looking at the problem.

LOL the only thing real about them is they are shills of the government..
Everyone wants to be politically correct when these people are lying to all of us to further their socialist agenda.. Its way past time to call these liars what they are... LIARS!
There you have it, folks. Socialistic agenda is melting the glaciers, making the oceans more acidic, and affecting our agriculture.

Come on, Billy Boob, you have embarressed yourself with silly lies on this board so many times, how is it you expect the rest of us to forget that. Phd in atmospheric physics.
USGS Release Unprecedented Rate and Scale of Ocean Acidification Found in the Arctic 9 11 2013 5 30 00 PM

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Acidification of the Arctic Ocean is occurring faster than projected according to new findings published in the journal PLOS ONE. The increase in rate is being blamed on rapidly melting sea ice, a process that may have important consequences for health of the Arctic ecosystem.

Ocean acidification is the process by which pH levels of seawater decrease due to greater amounts of carbon dioxide being absorbed by the oceans from the atmosphere. Currently oceans absorb about one-fourth of the greenhouse gas. Lower pH levels make water more acidic and lab studies have shown that more acidic water decrease calcification rates in many calcifying organisms, reducing their ability to build shells or skeletons. These changes, in species ranging from corals to shrimp, have the potential to impact species up and down the food web.

The team of federal and university researchers found that the decline of sea ice in the Arctic summer has important consequences for the surface layer of the Arctic Ocean. As sea ice cover recedes to record lows, as it did late in the summer of 2012, the seawater beneath is exposed to carbon dioxide, which is the main driver of ocean acidification.

In addition, the freshwater melted from sea ice dilutes the seawater, lowering pH levels and reducing the concentrations of calcium and carbonate, which are the constituents, or building blocks, of the mineral aragonite. Aragonite and other carbonate minerals make up the hard part of many marine micro-organisms’ skeletons and shells. The lowering of calcium and carbonate concentrations may impact the growth of organisms that many species rely on for food.

The new research shows that acidification in surface waters of the Arctic Ocean is rapidly expanding into areas that were previously isolated from contact with the atmosphere due to the former widespread ice cover.

"A remarkable 20 percent of the Canadian Basin has become more corrosive to carbonate minerals in an unprecedented short period of time. Nowhere on Earth have we documented such large scale, rapid ocean acidification" according to lead researcher and ocean acidification project chief, U.S. Geological Survey oceanographer Lisa Robbins.

Once again, ol' Billy Boob lies.

Once again Old Fuck cant engage his brain to save his ass.. Dr Feely is the source of their data which he faked....

Wake up yourself, you lying asshole. How is that Phd in atmospheric physics coming? LOL

LOL.... Keeping your reputation secure...

I post clear evidence of wrong doing and you want to protect it... WHY?
USGS Release Unprecedented Rate and Scale of Ocean Acidification Found in the Arctic 9 11 2013 5 30 00 PM

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Acidification of the Arctic Ocean is occurring faster than projected according to new findings published in the journal PLOS ONE. The increase in rate is being blamed on rapidly melting sea ice, a process that may have important consequences for health of the Arctic ecosystem.

Ocean acidification is the process by which pH levels of seawater decrease due to greater amounts of carbon dioxide being absorbed by the oceans from the atmosphere. Currently oceans absorb about one-fourth of the greenhouse gas. Lower pH levels make water more acidic and lab studies have shown that more acidic water decrease calcification rates in many calcifying organisms, reducing their ability to build shells or skeletons. These changes, in species ranging from corals to shrimp, have the potential to impact species up and down the food web.

The team of federal and university researchers found that the decline of sea ice in the Arctic summer has important consequences for the surface layer of the Arctic Ocean. As sea ice cover recedes to record lows, as it did late in the summer of 2012, the seawater beneath is exposed to carbon dioxide, which is the main driver of ocean acidification.

In addition, the freshwater melted from sea ice dilutes the seawater, lowering pH levels and reducing the concentrations of calcium and carbonate, which are the constituents, or building blocks, of the mineral aragonite. Aragonite and other carbonate minerals make up the hard part of many marine micro-organisms’ skeletons and shells. The lowering of calcium and carbonate concentrations may impact the growth of organisms that many species rely on for food.

The new research shows that acidification in surface waters of the Arctic Ocean is rapidly expanding into areas that were previously isolated from contact with the atmosphere due to the former widespread ice cover.

"A remarkable 20 percent of the Canadian Basin has become more corrosive to carbonate minerals in an unprecedented short period of time. Nowhere on Earth have we documented such large scale, rapid ocean acidification" according to lead researcher and ocean acidification project chief, U.S. Geological Survey oceanographer Lisa Robbins.

Once again, ol' Billy Boob lies.

Once again Old Fuck cant engage his brain to save his ass.. Dr Feely is the source of their data which he faked....


olfraud and company can't. They're paid shills for the alarmists. No amount of actual science or facts will ever alter their tales.
USGS Release Unprecedented Rate and Scale of Ocean Acidification Found in the Arctic 9 11 2013 5 30 00 PM

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Acidification of the Arctic Ocean is occurring faster than projected according to new findings published in the journal PLOS ONE. The increase in rate is being blamed on rapidly melting sea ice, a process that may have important consequences for health of the Arctic ecosystem.

Ocean acidification is the process by which pH levels of seawater decrease due to greater amounts of carbon dioxide being absorbed by the oceans from the atmosphere. Currently oceans absorb about one-fourth of the greenhouse gas. Lower pH levels make water more acidic and lab studies have shown that more acidic water decrease calcification rates in many calcifying organisms, reducing their ability to build shells or skeletons. These changes, in species ranging from corals to shrimp, have the potential to impact species up and down the food web.

The team of federal and university researchers found that the decline of sea ice in the Arctic summer has important consequences for the surface layer of the Arctic Ocean. As sea ice cover recedes to record lows, as it did late in the summer of 2012, the seawater beneath is exposed to carbon dioxide, which is the main driver of ocean acidification.

In addition, the freshwater melted from sea ice dilutes the seawater, lowering pH levels and reducing the concentrations of calcium and carbonate, which are the constituents, or building blocks, of the mineral aragonite. Aragonite and other carbonate minerals make up the hard part of many marine micro-organisms’ skeletons and shells. The lowering of calcium and carbonate concentrations may impact the growth of organisms that many species rely on for food.

The new research shows that acidification in surface waters of the Arctic Ocean is rapidly expanding into areas that were previously isolated from contact with the atmosphere due to the former widespread ice cover.

"A remarkable 20 percent of the Canadian Basin has become more corrosive to carbonate minerals in an unprecedented short period of time. Nowhere on Earth have we documented such large scale, rapid ocean acidification" according to lead researcher and ocean acidification project chief, U.S. Geological Survey oceanographer Lisa Robbins.

Once again, ol' Billy Boob lies.

Once again Old Fuck cant engage his brain to save his ass.. Dr Feely is the source of their data which he faked....


olfraud and company can't. They're paid shills for the alarmists. No amount of actual science or facts will ever alter their tales.
LOL. Ol' Walleyes chimes in once more. AGU Conferance once again over with. Didn't see your presentation there blowing Mann, Jones, and Hansen out of the water. Are you ever going to be there? Oh yeah, they look at credentials there, don't they.
Warmies should find their balls and just admit what they're really all about: I Hate Oil On Account Of I'm A Useful Idiot Sucking The Cock Of Democrat Billionaires. Duuuuh.
Now Sweetie Pie, once must be careful of upsetting you in your senility.

Without the use of petroleum, we could not be where we are. However, that has come at a price, and,as with the horse, it is no longer needed as a fuel, and should be saved for it's more valuable uses. Before 2025, batteries will be to the point that ICE's no longer make sense. Possibly even the hydrogen fuel cells will have reached that point by that time. Coal and natural gas will be replaced by solar, wind, and geothermal. Two of those already deliver electricity at lesser prices than coal and gas. And the other, solar, is achieving parity as we post.
Ocean Acidification - The LIE EXPOSED..

Not only is it not happening but Dr Feely OMITTED CRUCIAL DATA WHICH DISPROVES HIS FINDINGS... It seems' Dr Feely used a MODEL and not empirical evidence to obtain his conclusions and then OMITTED that fact in his work. When empirical evidence is used there is no acidification noted except that which follows the ENSO. ADO. and PDO oscillations. Natural CYCLE!

“…it’s possible that Dr. Feely also WAS partially responsive to my request. Yet again, this could not be possible unless the measurement data used to define 20th century ocean pH for their curve, came exclusively from 1989 and later (thereby omitting 80 previous years of ocean pH 20th century measurement data, which is the very data I’m hoping to find).

Sabine writes: “Your statements in italics are essentially correct.” He adds: “The rest of the curve you are trying to reproduce is from a modeling study that Dr. Feely has already provided and referenced in the publication.”

Just like Climategate the hiding of data, method, and lack of ethics is stunning...


They just don't give a fuck that they're lying!

Even after East Angelia admitted they were lying

Even after the IPCC says Climate Change is all bullshit, it's only about redistribution, they lie and lie and lie and lie

Look at the lying scumbag Crick who says he posted an experiment showing how CO2 raises temperature and then called me a liar for challenging him. They're all mental
USGS Release Unprecedented Rate and Scale of Ocean Acidification Found in the Arctic 9 11 2013 5 30 00 PM

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Acidification of the Arctic Ocean is occurring faster than projected according to new findings published in the journal PLOS ONE. The increase in rate is being blamed on rapidly melting sea ice, a process that may have important consequences for health of the Arctic ecosystem.

Ocean acidification is the process by which pH levels of seawater decrease due to greater amounts of carbon dioxide being absorbed by the oceans from the atmosphere. Currently oceans absorb about one-fourth of the greenhouse gas. Lower pH levels make water more acidic and lab studies have shown that more acidic water decrease calcification rates in many calcifying organisms, reducing their ability to build shells or skeletons. These changes, in species ranging from corals to shrimp, have the potential to impact species up and down the food web.

The team of federal and university researchers found that the decline of sea ice in the Arctic summer has important consequences for the surface layer of the Arctic Ocean. As sea ice cover recedes to record lows, as it did late in the summer of 2012, the seawater beneath is exposed to carbon dioxide, which is the main driver of ocean acidification.

In addition, the freshwater melted from sea ice dilutes the seawater, lowering pH levels and reducing the concentrations of calcium and carbonate, which are the constituents, or building blocks, of the mineral aragonite. Aragonite and other carbonate minerals make up the hard part of many marine micro-organisms’ skeletons and shells. The lowering of calcium and carbonate concentrations may impact the growth of organisms that many species rely on for food.

The new research shows that acidification in surface waters of the Arctic Ocean is rapidly expanding into areas that were previously isolated from contact with the atmosphere due to the former widespread ice cover.

"A remarkable 20 percent of the Canadian Basin has become more corrosive to carbonate minerals in an unprecedented short period of time. Nowhere on Earth have we documented such large scale, rapid ocean acidification" according to lead researcher and ocean acidification project chief, U.S. Geological Survey oceanographer Lisa Robbins.

Once again, ol' Billy Boob lies.

Once again Old Fuck cant engage his brain to save his ass.. Dr Feely is the source of their data which he faked....


olfraud and company can't. They're paid shills for the alarmists. No amount of actual science or facts will ever alter their tales.
LOL. Ol' Walleyes chimes in once more. AGU Conferance once again over with. Didn't see your presentation there blowing Mann, Jones, and Hansen out of the water. Are you ever going to be there? Oh yeah, they look at credentials there, don't they.

Better watch it olfraud, you're starting to sound like your sock trolling blunder. But, once again. Address the OP and how about some actual facts. Just like the hockey shtick, all of the data you use is now, demonstrably, based on fraud.

All I can do is laugh when the facts are displayed. The curve shows the trend following the ADO/PDO 60 year cycle. Yet the overall decrease is less than a 0.02 decease in PH.


ETA: I also note that a year to year change of 0.2 to 0.4 is not uncommon so all the hype today about 0.18 is NORMAL CYCLICAL BEHAVIOR of the oceans.
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All I can do is laugh when the facts are displayed. The curve shows the trend following the ADO/PDO 60 year cycle. Yet the overall decrease is less than a 0.02 decease in PH.


Like planet Earth itself, the unaltered data is a DENIER!!!!!! and must be adjusted to fit the models
Now Sweetie Pie, once must be careful of upsetting you in your senility.

Without the use of petroleum, we could not be where we are. However, that has come at a price, and,as with the horse, it is no longer needed as a fuel, and should be saved for it's more valuable uses. Before 2025, batteries will be to the point that ICE's no longer make sense. Possibly even the hydrogen fuel cells will have reached that point by that time. Coal and natural gas will be replaced by solar, wind, and geothermal. Two of those already deliver electricity at lesser prices than coal and gas. And the other, solar, is achieving parity as we post.

Hey Oooooold Roooocks. The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. Go bomb oil pipelines, useful idiot. Go bomb oil pipelines.
I am against 're-analyzing' raw data by running it through a computer model until it looks pretty and agrees with the preordainded conclusion. like Trenberth;s ocean heat content graph.

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