Occupy Wall Street - ShutUp You Face and Occupy a Job.

I can totally understand the anger that the unemployed have. Wall Street moved 14,000 factories and 3m manufacturing jobs overseas. To top that off, the coxuckers managed the DC whores to enrich themselves as our standard of living declined.
You tell me why some CEOs get $400m bonuses and our 201Ks are heading for worthless? Off-shore tax cheats just sell stocks short, use "flash-trades" and derivatives to steal our 401K money.

I don't blame the OWS folks. I hope the DC whores pass a law to ban short-selling, and derivatives, and then put a TAX ON STOCK TRANSACTIONS.
I can totally understand the anger that the unemployed have. Wall Street moved 14,000 factories and 3m manufacturing jobs overseas. To top that off, the coxuckers managed the DC whores to enrich themselves as our standard of living declined.
You tell me why some CEOs get $400m bonuses and our 201Ks are heading for worthless? Off-shore tax cheats just sell stocks short, use "flash-trades" and derivatives to steal our 401K money.

I don't blame the OWS folks. I hope the DC whores pass a law to ban short-selling, and derivatives, and then put a TAX ON STOCK TRANSACTIONS.

"Wall Street" didnt do any such thing. Wall St is a street in Manhattan.
If our unemployment rate is because of outsourcing then why was it about 5% during Bush's presidency, when the majority of outsourcing occurred? The US is a net importer of jobs, not exporter.
You don't have a 201k. You have a 401k. Lots of people sell stocks short, myself included.
I can totally understand the anger that the unemployed have. Wall Street moved 14,000 factories and 3m manufacturing jobs overseas. To top that off, the coxuckers managed the DC whores to enrich themselves as our standard of living declined.
You tell me why some CEOs get $400m bonuses and our 201Ks are heading for worthless? Off-shore tax cheats just sell stocks short, use "flash-trades" and derivatives to steal our 401K money.

I don't blame the OWS folks. I hope the DC whores pass a law to ban short-selling, and derivatives, and then put a TAX ON STOCK TRANSACTIONS.

"Wall Street" didn't do any such thing. Wall St is a street in Manhattan.
If our unemployment rate is because of outsourcing then why was it about 5% during Bush's presidency, when the majority of outsourcing occurred? The US is a net importer of jobs, not exporter.
You don't have a 201k. You have a 401k. Lots of people sell stocks short, myself included.

US manufacturing went from 28% of the US economy to about 12%. I was an employee ordered to disassemble a factory and ship it overseas, so don't tell me what "Wall Street Corporations" do and don't do. That 5% was because of "bubbles", like the housing bubble, Greenspan's policy bubble, and two unpaid for war bubbles, then add on the Bush Tax Cut bubble and I think you can see how that 5% was total bullshit. Remember how Bush & Cheney slithered out of DC when the bubbles burst?
The sick fucks deserved to be tarred and feathered on their way back home.
I can totally understand the anger that the unemployed have. Wall Street moved 14,000 factories and 3m manufacturing jobs overseas. To top that off, the coxuckers managed the DC whores to enrich themselves as our standard of living declined.
You tell me why some CEOs get $400m bonuses and our 201Ks are heading for worthless? Off-shore tax cheats just sell stocks short, use "flash-trades" and derivatives to steal our 401K money.

I don't blame the OWS folks. I hope the DC whores pass a law to ban short-selling, and derivatives, and then put a TAX ON STOCK TRANSACTIONS.

"Wall Street" didn't do any such thing. Wall St is a street in Manhattan.
If our unemployment rate is because of outsourcing then why was it about 5% during Bush's presidency, when the majority of outsourcing occurred? The US is a net importer of jobs, not exporter.
You don't have a 201k. You have a 401k. Lots of people sell stocks short, myself included.

US manufacturing went from 28% of the US economy to about 12%. I was an employee ordered to disassemble a factory and ship it overseas, so don't tell me what "Wall Street Corporations" do and don't do. That 5% was because of "bubbles", like the housing bubble, Greenspan's policy bubble, and two unpaid for war bubbles, then add on the Bush Tax Cut bubble and I think you can see how that 5% was total bullshit. Remember how Bush & Cheney slithered out of DC when the bubbles burst?
The sick fucks deserved to be tarred and feathered on their way back home.

Agriculture used to be 90% of our economy. Why aren't you pissing about all those unemployed farmers?
Seven years of prosperity isn't a bubble. No matter how hard you and the left try to spin it. And don't blame Bush and Cheney for your poor job skills.
Obama gonna stem the tide of jobs outflow, make dem rich outsourcerers pay more taxes...
Obama Wants to Use Tax Code to Reward ‘In-Sourcing’ and Punish Outsourcing
January 11, 2012 – President Barack Obama will propose new tax incentives to reward companies that bring jobs to the United States and eliminate tax breaks for companies that hire outside the country. These initiatives come at a time when the president is on the defense about his record on the economy as he runs for re-election.
“In the next few weeks, I will put forward new tax proposals that reward companies that choose to bring jobs home and invest in America – and eliminate tax breaks for companies that move jobs overseas. Because there is opportunity to be had, right here,” Obama said speaking to business leaders at the White House. “There are workers ready to work, right now.” The day after former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney won the New Hampshire primary vowing to reverse course on Obama’s policies that have produced increasing unemployment, the White House held a long-planned “In-sourcing American Jobs Forum,” to highlight what it characterized as an “increasing trend” of American companies moving jobs back into the United States.

“Today I am meeting with companies choosing to invest in the one country with the most productive workers, best universities, and most creative and innovative entrepreneurs in the world: the United States of America,” Obama said. “That’s exactly the kind of commitment to country we need – especially now, at this make-or-break moment for the middle class. “And I’m calling on those businesses that haven’t brought jobs back to take this opportunity to get the American people back to work. That’s how we’ll rebuild an economy where hard work pays off and responsibility is rewarded – and a nation where those values live on,” he said. Though the unemployment rate dropped to 8.5 percent in December 2011, there are 13.1 million unemployed Americans, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and 5.6 million Americans have been unemployed for 27 weeks or longer. Of the jobs lost since Obama took office, 1.1 million were in the private sector, 1 million of which were construction jobs and another 769,000 that were manufacturing jobs.

In his victory speech in New Hampshire, Romney focused on Obama’s job performance. “The middle class has been crushed. Nearly 24 million of our fellow Americans are still out of work, struggling to find work, or have just stopped looking,” Romney said. “The median income has dropped 10 percent in four years. Soldiers returning from the front lines are waiting in unemployment lines. “Our debt is too high, and our opportunities too few. And this president wakes up every morning, looks out across America and is proud to announce, ‘It could be worse.’” It could be worse? Is that what it means to be an American? It could be worse? Of course not. What defines us as Americans is our unwavering conviction that we know it must be better,” he added.

Yeah the OWS movement really is frightening for the tools, I quite agree.

AS was the TEA PARTY, I note.

All populist movements frighten the INSIDERS.
heres a clue for the right in this country.

OWS is not going away.

Your policies have created an unlivable life for the American people.

The revolution has begun and you will loose America to its people.

Your doomed so begin to capitulate with the people or find yourselves on the asheap of history.

This is no joke corporate America, you have pushed us too far and the game is over.
I can totally understand the anger that the unemployed have. Wall Street moved 14,000 factories and 3m manufacturing jobs overseas. To top that off, the coxuckers managed the DC whores to enrich themselves as our standard of living declined.
You tell me why some CEOs get $400m bonuses and our 201Ks are heading for worthless? Off-shore tax cheats just sell stocks short, use "flash-trades" and derivatives to steal our 401K money.

I don't blame the OWS folks. I hope the DC whores pass a law to ban short-selling, and derivatives, and then put a TAX ON STOCK TRANSACTIONS.

Wall Street moved jobs overseas?

And, what business is it of ours what some CEO gets? Are you paying him? No. Private companies can pay their employees whatever the hell they want.

Your post is a crock of shit.
heres a clue for the right in this country.

OWS is not going away.

Your policies have created an unlivable life for the American people.

The revolution has begun and you will loose America to its people.

Your doomed so begin to capitulate with the people or find yourselves on the asheap of history.

This is no joke corporate America, you have pushed us too far and the game is over.

Oh look... the communist who hates democracy has spoken.

And made herself look like the partisan hack she is. I am shocked. Not.
Obama gonna stem the tide of jobs outflow, make dem rich outsourcerers pay more taxes...
Obama Wants to Use Tax Code to Reward ‘In-Sourcing’ and Punish Outsourcing
January 11, 2012 – President Barack Obama will propose new tax incentives to reward companies that bring jobs to the United States and eliminate tax breaks for companies that hire outside the country. These initiatives come at a time when the president is on the defense about his record on the economy as he runs for re-election.
“In the next few weeks, I will put forward new tax proposals that reward companies that choose to bring jobs home and invest in America – and eliminate tax breaks for companies that move jobs overseas. Because there is opportunity to be had, right here,” Obama said speaking to business leaders at the White House. “There are workers ready to work, right now.” The day after former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney won the New Hampshire primary vowing to reverse course on Obama’s policies that have produced increasing unemployment, the White House held a long-planned “In-sourcing American Jobs Forum,” to highlight what it characterized as an “increasing trend” of American companies moving jobs back into the United States.

“Today I am meeting with companies choosing to invest in the one country with the most productive workers, best universities, and most creative and innovative entrepreneurs in the world: the United States of America,” Obama said. “That’s exactly the kind of commitment to country we need – especially now, at this make-or-break moment for the middle class. “And I’m calling on those businesses that haven’t brought jobs back to take this opportunity to get the American people back to work. That’s how we’ll rebuild an economy where hard work pays off and responsibility is rewarded – and a nation where those values live on,” he said. Though the unemployment rate dropped to 8.5 percent in December 2011, there are 13.1 million unemployed Americans, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and 5.6 million Americans have been unemployed for 27 weeks or longer. Of the jobs lost since Obama took office, 1.1 million were in the private sector, 1 million of which were construction jobs and another 769,000 that were manufacturing jobs.

In his victory speech in New Hampshire, Romney focused on Obama’s job performance. “The middle class has been crushed. Nearly 24 million of our fellow Americans are still out of work, struggling to find work, or have just stopped looking,” Romney said. “The median income has dropped 10 percent in four years. Soldiers returning from the front lines are waiting in unemployment lines. “Our debt is too high, and our opportunities too few. And this president wakes up every morning, looks out across America and is proud to announce, ‘It could be worse.’” It could be worse? Is that what it means to be an American? It could be worse? Of course not. What defines us as Americans is our unwavering conviction that we know it must be better,” he added.


Get rid of the tax loopholes, tax breaks and subsidies.

Get rid of the Unions while your at it. Be surprised how many businesses would return if there were no Unions to satisfy and cater to.

Companies have been leaving the US since the 70's. Its nothing new.

Lets just hope they start to come back.
heres a clue for the right in this country.

OWS is not going away.

Your policies have created an unlivable life for the American people.

The revolution has begun and you will loose America to its people.

Your doomed so begin to capitulate with the people or find yourselves on the asheap of history.

This is no joke corporate America, you have pushed us too far and the game is over.

Oh look... the communist who hates democracy has spoken.

And made herself look like the partisan hack she is. I am shocked. Not.

Yup. She gets a gold star for partisan hackery. Jesus she's an idiot.
» Get a What? A Job? 70% of Occupy Wall Streeters are Employed, Compared to 56% of Tea Partiers

"70% of Occupy Wall Street participants are employed, taking the wind out of the argument that protestors are lazy, free-riding hippies with nothing else to do. Many of the movement’s most staunch supporters go protest and occupy AFTER WORK."

By comparison, only 56% of Tea Party participants have jobs. (To be fair, they're disproportionately old farts and 1/3 of them are retired.)
Studio Occupy - A new world
Occupy the Dream

You are invited to upload videos in a national
Campaign for MLK Day, Black History Month, and March on Washington in April
to unite African American leaders of faith, athletes and entertainers
with Occupy Wall Street and Occupy the Fed on ECONOMIC JUSTICE REFORMS


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heres a clue for the right in this country.

OWS is not going away.

Your policies have created an unlivable life for the American people.

The revolution has begun and you will loose America to its people.

Your doomed so begin to capitulate with the people or find yourselves on the asheap of history.

This is no joke corporate America, you have pushed us too far and the game is over.
So what are you going to do? Post irrational rants and empty threats on the internet?
That's pretty much the sentiment of common sense thinking Americans at this point. No one likes a whiny Entitlement hound. Just get to work and quit ya bitchin.
OWS is an embarrassment even to some Democrats; they are vicious anti-Semitic, rabid Marxists and have been swept under the rug. All of Obama and Pelosi comment of support are to be sent down the memory hole
OWS is an embarrassment even to some Democrats; they are vicious anti-Semitic, rabid Marxists and have been swept under the rug. All of Obama and Pelosi comment of support are to be sent down the memory hole

Oh yeah. It wont be long before Obama,Pelosi and the rest of the former OWS-worshippers transform into Wall Street's biggest cheerleaders. Some former OWS nutters are already here on this board boasting about Wall Street gains & profits. They see this cheerleading as somehow helping their guy win re-election. OWS is no longer any use to the Democrats. So look for the shunning process to begin. From here on out it will be "HOORAY FOR WALL STREET!!"

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